Jaroslaw Drelich Named to Richard Witte Endowed Professorship

We are pleased to announce that Jaroslaw (Jarek) Drelich, a professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), recently accepted an endowed appointment as the Richard Witte Professor. This follows recommendations received from the department (committee and chair) and Audra Morse, dean of the College of Engineering.

“Dr. Drelich has accomplished a distinguished 26-year career at Michigan Tech.”

Audra Morse, dean of the College of Engineering

During his tenure at Michigan Tech, Drelich has refereed approximately 170 publications and five books. He was also awarded the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Publishing Best Paper Award in 2018 and 2020. Drelich has also served as editor-in-chief of the journal Surface Innovations since 2012 and has served on editorial boards for four additional journals in his field.

Over the years, Drelich has secured research funding from both government agencies and industry that total approximately $4 million, with a recent award from the National Institutes of Health in the amount of $1 million. With this support, he has supported and advised numerous graduate students and produced eight patents.

By the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Surface Innovations
Contact angles and wettability: towards common and accurate terminology: Abraham Marmur, Claudio Della Volpe, Stefano Siboni, Alidad Amirfazli, and Jaroslaw W. Drelich
Award: Surface Innovations Prize (Journal Prize for best paper in journal)
