Associate Professor Bo Chen, Computer Science department, is general chair for SmartSP 2023, the First International Conference on Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Vehicles, which takes place in Chicago, IL, on October 12-13, 2023.
Also part of the conference’s organizing committee are Michigan Tech Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) faculty members Lan Zhang and Kaichen Yang. Zhang and Yang are members of the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems’s (ICC) Center for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).
Bo Chen is a member of the ICC’s Centers for Cybersecurity (CyberS), Computing Education (CompEd), and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).
The conference’s organizing committee comprises 17 faculty/researchers from nine research universities across the United States. They are: Michigan Technological University, Northwestern University, Binghamton University, Michigan State University, Wayne State University, Washington University in St. Louis, Illinois Institute of Technology, DePaul University, The University of Oklahoma, and University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Four internationally-known universities are also part of the organizing committee. They are the National Taiwan University, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Zhejiang University, and University of Liverpool.
Scope of the conference.
Recent proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT), edge-fog-cloud computing, and interconnected networks envisions that smart cyber-physical systems (CPS), especially smart vehicles (SV), are capable of innovative solutions to change our lifestyles. Unavoidably, the potential benefits come with new challenges and concerns on security and privacy.
The First EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Vehicles (SmartSP 2023) is a global forum for researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to present and discuss emerging ideas and trends in security and privacy issues in this exciting area.
SmartSP 2023 seeks original papers focusing on theoretical analysis, vulnerability discovery, novel system architecture construction and design, emerging applications, experimental studies, and social impacts of CPS and SV.
Both review/survey papers and technical papers are encouraged. SmartSP 2023 also welcomes short papers that summarize speculative breakthroughs, work-in-progress, industry-featured projects, open problems, new application challenges, visionary ideas, and preliminary studies.
EAI – the European Alliance for Innovation – is a non-profit organization and a professional community established in cooperation with the European Commission to empower the global research and innovation, and to promote cooperation between European and International ICT communities.