The Ecosystem Science Center (ESC) has announced its member funding awards for spring 2023.
Among the recipients of an ESC Student Research Grant Awards is Amanda Stump, associate director for research development for the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC), and a Ph.D. student in the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences (CFRES).
Stump’s research project is titled, “Sampling and analysis of soluble plant secondary metabolites in Quercus rubra trees in the upper peninsula of Michigan.”
Stump’s Ph.D. advisor is Associate Professor Carsten Kuelheim, CFRES.
The Ecosystem Science Center (ESC) at Michigan Tech aims to advance our knowledge of the inherent complexity of social-ecological systems and thus provides small grants to members and their students to help develop externally supported research programs to that end.
The ESC provides research grants to graduate and undergraduate students. Research grants for graduate students are intended to supplement existing resources, allowing graduate students to perform research they would not be able to attempt due to funding limitations.