Category: News

Summer Students engaged in research at Michigan Tech

The Center for Diversity and Inclusion sponsored this year’s MiCUP/MI-LSAMP Research Gallery Walk, held on Thursday, June 20, in the Rozsa Center Lobby.

The event recognizes the research of students participating in the seven-week Michigan College/University Partnership Program (MiCUP) and the Michigan Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (MI-LSAMP) Program here at Michigan Tech.

Michigan Tech is partnered with MI-LSAMP to continue our shared goal of increasing the number of underrepresented minority and first-generation students in STEM and non-STEM fields.

Link to photos and some video clips

What’s A Michigan Tech Education Worth?

What’s a university education worth? That’s a question often asked by students, parents and legislators.

According to 2013 rankings recently released by PayScale, Michigan Technological University’s graduates rank 18th in the nation among 437 public universities in the return on investment (ROI) from their degrees. PayScale compares the cost of a college education to the salaries earned by graduates.


John Johnson Honored with ASME Internal Combustion Engine Award

Emeritus and Research Professor John H. Johnson (MEEM) has been selected to receive the 2013 ASME Internal Combustion Engine Award.

The society awards the honor “for leadership in innovative research in the modeling of diesel engine particulate filters and aftertreatment systems based on extensive experimental data; for dedication in educating graduate students on diesel engines; and for leading and participating in the national studies of technology to reduce internal combustion engine fuel consumption.”

The award consists of a $1,000 honorarium. Johnson will be honored at the ASME 2013 Internal Combustion Fall Technical Conference, set for Oct. 13-16 in Dearborn.

“This is certainly a well-deserved award for John,” said Department Chair Bill Predebon (MEEM). “He has devoted over 40 years to research on diesel engines, particularly in diesel emissions.”

Johnson’s research focuses on emissions and fuel consumption, and he has played a leadership role on the National Academy of Engineering committees that develop recommendations for laws and regulations governing vehicles. His work has had a major impact on the current Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards for trucks.

Order of the Engineer, Senior Awards Banquet and Capstone Design Day

The ME-EM Order of the Engineer, Senior Awards Banquet and Capstone Design Day was April 23, 2013.

The keynote speaker for the banquet was Colleen L. Jones-Cervantes.
She earned a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan Tech in 1983. After graduation, Colleen joined Chevron Corporation as a Project Engineer. She has been challenged for twenty-eight years by progressing through a variety of assignments in Chevron’s Marketing business, product supply operations, asset management, lubricants and retail functions. Her varied assignments have required eleven relocations, including two international assignments.