Category: News

Researchers Attend biennial research summit

Faculty and staff from the Michigan Tech Transportation Institute (MTTI), the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and the Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) traveled to Lansing to participate in the Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) biennial research summit on May 10.

Michigan Tech joined researchers from other Michigan research universities, consultants and MDOT personnel to discuss MDOT’s research needs and contribute to the scope of future research projects.

Researchers Attend National Transportation Workforce Summit

Staff and faculty from four programs participated in the National Transportation Workforce Summit in Washington, DC, April 24 to 26.

Pasi Lautala (CEE/MTTI) spoke on rail transportation education and training. Tech’s HEV Mobile Lab, represented by Marlene Lappeus (ME-EM) and undergraduate student Meghan Schiber (CEE), and the Center for Science and Environmental Outreach, represented by Joan Chadde (CEE), were both featured as showcase exhibits. Elizabeth Hoy (CEE/UTC) supported Michigan Tech’s involvement.

Drewyor appointed to Board of Professional Surveyors

Governor Appoints Technology Professor to Two State Boards
Gov. Rick Snyder has appointed Mike Drewyor, a professor of practice in the School of Technology, to the State Board of Professional Surveyors and the State Board of Professional Engineers. The boards regulate the practices of professional surveyors and engineers.

Drewyor teaches construction management and survey engineering. Previously, he worked for engineering and surveying firms in the UP. He earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in civil engineering from Michigan Tech.

2012 CEE Awards Banqet

The 2012 CEE Awards Banquet was held in the Rozsa Center April 19.

Howard Hill CEE Outstanding Faculty Award 2012 To Dr William Sproule, Ryan Hoensheid CEE Graduate Teaching Award 2012, Nicole Bloom Award for Environmental Sustainability, Ludwig Award for Graduate Excellence, CEE Award for Graduate Research Excellence.

Family Engineering Featured

Michigan Tech’s Family Engineering program is mentioned in the April newsletter of the Society of Women Engineers.

Developed by Michigan Tech’s Neil Hutzler and Joan Chadde, the Foundation for Family Science & Engineering and the American Society for Engineering Education with a $1.6 million grant from the National Science Foundation, Family Engineering is growing into a nationwide initiative. Family Engineering: An Activity & Event Planning Guide, published in June 2011, is prompting Family Engineering events across the country.

To read the story, see SWE:Engaging Families in Engineering.