Category: Achievements and Awards

Kantamneni Involved in Energy Prize Semifinals

Houghton Makes Energy Prize Semifinals by Jennifer Donovan, director of news and media relations Tomorrow, Houghton County is hosting a community-wide celebration as Georgetown University announces that the county has advanced to the semifinals in the national Georgetown University Energy Prize. Many Michigan Tech faculty, staff and students are helping promote Houghton County’s entry, an . . .

Recent Grants

Philart Jeon: PI, National Health Institute. “NRI: Colloborative: Interactive Robotic Orchestration – Music-based emotion and social interaction therapy for children with ASD,” 2014-2017. Philart Jeon: Co-PI, US DOT-OST, National University Rail Center Project. “NURail-Tier I,” 2014-2017 Robert Pastel & Charles Wallace: CI-Team, National Science Foundation.”Environmental CyberCitizens: Engaging Citizen Scientists in Global Environmental Change through Crowdsensing . . .

Dr. Soner Onder Receives NSF EAGER Award

Dr. Soner Onder received an NSF Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) award in the amount of $97,944 in support of his research investigating alternative execution paradigms. The project is titled “EAGER: Combining Data and Instruction Level Parallelism through Demand Driven Execution of Imperative Programs”. Dr. Onder states that demand-driven execution can potentially lead to . . .