Day: November 29, 2012

Participate in GRC 2013 at Michigan Tech


The upcoming Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC) is on Feb 21-22, 2013. GRC is organized by the Graduate Student Government (GSG). Graduate students from all departments at Michigan Tech present their research and ideas to other students and faculty in the form of oral or poster presentations. A group of judges that consists of faculty (and/or some invited members of industry) evaluates student’s presentations to award prizes to the best 1st, 2nd and 3rd presentations from each session (oral and poster). There are also three honorable mention awards given in both oral and poster presentation sessions.

The objective of the colloquium is to give graduate students an in-house opportunity to share and gain experience presenting their research with peers, professionals, and professors among campus.

Detailed feedback from judges will help students enhance their skills in presenting at conferences, as well as providing insights on research methods and techniques.

GSG is encouraging students to present their work in GRC on February 21 and 22. Students willing to participate should submit a 300 words abstract by December 20, 2012, 5pm.

For more information about GRC and to find instructions about the newly developed on-line submission form please visit

Joshua Pearce on PV Module Ratings

A Breakthrough PV Module Rating System?

Principal Solar
Principal Solar

Principal Solar spent a year assimilating manufacturer data and running numbers.

“The seven characteristics are a great start,” noted Michigan Technological University professor Joshua M. Pearce, co-author of a landmark solar LCOE study. “The industry must maintain consumer and investor confidence that modules will produce the lifecycle electricity promised. There are reports that some companies are selling lower quality modules to keep up with falling prices.”

Read more at Greentech Media, by Herman K. Trabish.

Joshua Pearce on Energy Hires at Tech Talks

Tech Talks Research and Scholarship: Energy

The next Tech Talks session will be at 4 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 5, East Reading Room of the J. R. Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library. Co-leaders William Worek, dean of College of Engineering, and Joshua Pearce (MSE) will present accomplishments of the Strategic Faculty Hiring Initiative on Energy, followed by faculty presentations and an opportunity to explore new collaborations and new directions for energy research at Michigan Tech.

Read more at Tech Today.