How Technology Transports us to a New Realm of Being

Peter HancockCLS Colloquium Series

Invited Speaker: Peter Hancock, Provost Distinguished Research Professor, University of Central Florida, Orlando

Title: How Technology Transports us to a New Realm of Being.

Location: Memorial Union Ballroom (MUB) A1

Time: 2:05-3:00pm, Monday, April 22, 2013

Abstract: I will present three narratives concerning the etiology of disaster. They will each contain salient signposts as to the way in which technology, imagination, and inspiration both coalesce and fail. I shall then look to weave together a common pattern of these and similarly failed technologies to articulate the link between aspiration and technical innovation. I shall point to some explicit connections between the specific stories I have presented and then look to extrapolate much wider principles under the general title of “Transports of Delight.” The latter is the title of a text that I am currently in the process of creating.

Peter A. Hancock, D.Sc., Ph.D. is the University Pegasus Professor and Provost Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Institute for Simulation and Training, as well as at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Central Florida where he is the Director of the MIT2 Research Laboratories. Prior to his current position he founded and was the Director of the Human Factors Research Laboratory (HFRL) at the University of Minnesota where he held appointments as Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Psychology, and Kinesiology as well as at the Cognitive Science Center and the Center on Aging Research. Professor Hancock is a past president of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. His current experimental work concerns the evaluation of behavioral response to high-stress conditions. His theoretical works concerns human relations with technology and the possible futures of this symbiosis. Additional information can be found at:

EPDIS Engineering, Life Sciences and NGSS

EPDIS EngineeringThe Educators’ Professional Development Institute Series (EPDIS): Engineering, Life Sciences and NGSS is focused to support and deepen teacher content knowledge and content pedagogy of practicing teachers. For more information, contact Lori Witting.

Summer 2013

  • Program Introduction
  • Summer Workshop
  • Summer Institute August 12 – 23, 2013

Fall 2013

Lesson Study Workshop

Spring 2014

STEM Learning Materials, Inquiry, and Assessment

Summer 2014

Engineering Applications in Biological Sciences

Up to 11 graduate credits

Hungwe and Cokely Among Top 25 Psychology Professors in Michigan

Kedmon Hungwe
Kedmon Hungwe

Associate Professor of Teacher Education Kedmon N. Hungwe and Assistant Professor of Psychology Edward T. Cokely have been named among the top 25 psychology professors in Michigan. The list of top psychology professors was just released by a nonprofit organization called StateStats. is a non-profit venture arm with the mission to advance education through the use of technology and informational tools. The goal of the top professors list is to highlight post-secondary educators who have been awarded recently for excellence in the classroom, on campus, and/or in the community.

Hungwe is the Cognitive and Learning Sciences Director at Michigan Tech. His research interests include youth and adolescent development and science education.

Edward Cokely
Edward Cokely

Cokely received the Raymond S. Nickerson Best Paper Award, sponsored by the American Psychological Association, for his co-authored paper, “Effective Communication of Risks to Young Adults: Using Message Framing and Visual Aids to Increase Condom Use and STD Screening.”

Lake Superior Celebration at GLRC

LSSIThe community is invited to the Lake Superior Celebration at Michigan Tech’s Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) from 6 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, April 23. The event is free and family friendly.

The event is sponsored by Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative (LSSI) and Western UP Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education in recognition of the Initiative’s five-Year anniversary.

Read more at Tech Today.

Baltensperger and Chadde Among Top 25 Education Professors in Michigan

Brad Baltensperger
Brad Baltensperger

Two from Tech Among Top 25 Education Professors in Michigan

Professor Brad Baltensperger, chair of cognitive and learning sciences, and Joan Chadde, coordinator of education programs for the Center for Science and Environmental Outreach, have been named among the 25 top education professors in Michigan. The list of top education professors was just released by a nonprofit organization called StateStats, whose mission is to advance education through the use of technology and information tools. StateStats provides education resources online, including lists of professors they have researched and nominated as the best in their profession.

Baltensperger was recognized for receiving a $3.8 million, four-year National Science Foundation grant, along with four colleagues, for the Michigan Teacher Excellence Program. Chadde was recognized for K-12 outreach efforts in Great Lakes education and stewardship, watershed management and stream monitoring.

Joan Chadde Shumaker
Joan Chadde Shumaker

According to StateStats, the top professors list is meant to highlight post-secondary educators who have been recognized recently for their excellence in the classroom, on campus or in the community.

From Tech Today.

Predicting Musculoskeletal Injury Risk: A Biomechanical and Human Factors Approach

CLS and KIP Presentation

The Departments of Cognitive and Learning Sciences and Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology will host Erich Petushek on Monday, April 8, from 2:05 to 2:55 p.m., in Meese 110. Petushek’s talk is titled “Predicting Musculoskeletal Injury Risk: A Biomechanical and Human Factors Approach.” Petushek, is currently completing his PhD at Michigan Tech. Petushek’s primary program of research integrates disciplinary knowledge and techniques from the fields of biomechanics, epidemiology, psychology, and engineering with the overall goal of reducing the prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal injuries and disorders.

For more information, contact Associate Professor Susan Amato-Henderson at

From Tech Today.