Have you ever written and published a quiz only to find out later that you had an incorrect answer marked on a multiple choice question or your students have pointed out that the True/False question should have been True not False!
Now that all (or most of) the students have taken the quiz how do you go back and update the quiz question to reflect the correct answer??
Canvas offers a Regrade Option for Multiple Choice, True/False and Multiple Answer type questions. The Regrade Option will become available when you change the question to reflect the correct answer. Canvas will present you with a Regrade Option box that offers four regrade options based on your situation.

- Award points for both corrected and previously correct answers – This option should be used for Multiple Choice questions where you determine that the question was written with more than one answer that would be accepted as correct. Please note: this option is not available for a Multiple Answer type question.
- Only award points for the correct answer -use this option when you have marked an incorrect answer as the correct answer and would like points to reflect the correct answer.
- Give everyone full credit for this question – In some instances, the answer options on a question may have written in such a way that it created confusion or misinterpretation for the student and you prefer to give everyone credit towards the question.
- Update question without regrading – This option will allow you to update your question to the correct answer but will not change the points earned by students who have already taken the quiz.
Regrade Option not available for the following quiz question changes
If you are making any of the changes listed below, it is recommended that you moderate the quiz and allow students who have taken the quiz an additional attempt in order to see the updated version of the quiz.
- The Regrade Option is not available when you are adding or removing a question from a quiz.
- Adding or deleting answers from a question will disable the Regrade option from being available.
- Changing the points value of a question does not enable the Regrade Option.
One last note….the Regrade Option does not apply to questions linked to question banks!
Reach out to us!
If you would like to learn more about Canvas quizzes or other features available within the Canvas learning management system, feel free to email us at elearning@mtu.edu