Category: Students of Kinesiology

Top 10% for Fall 2020

Let’s start off this new semester by congratulating our KIP faculty and graduate students who were honored by Provost Huntoon for being in the top 10% of all instructors University wide in the Fall 2020 teaching ratings based on student evaluations. Dr. William Cooke (KIP 5500), Dr. Kevin Trewartha (KIP 4300/5300), PhD candidate Jessica Bruning (BL 2011) and PhD student Isaac Wedig (KIP 3100); these 4 individuals especially excelled this term.

Cooke, Trewartha, Bruning and Wedig

This has been an incredibly challenging time to teach and the entire department has done a phenomenal job with instruction. Thank you all!!

Grad Student Research published

Please join us in congratulating doctoral students Josh Gonzalez, Jessica Bruning, and Isaac Wedig on their recent publications and awards. These accomplishments speak to the hard work our graduate students and faculty are doing during this very challenging semester. 

KIP Research

Joshua Gonzalez, PhD student, had his article published investigating the acute effects of electronic cigarettes in the American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology. The publication was part of a Call for Papers on Environmental Inhalants and Cardiovascular Disease. Note that this is a very prestigious journal in the suite of American Physiological Society journals. Great work Josh and Dr. Cooke! See link below for the full article. “Acute Effects of Electronic Cigarettes on Arterial Pressure and Peripheral Sympathetic Activity in Young Non-Smokers”

Jessica Bruning, PhD Candidate, had an article Published on the American Physiology Society’s national blog – I Spy Physiology. This spotlight article highlighting Microbiome is aimed at expanding the interest of physiological sciences within the scientific community and general public. Nice work Jessica and Dr. Qinghui Chen with this outreach piece!

Isaac Wedig, PhD student, had his article published on Exercise is Medicine COVID-19 infographic in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (impact factor = 12). The infographic has gained traction as it 1) was requested for use by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and 2) is being reproduced for use in a new COVID-19 home-based cardiac rehabilitation pamphlet in which 5,000 copies will be circulated to clinicians and patients across the United States. Way to contribute to the pandemic response Isaac!

Virtual Open House

KIP is located in the SDC

Please join us this Saturday, November 14th, from 11:00 am – 4:30 pm to preview the programs offered by the Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology Department via the Zoom link here:

More information regarding Pre-Health and other degree options can be found by registering here:

Fasting Research Study

A research study being conducted in the Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology at Michigan Tech is re-starting data collection in accordance with Michigan Tech’s re-opening.

If you are interested in learning more about this research study and to see if you are eligible to participate, then please either contact Steven Stelly or provide your information for us to contact you at the following link.

Please know that we are employing an abundance of precaution to mitigate any risks associated with the current COVID-19 pandemic.

KIP 2020 Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students for being nominated and winning these yearly department awards!

  • Jana Hendrickson, Departmental AKA Undergraduate Scholar Award
  • Sarah Dix, Department Scholar
  • Jonathon Worden, Outstanding Senior Award
  • Nadine Sikora, Outstanding Service Award
  • Blake Dupius, Kinetic Energy Award
  • Benjamin Cockfield, Graduate Student Government Outstanding Scholarship Award
  • Hannah Cunningham, Departmental AKA Master’s Scholar Award
  • Nehemiah McIntyre, Outstanding Master’s Award

New minor in Public Health approved

The Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology Department at Michigan Tech proudly announces that a Minor is Public Health is now an option for all of our students.

Faucet with running water

Human health is impacted by our individual biology as well as the natural, built, and social environments in which we live, work, and play. Thus, the ability to be health literate and able to integrate a health perspective is important in disciplines beyond traditional health-related and clinical fields. In the past 15 years there has been a growing recognition of the importance academia plays in teaching these skills. In 2002, an Institute of Medicine report recognized the need to better educate the public health workforce and partners that play key roles in the health of our communities who are not in traditional public health positions. A subsequent report expanded that call for public health education, recommending that “all undergraduates should have access to education in public health”. This widespread need to understand population health and health impacts was further highlighted when, in 2011, the U.S. federal government adopted a “Health in All Policies (HiAP)” strategy. A HiAP approach recognizes the importance of considering health across all fields in both the public and private sectors. The new Minor in Public Health will introduce students to the growing field of public health and the need to include a population health perspective in many of the university’s existing degrees. 

The audit check list is being created

Does Fasting Help Cardiovascular Health?

Are you interested in helping us learn if fasting improves cardiovascular health?

Variety of veggies and fruit

We are recruiting participants for a research study investigating how an intermittent fasting program impacts cardiovascular health. This study involves a 4 week control period followed by a 6 week period of intermittent fasting.

For this study you will be asked to do the following:

  • Visit the lab 8 times over 10 weeks
  • Fast twice weekly for 6 weeks

For those participating in this study you will receive

  • Monetary compensation
  • Information about your body composition and cardiovascular health

Eligibility Requirements:

  • 18 to 40 years old
  • No acute or chronic health conditions, injured, or recent surgery
  • No history of eating disorders
  • Normal resting heart rate and blood pressure
  • Do not smoke or vape more than once a month
  • Not currently participating in a fasting program
  • Pre-menopausal with a regular menstrual cycle typically lasting 15 to 45 days
  • Not breastfeeding, pregnant, or trying to become pregnant
  • Not currently using oral, injection, or implantable contraception.

If you are interested, please contact us using the information below or send us your contact info by using the QR Code or link.

QR Code

Participants Needed Upper Body Exercise Study

Heart shape with heartbeat

We are recruiting healthy adults to perform an upper-body endurance exercise test. Your participation will help us develop a heart-rate based equation to better prescribe exercise for healthy and clinical populations.

You may be eligible to participate in this research study at Michigan Technological Univesity if you:

  • Are between the ages of 18-80
  • Do not smoke
  • Are not diabetic
  • Have never had a heart attack or stroke
  • Do not have a cardiopulmonary condition
  • Do not take any heart or blood pressure medication
  • Do not have any implanted devices such as a pacemaker or pain pump.

For more information, contact Jana Hendrickson at or 906-369-3648