Scientists Build a Low-Cost, Open-Source 3D Metal Printer
Until now, 3D printing has been a polymer affair, with most people in the maker community using the machines to make all manner of plastic consumer goods, from tent stakes to chess sets. A new low-cost 3D printer developed by Michigan Technological University’s Joshua Pearce and his team could add hammers to that list. The detailed plans, software and firmware are all freely available and open-source, meaning anyone can use them to make their own metal 3D printer.
Read more at Michigan Tech News, by Marcia Goodrich.
In the News
The research of Materials Science and Engineering PhD Students Chenlong Zhang and Bas Wijnen along with their collaborators Jerry Anzalone (MSE), Paul Sanders (MSE) and Joshua M. Pearce (MSE/ECE) has been covered widely by the national media including: NBC News, CNN Money, Live Science and the International Science Times in articles like “Low-Cost, Open-Source 3-D Metal Printer Could Bring Revolutionary Technology To Millions.”
From Tech Today.
In the News
Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) was quoted in ECOS Magazine on a story: How Green is 3D Printing?
From Tech Today.
In the News
Associate Professor Joshua Pearce’s (MSE) development of a 3D metal printer appeared in the “Leading the News” section of Wednesday’s First Bell. The ASEE news aggregator picked up the story from Matt Roush’s Technology Report on the WWJ-TV website, based in Detroit. See online.
From Tech Today.
In the News
The research of Materials Science and Engineering PhD students Chenlong Zhang and Bas Wijnen along with their collaborators Jerry Anzalone (MSE), Paul Sanders (MSE) and Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) was covered in Newsweek, Scientific American and Gizmodo.
From Tech Today.
In the News
The materials science and engineering research team working on metal 3D printing including PhD students Chenlong Zhang and Bas Wijnen along with their collaborators Jerry Anzalone (MSE), Paul Sanders (MSE) and Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) are covered in the US media, including Hack-A-Day, Treehugger, and 3D Printing Industry (Michigan Tech Releases Open-Source 3D Metal Printer for Less Than $2,000) and also in the British media, in the Register and The Guardian: Metal 3D printing and six key shifts in the “second industrial revolution.”
From Tech Today.
In the News
The New York Times has published an article about the 3D metal printer built by Joshua Pearce (MSE, ECE) and his team, “An Inexpensive Way to Print Out Metal Parts.” Pearce notes that the technology would give small companies a way to build prototypes, and people in developing countries could use it to print repair parts for machines like windmills. See New York Times.
From Tech Today.
Open Source Lab – Dr. Joshua Pearce – How to 3D Print Your Own Lab Equipment
Dr. Joshua Pearce, author of “Open-Source Lab: How to Build Your Own Hardware and Reduce Research Costs” demonstrates how you can create your own lab equipment with low-cost 3D printing.
FREE access to select content from Open-Source Lab: How to Build Your Own Hardware and Reduce Research Costs
by Dr. Joshua M. Pearce
Watch the video by Elsevier SciTech Connect.