Essential Education Implementation: Working Groups Update

The Essential Education Implementation Leadership Team continues to move forward toward the program’s launch in fall 2025. The following working groups have been charged with working on major components of the program:

  • Essential Education Experience
    • Co-Leaders: Kari Henquinet (SS), Laura Rouleau (SS)
  • Essential Education Assessment
    • Leader: Jean DeClerk (CTL)
  • Essential Education Minors
    • Co-Leaders: Chelsea Schelly (SS), Leyre Alegre Figuero (HU)
  • Essential Education Course Lists
    • Co-Leaders: Holly Hassell (HU), Kay Oliver (CC)
  • Essential Education Activities for Well-Being & Success
    • Co-Leaders: Tayler Haapapuro (KIP), Melissa Michaelson (Career Services)
  • Essential Education Michigan Tech Seminar
    • Co-Leaders: AJ Hamlin (EF), Linda Wanless (CTL)
  • Essential Education e-Portfolio
    • Co-Leaders: Laura Fiss (PHC), Christopher Plummer (VPA)
  • Essential Education Marketing and Communication Advisory Board
    • Leader: Sarah Erickson (UMC)

Monthly communication highlighting the progress of each group will be posted and sent out to unit liaisons on the last Wednesday of each month, beginning this month. Our next communication will detail the mission of each working group.

Our mission is to keep all members of the campus community updated on the direction and progress of the teams toward Essential Education’s rollout date.

Thanks to all who continue to provide feedback as we collectively craft this unique learning experience opportunity for our Huskies.

To contact the Essential Education Implementation Leadership Team please email: or reach out to Steve Patchin: