Dr. Scott A Miers had been selected to receive the 2012 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award. In the award letter it states “The credentials and standards of excellence in education of this year’s candidates were extremely high and brought about some very keen competition. Your outstanding contributions have distinguished you as one of the top engineering educators.” As a recipient Scott is invited as a guest for the week of the 2012 SAE World Congress which begins on April 24th in Detroit, MI, including the award ceremony on Tuesday of that week, and will be presented with a plaque.
Bill Shapton Featured in Michigan Tech Magazine: An engine of change (PDF)
A bumpy ride in the bush in an off-road vehicle has paved the way for the industrial readiness of engineering students nationwide.
See the historic video clips from 1970s SAE Collegiate Design competitions
Members of Michigan Tech’s chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) are in Detroit to participate in an alternative spring break 2012 week. Eight members of the Michigan Tech student chapter of the NSBE will visit six middle schools and one high school to talk with students. They will also conduct Family Engineering events at three schools. Family Engineering includes fun, hands-on activities for the whole family, such as “Mining For Chocolate” and “Glue Is The Clue.” The program, developed at Michigan Tech and now available across Michigan and nationwide, is designed to engage and inspire young people and their families to consider careers in engineering and science. Read More
UPDATE: See a Video about Engineering Students Spring Break to Detroit Schools
Michigan Tech’s Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics jumped from 48th to 44th in the US News & World Report rankings published in “America’s Best Graduate Schools” just in time for their 85th Anniversary. As the Department celebrates 85 years of education, innovation, and invention; the increase ranking reinforces the strides made to be a continuing force in Mechanical Engineering at a national and international level.
“I am extremely pleased and proud,” said William Predebon, chair of the department. “This is just fantastic. The ranking is a recognition by our peers and is the result of hard work on the part of our faculty and staff, as well as the accomplishments of our graduates.”
The US News rankings of individual engineering programs in doctorate-granting universities are based on reputation as measured by feedback from department heads or chairs in each specialty, who rate other programs on a five-point scale. The rankings were released March 13, 2012.
A PowerblockTV program broadcast on Spike TV featured Michigan Tech in an episode last weekend about research led by Research Scientist Jeremy Worm (ME-EM) on alternative fuels for racing engines.
The Rail Transportation Program (RTP) and the Rail Engineering and Activities Club (REAC) held the 7th Annual Railroad Night, February 21, 2012 at the Shelden Grill in the Magnuson Hotel, Houghton. This year’s keynote speaker was Kevin Kesler, Chief of the Engineer and Operating Practice Division for the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). This was a great opportunirty to meet rail industry people, see photos at the Rail Transportation Program link: Railroad Night 2012 for more information.
The Railroad Engineering and Activities Club (REAC) will hold a business meeting from 6 to 7 p.m.,Tuesday Feb 28, in Dow 875.
This Rail Transportation Seminar presentation will be by Phil Pasterak, Sr. Vice President/Central Region Manager Rail & Transit for PB. The presentation title is:
“High Speed Rail Development in the US and Midwest”
REAC is open to members of any discipline who have an interest in finding out more about REAC activities and the rail industry.
Pizza and pop will be provided.
For more information, contact Pam Hannon, coordinator, MTTI, at 487-3065 or at prhannon@mtu.edu .
The Michigan Tech Sustained Support to Ensure Engineering Degrees (SSEED) program (funded by NSF S-STEM) is in its second year of four. In 2011-12, the program awarded 33 scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 to engineering juniors and seniors. The program awarded five fellowships of $8,000 each to first-year engineering graduate students.
The purpose of the undergraduate scholarships is to improve the retention of upper division engineering students who have financial need and other risk factors that make it difficult to complete their degrees. The purpose of the graduate fellowships is to improve the recruitment of women and minorities to graduate study in engineering.
In 2012-13, the program will again award up to 35 undergraduate scholarships and five graduate fellowships. The program also features mentoring and professional development opportunities. The application deadline is March 15 for undergraduate scholarships and May 1 for graduate fellowships. Share this information with qualified students.
For more information, see SSEED, or contact Michele Miller at 487-3025 or at mhmiller@mtu.edu .
Saturday February 11, 2012 5:07 p.m.
MacInnes Presidential Skybox of the Student Development Complex
Reservations required, (906) 487-2551