The Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) and the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC) have announced the first round of Rapid Research Seedling Grant recipients.
PI: Sidike Paheding, (Applied Computing, ICC), with Co-PIs: Dukka KC (Computer Science, ICC) and Co-PI: Thomas Oommen (Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, GLRC): $10,000
PI: Leo Ureel II (Computer Science, ICC, GLRC): $9,400
PI: Daisuke Minakata (Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering, GLRC); with Co-PIs: Bruce Lee (Biomedical Engineering), Jiehong Guo (University of Minnesota), and Ravindra Pandey (Physics): $10,000
PI: Siram Malladi (Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics, GLRC): $10,000
Together, the GLRC and ICC are committing $100,000 in rapid research seedling grants for projects conducted Spring semester 2023, Summer semester 2023, and Fall semester 2023.
The intent of this opportunity is to provide faculty and research staff funds for idea development and data collection that will quickly enable large externally sponsored funding requests.
Proposals are accepted from Michigan Tech tenured, tenure-track, and research faculty; and research scientists and engineers. Any individual researcher is eligible to receive up to one award per calendar year as a principal investigator (PI). Please see the Rapid Seedling Grant site for more information.