The Ecosystem Science Center and the Biotechnology Research Center announce award recipients of the Seventh Annual ESC/BRC Student Research Forum, held March 25.
For the graduate students, two Grand Prize Awards, six Merit Awards and two Honorable Mention Awards were presented. They were selected from among the 42 posters and abstracts submitted by graduate students conducting research related to ecology, the environment and biotechnology at Michigan Tech. New this year was a separate undergraduate research division with 9 submissions. For the undergraduate students, each center awarded a grand prize winner. Posters will continue to be on display in the atrium of the Noblet Building, School of Forest Resources, Michigan Tech Campus through April 8 Graduate Research: $500 Grand Prizes
Biotechnology Research Center:
$100 Merit Awards
Biotechnology Research Center
$50 Honorable Mention Awards: Ecosystem Science Center
Undergraduate Research: $150 Grand Prize Awards
Biotechnology Research Center
Organizers thank participants, the judges and all who helped with another successful ESC/BRC Student Research Forum. |
Sheila Madahbee won the United States Indoor Nationals at the National Field Archery Association competition in Louisville, Kentucky, March 27, 2011. She shot a 598 (out of 600) with 81x’s in the Adult Female

Bowhunter Freestyle division. She won by 4 x’s, there was a three-way tie for 2nd place where three scored 598 and 77x’s.
Mike was in Houghton in June 2010, “Just for a visit and to find a good tree key.” We like visitors.

Ros Miller is a very memorable person. I had him for Natural Resource Use and Law. Ros could talk at length of great examples pertaining to the class, and keeping all of the students entertained. His natural ability to teach shined through him. I would definitely rank Ros as one of my top professors at Michigan Tech.
Glen Tolksdorf -1985
Scott and Tonya (Treichel) Albers 1998 welcomed a son, Jonah Scott on August 28, 2010. He and his big sister Nora, 4, are looking forward to spring so they can get outside and learn about the trees around their home.
Tonya is currently a stay-at-home mom, but is considering getting back into the field in the next few years if the right opportunity comes along.
The family lives in Medford Wisconsin. “Surrounded by the beautiful Chequamegon National Forest,” says Tonya.
The Seventh Annual ESC/BRC Student Research Forum will be held this Friday March 25th, 2011 from 3-5pm with awards and pizza following.
Graduate students working in ecosystem science and biotechnology fields will present their research posters in the atrium of the UJ Noblet Forestry Building. New this year is a separate undergraduate division.
Please join us to celebrate the accomplishments of our students. See graduate student and undergraduate student participants. Even numbered posters will present from 3-4 and odd numbered posters will present from 4-5.
Please contact Jill Fisher, Program Manager for the ESC, or Mary Tassava, Program Manager for the BRC,, for more information.
Assistant Professor Thomas Pypker, Co-PI Andrew Storer and Co-PI Catherine Tarasoff have received $166,752 from the USDA, Forest Service, Eastern Region, for a one-year project, “Future of Black Ash Wetlands in the Northern Great Lakes Region.”
Assistant Professor John Vucetich and Co-PI Rolf Peterson have received $36,600 from the US Department of Interior, National Park Service, for the first year of a five-year project, “Wolf-Moose Long-Term Monitoring on Isle Royale National Park 2011-2016.”