The Michigan Tech College of Computing offers a full range of undergraduate and graduate degrees in the Computing disciplines.
An article co-authored by Tim Havens, associate dean for research, College off Computing, “Soft Overlapping Community Detection in Large-Scale Networks via Fast Fuzzy Modularity Maximization,” was published in the March 2020 issue of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. Havens’s co-authors are Audrey Yazdanparast (ECE) and Mohsen Jamalabdollahi of Cisco Systems. Article Abstract: Soft overlapping clustering . . .
The Strategic Faculty Hiring Initiative (SFHI) candidates affected by this change are: Briana Bettin, March 16-17, 2020 | View blog post Zoom Meeting: Leo Ureel, March 24-26 | View blog post Zoom Meeting: The Computer Science faculty candidates affected by this change are: Junqiao Qiu, March 30-31, 2020 | View blog post Zoom . . .
Tim Havens, associate dean for research, College of Computing, and director of the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems, was quoted in the article, “Data science vs. machine learning: What’s the difference?” published March 10, 2020, in the online publication, The Enterprisers Project. Havens’s quotation concerns machine learning models, which the article explains are only as good . . .
The Michigan Tech Provost has issued guidance that due to MTU’s new COVID-19 policy, all university learning centers must remain closed to physical sessions. The College of Computing Learning Center will be available online and staffed by undergraduate coaches according to the Spring 2020 schedule ( We will maintain our online presence in two ways: 1. . . .