Assistant Professor of CLS, Myounghoon “Philart” Jeon and his colleagues have recently published two articles in the journal Presence: Teleoperations and Virtual Environments. They published “Theory and Technological Implications of Subliminal Perception Research,” 23(1), iii-iv and “Anger Effects on Driver Situation Awareness and Driving Performance,” 23(1), 71-89.
2014 Summer Science Camp at MTU for Students entering Grades 1-6
Session I: June 17-19, 2014
Session II: June 24-26, 2014
9:00am-4:00pm, Tues-Wed-Thurs.
Session I is June 17-19 and Session II is June 24-26. For both sessions the camp runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
For Students Entering Grades 1-3
Session I: Science Explorers
Location: Michigan Tech Great Lakes Research Center
Each day will have a special focus: chemistry, physical science and engineering. On the first day, we’ll make secret formulas, ooey gooey slime, examine mystery powders and use red cabbage to indicate acidity (i.e. vinegar). On the second day, students will enjoy creating their own music from their handmade instruments–straw oboes, twang, spoon bell, clucking chicken and a school box guitar. On the third day, students will use their creativity to design solutions to a variety of age-appropriate engineering challenges–designing a container for 293 popcorn pieces, a bubble maker and a roller chute.
Session II: Critter Camp
Location: Nara Nature Center
Join us on an animal adventure! Explore the world of animals from insects and worms to mammals. Learn about their habitats and how they interact with each other and their environment via nature hikes and hands-on activities.
For Students Entering Grades 4-6
Session I: Nature Skills
Location: Nara Nature Center
Students will become acquainted with nature through scientific explorations, games, stories and ancient traditional skills. Each day will bring new adventures. Plant day: identify plants, learn about sustainable collection and then make cordage and pine needle tea. Animal day: identify tracks, study the art of camouflage, and learn the language of birds. Our third day will focus on natural forces and the Earth: build a solar still, make friction fires, learn to read the landscape and more.
Session II: Rockets & Roller Coasters
Location: Great Lakes Research Center
Students will explore Newton’s laws of motion and how rockets use these laws to move when they make rockets galore–water bottle rockets, balloon rockets, pop can rockets and edible meteorites. Students will investigate gravity, friction, forces, potential and kinetic energy as they design a roller coaster made of cardboard tubes.
Instructors and Class Size
Classes will be taught by staff of the WUP Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education, Michigan Tech students and certified teachers. Class size will be limited to 20 students.
$120 per student per session which includes three classes from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and all supplies. Students need to bring their own lunch each day. Snacks will be provided in the afternoon.
Sessions will take place at the Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) or Nara Nature Park. Each location offers easy drop off and pick up for parents and caregivers.
Deadline for registration is Tuesday, June 10. The registration form is posted at Summer Camp Registration.
If you have any questions contact the Center for Science & Environmental Outreach at the GLRC at Michigan Tech by calling 906-487-3341.