Teachers Learn to Bring Global Change to Life in their Classrooms
Nine middle and high school teachers from Michigan and Illinois are back in class themselves at Michigan Tech this week, learning about global changes–including climate change–and ways to bring the issues to life in their classrooms.
The global change institute is one of three Summer Teacher Institutes that the University is offering this year. Participating teachers will receive two graduate credits from Michigan Tech.
Read more at Michigan Tech News, by Jennifer Donovan.
Teachers go to school at Tech
Midwestern educators learn about global change
“They’re basically looking for climate change experience to help them with curriculum development,” said Evan Kane, assistant professor at the School of Forest Resource and Environmental Science.
Wednesday afternoon, the group toured the PEATcosm Experiment at the U.S. Forest Service Laboratory in Houghton. Using peat samples harvested from Minnesota, researchers are testing 24 mesocosms – four bins each of three different plant compositions and two water table levels.
Read more at the Mining Gazette, by Garrett Neese.