Tag: Retirement

Upcoming Employee Financial Health Webinars through Fidelity and TIAA

Join the Benefits Office for these upcoming, free, live webinars scheduled this spring!

March 10th at 1:00pm:  Looking to turn your retirement savings into a “paycheck” for life? 
Join TIAA Sr. Director-Miguel Shefferson as he teaches you to diversify your investment portfolio before retirement to help offset risk.  A similar strategy can help see you through retirement.  Learn how creating a diversified income plan—one that uses a combination of income sources and includes annuity income that’s guaranteed for life that can help reduce the risks you may face in retirement and ensure you have income that never runs out. 
Register for the March 10th webinar here

April 15th at 12 noon:  Learn the Basics of When and How to Claim Social Security.
-Understand Social Security
-Considerations for claiming Social Security benefits
-Decide when to take Social Security benefits
Register for the April 15th webinar here

April 29th at 12 noon:  Prepare for the Reality of Health Care in Retirement.
Estimate retirement health care costs
-Understand available options before and after age 65
-Plan for retirement health care costs
Register for the April 29th webinar here