Category: Career Advising

Is the Auto Industry Right for Me? April 1, 2–3 p.m. Zoom

ACSHF Forum with Kristin Kolodge

The Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences will host Kristin Kolodge at the next Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors (ACSHF) Forum, being held today (April 1) from 2-3 p.m. in Meese 109 and via Zoom.

The topic of today’s forum is “Is the Auto Industry Right for Me?”

As a human factors professional, what does a career in the automotive industry look like, and why is that skill set so critical? Hear Kolodge, an MTU alumna and nearly 30-year veteran in the automotive industry, describe her journey at Fiat Chrysler (now Stellantis) and J.D. Power, where she has developed automotive features, created new human machine interface (HMI) processes and new user experience research centered around the customer’s interaction with their vehicle.

By Cognitive and Learning Sciences.

Apply to Participate in a Michigan Tech Grad Student Bootcamp, Feb. 29 – March 1

We will hold a Bootcamp for Michigan Tech MS and PhD students over spring break. Apply to participate!


This I-Corps sponsored Bootcamp is intended for MS and PhD Students who are interested in exploring
tools of design and innovation applied to your career path.

Join a team of engaging I-Corps facilitators to:

  • Explore methods for building your career network and testing non-research hypotheses
  • Identify broader impacts of your research work
  • Apply innovation and lean start-up methods to grant writing, job search and career development
  • Gain an understanding of the NSF I-Corps program and how to engage


  • MTU graduate students enrolled in Ph.D. or M.S. programs
  • No business idea or prior experience with I-Corps is necessary
  • Faculty advisor support is required

Bootcamp Benefits for Students:

  • Grow your network
  • Develop/improve your problem solving and identification capabilities
  • Improve your leadership skills
  • Explore career paths that use your knowledge and skills
  • Stipend of $300 is available upon successful completion of the program

Apply at:

Michigan Tech Spring Career Fair is Next Week

Michigan Tech’s 2024 Spring Career Fair Forged by Nucor is this coming week! It will be held Tuesday (Feb. 13) from noon until 5 p.m. at the Student Development Complex.

We are very excited about the many opportunities Career Fair provides our students. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Career Services is hosting multiple prep workshops to prepare students for this event. More details can be found on our website, on Handshake and in emails from Handshake. Registration is open on Handshake as well. Go Huskies!

By Career Services.

Save the Date: Michigan Tech Enterprise Day

Do you know a student who might be interested in learning more about Enterprise at Michigan Tech? Or a student who wants to join an Enterprise, but is not sure which team is right for them? Please take a moment to invite any and all students to Enterprise Day, happening Feb. 20 from 6-8 p.m. in the MUB Ballroom (A&B).

During this time, students will learn more about Enterprise by talking with program staff and students from various Enterprise teams, all in one place. Teams will be spread out across the MUB Ballroom.

Students will be able to visit with the following teams:

Advanced Metalworks • Aerospace • Alternative Energy • Blizzard Baja • Blue Marble Security • BoardSport Technologies • Built World • Clean Snowmobile Challenge • Consumer Product Manufacturing • Formula SAE • Green Campus • H-STEM • Hotforest • Humane Interface Design Enterprise • Husky Game • Innovative Global Solutions • ITOxygen • Multiplanetary Innovation Enterprise (MINE) • Open Source • Robotic Systems • Strategic Education through Naval Systems Experiences (SENSE) • Supermileage Systems • Velovations • Wireless Communication

For more information about each team, please visit our Enterprise Day webpage. Registration is not required for interested students who would like to attend. If students have any questions, please reach out to

By Enterprise Program.