ACSHF Forum: Cosmas John Kathumba

The Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences will host Cosmas John Kathumba from Rhodes University at the next Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors forum.

The presentation will be from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (EST) Monday October 30 via Zoom from Grahamstown, South Africa.

Title: Promoting and investigatin the pre-service teachers’ computational thinking practical development in the physical sciences methods course. 

Computational thinking (CT)’s recognition as a fundamental skill alongside writing, reading and arithmetic (Wing, 2006) has influenced researchers and educators to infuse it in other disciplines such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) apart from computer science to promote instruction and problem-solving competencies. CT is a skill set required for all humans to navigate and survive in the 21st century. However, a framework is scarce to help science teachers at the secondary school level in South Africa to practically develop CT skills. Thus, it is necessary to inititate intervention to work with teachers to develop CT practically. It is against this backdrop that this intervention study seeks to explore how pre-service physical sciences teachers develop CT in the physical sciences methods course. The main research question of this proposed study is “How do the physical sciences methods course infused with computational thinking concepts influence or not pre-service teachers’ practical development of computational thinking?” This proposed study is underpinned by the Lev Vygotsky’s social-cultural theory (SCT). Further, this study will use a transformative mixed methods design and will be guided by a “Code, Connect, Create” (3C) professional development model. The study will be carried out within the Education Faculty at Rhodes University with the postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) students during the physical sciences methods course. This proposed study will be carried out in two stages. In the first stage, pre-service teachers will be assessed on their prior understanding of CT skills before they start learning the actual content of the physical sciences methods course; in the second stage, they will be introduced to different strategies for teaching physical sciences that infuse CT skills. Data will be generated through pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire, post-intervention interviews, peer and self-assessment, and journal reflections. A mixed method of data analysis will be employed. 

ACSHF Forum: Chikondi Sepula & Blessings Hwaca

The Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences will host Chikondi Sepula & Blessings Hwaca from Rhodes University at the next Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors forum.

There will be two presentations from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Monday October 16 via Zoom from Grahamstown, South Africa.

Title: Exploring the Development of Computational Thinking Skills among Pre-Service Teachers through Visual Programming: An Interventionist Case Study
Due to its profound cognitive effect on learners, computational thinking (CT) has gained significant attention and has been increasingly integrated into primary and secondary education worldwide. The integration of CT into educational curricula offers several benefits, including improved learning outcomes, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and the development of skills necessary for the digital landscape of the 21st century. Reflecting this global trend, South Africa introduced CT in primary schools through a dedicated subject called “coding and robotics” in 2023. However, as cited in other contexts, teacher upskilling is a primary challenge faced in successfully integrating CT in South Africa. Many teachers lack the necessary skills to effectively teach this new subject. Recognizing this gap, I was motivated to explore the development of CT skills with pre-service teachers using visual programming. This study will be underpinned by the social-cultural theory (SCT) of Lev Vygotsky. Informed by this theory, the intervention will be guided by a professional development (PD) model called “Code, Connect, Create” and a pedagogical model known as “Use, Modify, Create”. The study will be carried out within the Education Department at Rhodes University. All first-year pre-service teachers who are willing to participate from within the department will be included in the intervention. Data will be collected through the CT Reflective tools, semi-structured interviews, focus-group discussions, and reflective journals. The CT framework proposed by Brennan & Resnick (2012) will be used as a lens to facilitate and assess CT development among the pre-service teachers as a result of the intervention. An evaluative interpretivist case study methodology will be employed in this study, as it allows the detailing of contextual effects of the visual programming approach, as well as enabling and constraining factors that should be considered when developing CT with visual programming.

Title: Working with Secondary School Educators’ on the development of Computational Thinking through lesson planning

Computational Thinking (CT) is a cognitive skill that helps learners to think logically and creatively, becoming more popular as well as necessary at all levels of education globally. By introducing CT into curriculum design and lesson activities, educators together with their learners can benefit in many ways such as effective problem-solving, better learning outcomes, and more holistic preparation for the digital challenges of the 21st century. Two of the obstacles cited in South African STEM Education are the lack of skilled teachers and low interest of learners in the former, which warrants the need for more support and focus from different actors. Since CT is not only for STEM subjects but also for any discipline or challenge, thus educators who understand computational thinking can help students use their skills in different situations and contexts and encourage them to think logically and systematically. As a scholar, I am inspired to investigate how we can promote the development of CT during lesson planning by selected secondary school educators. The intervention study will be carried out with ten educators in Makhanda, Eastern Cape province. The Pattern Recognition, Abstraction, Decomposition, and Algorithms (PRADA) and Vygotsky Social Cultural theory will be used as theoretical frameworks. The data will be collected through Workshops, Journal reflection, Interviews, and Focus Group discussions.

Indigenous Peoples Day Drum Social

The American Indian Science and Engineering Society at Michigan Tech invites you to the Indigenous Peoples Day Drum Social.

When: October 9th, 2023 at 3:00p.m.
Where: The Center for Diversity and Inclusion, Hamar House.

Indigenous Peoples Day is a federal holiday in the United States that celebrates and honors Indigenous American Peoples and commemorates their histories and cultures. Celebrations will be at the CDI with a local Ojibwe drum group named Four Thunders from Keweenaw Bay Indian Community. Stop by and have a listen!

ACSHF Forum: Leanne Jensen

The Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences will host Leanne Jensen, PhD at the next Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors forum Monday October 2 in Meese 109, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Leanne R. Jensen, PhD holds a prominent role in the aerospace industry as a member of The Boeing Company’s Technical Fellowship, focusing on Human Performance Technology and human factors engineering.  Her work has led to several invention awards related to human reliability and productivity, including a patent-pending for a model-based systems engineering approach to advanced product quality planning, solidifying her reputation as an innovative thought leader.  Her expertise in developing and implementing human-centric solutions has enabled organizations to achieve higher levels of safety, productivity, quality, and operational excellence.    

Leanne’s educational journey reflects her dedication to acquiring a diverse skill set that spans technical, instructional, and performance improvement disciplines. She holds an Associate degree in Machine Design (MTU), a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology (MTU), a Master of Science degree in Instructional Design Technology (Walden University), and a PhD in Education, specializing in Training and Performance Improvement (Capella University). This diverse educational foundation has enabled Leanne to approach her work with a holistic perspective, integrating technical and instructional principles to drive performance excellence.


In an era marked by unprecedented technological advancements, the concept of Human Digital Twins has emerged as a revolutionary paradigm with profound implications for healthcare, industry, and society at large.  Rooted in the field of digital modeling and simulation, Human Digital Twins rely on data acquisition, machine learning, sensor technology, and mathematics to digitally represent an individual’s characteristics and behaviors in a digital form.   From optimizing ergonomics and user experience to fine-tuning manufacturing processes through predictive analytics, these digital counterparts will revolutionize design, prototyping, and testing across industry.  The world of Human Digital Twins promises to expand horizons and inspire innovative thinking for the next generation of engineers, setting the stage for a future where personalized, data-driven solutions redefine our approach to design.  Explore more about the concept of Human Digital Twins are and how they can drive innovation and excellence in product development.

ACSHF Forum: Jason Harman

The Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences will host Dr. Jason Harman at the next Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors forum.

The presentation, “Applied research in judgment and decision making”, will be from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Monday September 18 in Meese 109 & via Zoom.


In this talk Jason will review multiple ongoing projects that apply insights and methods from judgment and decision making to real world domains. These include modeling driver decision making, gamification to improve organizational and health outcomes, human-machine teaming in map generation, and using heuristics to improve the state of the art in AI/ML.

ACSHF Grad student graduations – Summer 23

We would like to congratulate some newly graduated PhD and MS students from the ACSHF program as of this summer:

Isaac Flint, PhD
Nishat Alam, MS
Anne Linja, PhD

Well done all!

Titles and abstracts for each can be found below:

Isaac Flint
Title:The Impact of Cognitive Ability and Age on Movement Corrections: An Exploration of the Neurocognitive and Physiological Contributors to Optimal Feedback Control

Abstract: Making successful movement corrections is an important part of navigating dynamic environments where unexpected obstructions can occur. Failure to engage in successful movement corrections can result in injury and, in some cases, death. One theory used to explain people’s ability to make movement corrections is the optimal feedback control theory, which follows the minimal intervention principle. Experiment 1 shows older adults are as likely as young adults to choose hand paths that require the least effort following a visual perturbation; however, they also commit more collisions and have slower movement speeds. Regression analyses show that success rates and movement times on the obstacle avoidance task are related to individuals’ measures of executive control and processing speed. P3b components, often associated with executive control, were elicited following medium and large cursor jumps. These ERP responses were different between the two conditions for young adults; however, they were not different for older adults. Experiment 2 shows young adults’ performance on obstacle avoidance tasks aligned with what would be predicted according to the minimal intervention principle, regardless of if responding to haptic/proprioceptive or visual feedback. The modality of the perturbation did have an impact on performance when the optimal path was ambiguous. The P3bs observed in Experiment 2 were also affected by the difference in the modality of feedback. When these findings are evaluated with the experiment’s other findings showing 1) greater P3b related activity for collision trials than non-collision trials, 2) very little differences between P3bs from trials with inward and outward movement corrections, and 3) EMG indicators of movement correction onset occur before the P3b peak, it suggests that the neural activity observed in this study has more to do with monitoring the movement corrections than path selection. The regression models from Experiment 2 also show the top-down processing of visual feedback is associated with a greater number of cognitive variables; yet some level of executive control is still associated with participants; tendency to make optimal reaching movements following physical perturbations.

Nishat Alam
Title: Types of Questions Teachers Ask to Engage Students in Making Sense of a Student Contribution

Abstract: In the student-centered classroom, a teacher’s interpretation and response to student mathematical contributions plays an important role to shape and direct students’ opportunities for sense-making. This research used a scenario-based survey questionnaire to examine what types
of questions middle and high school mathematics teachers indicate they would ask to engage
students in making sense of a high-leverage student mathematical contribution and their
reasoning about why particular questions are or are not productive. From the results, it could be
concluded that teachers asked more productive questions after seeing a set of possible questions.
Their beliefs about the productivity of the questions related to a variety of factors, including the
specificity of the question, student participation, student ability and whether incorrect solutions
should be discussed. The results could inform future work with teachers to productively use
student thinking in their teaching.

Anne Linja

Today’s intelligent software systems, such as Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning systems, are sophisticated, complicated, sometimes complex systems. In order to effectively interact with these systems, novice users need to have a certain level of understanding. An awareness of a system’s underlying principles, rationale, logic, and goals can enhance the synergistic human-machine interaction. It also benefits the user to know when they can trust the systems’ output, and to discern boundary conditions that might change the output. The purpose of this research is to empirically test the viability of a Cognitive Tutorial approach, called Explicit Rule Learning. Several approaches have been used to train humans in intelligent software systems; one of them is exemplar-based training. Although there has been some success, depending on the structure of the system, there are limitations to exemplars, which oftentimes are post hoc and case-based. Explicit Rule Learning is a global and rule-based training method that incorporates exemplars, but goes beyond specific cases. It provides learners with rich, robust mental models and the ability to transfer the learned skills to novel, previously unencountered situations. Learners are given verbalizable, probabilistic if…then statements, supplemented with exemplars. This is followed up with a series of practice problems, to which learners respond and receive immediate feedback on their correctness. The expectation is that this method will result in a refined representation of the system’s underlying principles, and a richer and more robust mental model that will enable the learner to simulate future states. Preliminary research helped to evaluate and refine Explicit Rule Learning. The final study in this research applied Explicit Rule Learning to a more real-world system, autonomous driving. The mixed-method within-subject study used a more naturalistic environment. Participants were given training material using the Explicit Rule Learning method and were subsequently tested on their ability to predict the autonomous vehicle’s actions. The results indicate that the participants trained with the Explicit Rule Learning method were more proficient at predicting the autonomous vehicle’s actions. These results, together with the results of preceding studies indicate that Explicit Rule Learning is an effective method to accelerate the proficiency of learners of intelligent software systems. Explicit Rule Learning is a low-cost training intervention that can be adapted to many intelligent software systems, including the many types of AI/ML systems in today’s world.

Researching the Implications of Multitasking

Multitasking has become a common practice in many work environments, where individuals are required to perform several tasks simultaneously. However, research suggests that multitasking can lead to interference and a decline in cognitive performance. In a recent journal article published in Applied Ergonomics, a research team including CLS’s Samantha Smith studied the complexity of multitasking and its impact on cognitive performance1. The article titled “Dual-task effects between tone counting and mathematical calculations” sheds light on the factors that contribute to dual-task interference and provides valuable insights for understanding the challenges associated with multitasking.

Understanding Dual-Task Interference

Psychologists have proposed various theories to explain dual-task interference, including unitary cognitive resource theory and multiple cognitive resource theories. Among these, Wickens’ multiple resource theory (MRT) is frequently referenced by human factors and ergonomics professionals. According to MRT, tasks compete for our brain’s attention based on four factors: the processing stage (i.e., are we perceiving information, thinking about it, or responding to it?), whether the task is spatial or verbal, the senses required (i.e., is the task visual, tactile, or audial?), and if it’s a visual task, whether it requires our focal or ambient vision. 

Research Findings

In this study, the research team paired a seated mathematical calculation task with the tone counting task to explore the impact of dual-tasking and cognitive load on performance. The results of the study indicated that participants made significantly more correct calculations in the single-task condition compared to the dual-task conditions. Furthermore, participants performed better in the one-frequency tone counting task compared to the three-frequency tone counting task. These findings suggest that both dual-tasking and cognitive load have a detrimental effect on cognitive performance, with higher cognitive load leading to reduced accuracy in calculations.

Implications for Multitasking

The findings from this study have important implications for understanding multitasking in various work settings. In operational settings where dual-tasking is common, individuals may experience interference and performance loss in one or both tasks. This knowledge can inform the design of work environments and the allocation of tasks to minimize dual-task interference and optimize performance.

Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of task prioritization and overall task demand when examining dual-tasking. Certain tasks, such as climbing, may inherently demand more attention due to their physical riskiness, leading to task prioritization and potential interference with paired tasks. Understanding the cognitive demands of different tasks can help professionals identify tasks that may be more prone to interference and develop strategies to mitigate the negative effects.

The article is now available for online viewing and download at Blakely, Megan & Smith, Samantha & Russell, Paul & Helton, William. (2023). Dual-task effects between tone counting and mathematical calculations. Applied Ergonomics. 111. 104052. 10.1016/j.apergo.2023.104052.

SPEAK Resilience receives Curriculum Innovation Award

The Tech Forward Initiative on Sustainability and Resilience (ISR) has recently announced the Spring 2023 awardees for Curriculum Innovation. The awards, ranging from $5,000 to $7,000, will fund three diverse projects that align with Michigan Tech’s mission to bring long-lasting changes in educational offerings. One of the three projects awarded was SPEAK Resilience (Sustainability, Psychology, Ecology, Arts, Kultur), with principal investigators Lisa Gordillo (VPA), Tara Bal (CFRES), and Sam Smith (CLS). 

SPEAK Resilience will be an interdisciplinary sustainability program for Michigan Tech students to study in Björkö-Arholma, Sweden. The program will include a collection of four courses: one each in psychology, ecology, and the arts; and one interdisciplinary course team-taught by the faculty co-PIs. The co-PIs will develop a program that draws on each of their specialties to create immersive, interdisciplinary curricula. 

The theme of interdependence between humans and the natural world will be incorporated into each course, viewed through various lenses to tackle sustainability, resilience, and community engagement. This approach will provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary field experience.

Students will learn about natural resource management and sustainable ways to interact with local ecosystems; ways that cognitive processing may predispose unsustainable behaviors and how to change them; and ways that art and educational interventions can enhance community engagement with environmental stewardship. The program’s themes will be enriched by the unique perspectives offered by Swedish culture, which is of significant importance to the overall experience.

Research behind the Curriculum

Co-PI Lisa Gordillo is the artist-in-residence for Michigan Tech’s College of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences, and was an artist-in-residence in Björkö-Arholma, Sweden in 2022. During that time, she established partnerships with Swedish schools, communities, and arts organizations such as Väddö Folkhögskola and Björkö Kunstnod. These partners will collaborate to develop community projects related to sustainability during the program. 

Gordillo’s research uses art to connect people and landscape, and to create community engagement opportunities. Co-PI Tara Bal‘s research on forest health, which involves investigating the effects of human activity on forest landscapes, and aligns with the program’s theme of interdependence between humans and the natural world. Co-PI Samantha Smith is examining the impact of environmental factors on attention and cognitive processing, as well as how these factors influence human behavior.

Lisa Gordillo
Lisa Gordillo, Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts

SPEAK Resilience is part of Gordillo’s larger community-arts project, Sister Forests, which connects the forests of Björkö-Arholma Sweden with those of the Keweenaw. The innovative program SPEAK Resilience will provide students with invaluable experiences to understand and address sustainability issues, resilience, and community engagement through different perspectives.