Civil Engineering Seminar: Uncertainty in Civil Engineering Design

Civil Engineering Graduate Seminar: Speaker: Dr. William Bulliet, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Michigan Tech
Thursday, October 23, 2014; 4:05 – 5:00 PM Dow 642 Public Welcome

“Uncertainty in Civil Engineering Design”

Civil engineering design includes many uncertainties, some of which are obvious and some of which many engineers may never have consciously considered. The level of uncertainty for civil engineering systems, mostly non-prototypical engineered systems, is larger than smaller scale engineered products because prototype testing is not possible. This presentation will examine the uncertainties facing engineers who design non-prototypical engineered systems and consider the ways that engineers have developed to manage those uncertainties in a manner that allows design decisions to be made. Uncertainty in design is impossible to escape, and the way it is managed affects both engineers and society. The way engineers approach uncertainty has philosophical, technical, and even ethical implications for the design and construction of civil engineering systems.

Environmental Engineering Seminar: Rubbish, Stink and Death in the Developing World: Déjà Vu All Over Again

oct20ENVE5991 Environmental Engineering Graduate Seminar: Monday, October 20, 2014
GLRC 202, 3-4 pm
Steven C. Chapra, Professor and Berger Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Tufts University

Title: Rubbish, Stink and Death in the Developing World: Déjà Vu All Over Again
A reception will follow the seminar.

This talk traces the origin and evolution of engineering-oriented water-quality control and management. Three attributes of polluted water underlie human concern for water quality: rubbish (aesthetic impairment), stink (ecosystem impairment), and death (public health impairment). The historical roots of both modern environmental engineering and water-quality management are traced to mid-19th century London when British engineers and public health workers worked to control and manage the major water-quality problems derived from urban wastewater. The talk then turns to current and future conditions in the developing world. In particular, striking parallels are observed between the 19th-century Dickensian slums of Europe and North America and the current water-quality crises in the burgeoning mega-cities of the 21st century.

The last part of the talk focuses on how hydroepidemiological models could prove useful in mitigating and managing waterborne diseases in modern urbanized rivers. We have combined two well-established models: a pathogen fate and transport model and an epidemic model to predict the outbreak and progression of diseases caused by waterborne pathogens along an urbanized river channel. The fate and transport model predicts the transport and evolution of the pathogen in the river system, and the epidemic model predicts the outbreak of the disease once populations along the river have ingested that contaminated water. The communities then act as pseudo-incubators for the disease, effectively increasing the amount of pathogen in the river channel. A combined model provides a more holistic view of the waterborne infectious disease paradigm through the inclusion of a river and a human population component. We provide a case study for this model by examining the Cholera outbreak in Haiti in October 2010, and calibrating the model to the Artibonite River that runs through Haiti. This case study has provided confirmation of our model results to a certain extent. The model can serve as a decision support system to determine the best management practice and public health interventions, and also may be used to in response to bioterrorism attacks. If used effectively, these hydroepidemiological models will lead to improved access to safe water and sanitation worldwide by serving as a tool to educate and guide decision making for water resource engineers and public health practitioners alike.

10th Annual Railroad Night and Rail Day Expo

hoeffnerThe Rail Transportation Program and Railroad Engineering and Activities Club held the 10th Annual Railroad Night, on Tuesday Oct. 14, in the Memorial Union Ballroom. The event was free to faculty, staff, students and members of the local community. A social hour started at 6 p.m., followed by hors d’oeuvres and the keynote speech was given by Tim Hoeffner ’80 (CEE), director, Office of Rail, Michigan Department of Transportation MDOT.

UPDATE: View photos of Rail Day and Expo and Rail Night on the Photo Gallery

D80 Conference: Students Step Up to Help the Poorest 80%

How can you design, discover, develop, deliver and disseminate life-changing solutions for the poorest 80 percent of the world’s inhabitants? Michigan Tech’s many international programs help do that under the umbrella of the D80 Center.

The D80 Center includes Engineers Without Borders, the Michigan Tech Open Sustainability Technology lab, iDesign, the Peace Corps Master’s International program (PCMI), Global City and the Terra Preta Working Group.

2014 D80 Conference: Engage in Community

IMG_2155The 8th Annual 2014 D80 Conference: “Engage in Community” was held Saturday, October 11 at Michigan Tech at the Dow Environmental Sciences & Engineering Bldg.

UPDATE: D80 Conference Website and Schedule

UPDATE: D80 Conference Agenda PDF

UPDATE: See Article D80 Conference: Students Step Up to Help the Poorest 80%

See the Photo Gallery of the 2014 D80 Conference at Michigan Tech

UPDATE: Videos of D80 Conference 2014

UPDATE: D80-Conference-Closing

Where the Rubber Meets the Rubber: Two Michigan Tech Studies Could Lead to Better, Greener Roads

image113772-horizSince the 1960s, Sun Belt states have built their roads using asphalt mixed with crumb rubber made from ground-up scrap tires. This rubberized asphalt not only provides a market for old tires, it is also quieter and longer lasting than conventional asphalt pavement. But will it work in a four-season climate? Especially in places where winter comes early and stays late?

Rail Transportation Seminar: Railway Track Structures Research at Tampere University of Technology

sep8Rail Transportation Program and Environmental Engineering Geologists AEG Michigan Tech Student Chapter present Dr. Pauli Kolisoja Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering Tampere University of Technology (TUT) in Finland presented a seminar on rail research at TUT at Michigan Tech on Monday, Sept. 9, 12-1 p.m. at DOW 875. He also gave the presentation September 9, for the Civil Engineering Seminar Fisher 10 at 7 p.m. in conjunction with the Railroad Engineering and Activities Club’s first general business meeting

The title of the seminar is: “Railway Track Structures Research at Tampere University of Technology”

The Railway Track Structures Research Team at Tampere University (TUT) of Technology consists of about 10 researchers. The research area includes track components from subsoil stability through the structural layers to sleepers, rails and wheel-rail contact. Essential parts of the research area are also bridges and the life cycle and monitoring of track structures. The main emphasis of activity is experimental research based on diverse arrangements from laboratory scale material analyses to field measurements and full-scale loading tests. Research methods are complemented by calculation analyses of performance of structures and literature reviews of international research results. The basis of the on-going track structure research is the Life Cycle Cost Efficient Track research programme (TERA) implemented in co-operation with the Finnish Transport Agency. This presentation provides an overview of research projects conducted at the TUT and related outcomes.

See Railway Track Structures Research Video

Thomas Oommen, Michigan Tech, Pauli Kolisoja, Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Pasi Lautala,  Director, Rail Transportation Program, Michigan Tech
Thomas Oommen, Michigan Tech, Pauli Kolisoja, Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Pasi Lautala, Director, Rail Transportation Program, Michigan Tech

Rail Transportation Summer Program Gives Students a Look Inside the Industry

image111869-horizTwo dozen high school students from across the nation spent a week this summer riding the rails. No, they weren’t trying out the hobo life; they were participating in Michigan Technological University’s Rail and Intermodal Transportation program, part of the University’s popular Summer Youth Programs.
“This camp is different because the students spent much of the week on the road visiting rail-related transportation facilities,” says David Nelson, program advisor. Nelson is a senior research engineer in Michigan Tech’s Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering.

Rail and Intermodal Transportation Program Begins this Week

5985253957_f178f2acac_oThe Rail and Intermodal Transportation Program (RTP), a one-week course for outstanding high-school students, is taking place this week, July 28–August 1.

The program’s 24 participants will spend the week exploring many aspects of intermodal transportation–from high-speed passenger train systems to international container shipping.

Students will have technical, hands-on tours of rail and intermodal facilities in Ishpeming/Marquette and Duluth/Superior as well as classroom and lab courses on Michigan Tech’s campus.

“This program gives students a really good intro to the field,” says David Nelson, RTP coordinator. “It introduces them to both engineering and workforce jobs in transportation. The students we see run the gamut from just getting introduced to the field to already being trainspotting and train history experts.”

Participants will also get a taste of college life on two college campuses (Michigan Tech and UW–Superior) by staying in residence halls, eating in university dining halls, exploring campus and meeting diverse peers.