1. Volunteers Needed for Tivitz/Math Day Workshop
The Tivitz Tournament will take place on Wednesday, March 18th from 9:00 – 2:00 in the Wood Gym. Volunteers are needed to facilitate the games/activities, serve lunch, and engage with the participants as role models. Please consider donating an hour or two of your time to make a difference in the lives of these young men and women! Everyone is welcome to volunteer regardless of department or math background, and any amount of time is appreciated.
For more information or if you are interested in volunteering, contact Liz Fujita ( Tell a friend!
2. Student Leadership Awards Deadlines
Presidents Award for Leadership, Vice President for Student Affairs and Advancement Award for Service, and the Percy Julian Award deadline for nominations is Friday, March 6 at 5:00 PM.
Please visit the website to make your nomination today! Please contact Student Activities if you have any questions regarding these awards.
3. Relay for Life will be having a SUPER SALE on T-Shirts! Prices are as follows:
4. Math-Lab Hiring for Spring
Math-Lab (Mathematica programming for Cal 1-3) is still hiring. Please fill out the application form and submit it to Fisher 3rd floor Math department Office.. There is no deadline for applications this semester!
5. Water Safety Instructor Training
Get training in water safety and drowning prevention and learn information needed to plan and teach courses in the Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety program. Completion of this program will allow you to apply for group and private swim instructor positions within Michigan Tech Community Programs.
Participants must be 16 years of age by February 27. Cost to attend is $250 and includes all course materials and certification. Register now! Class size is limited, and the deadline to register is March 6!
For more information, visit Water Safety Instructor Training.
6. Join Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society as they celebrate Biology Week March 23 – 27
Monday, March 23
Be the Match Bone Marrow Donation Sign-up
12:00 – 5:00 pm in the Library
Hosted by PHAT
Tuesday, March 24
Undergraduate Research Symposium
7:00 pm in Dow 641
Wednesday, March 25
Biology Jeopardy Night
7:00 pm in DOW 642
Thursday, March 26
Peruvian Mobile Clinic Presentation
6:00 pm in Fisher 126
Hosted by MedLife
Biology Movie Night: Osmosis Jones
8:00 pm in Fisher 139
Hosted by Phi Sigma
Friday, March 27
Plant/Bake Sale for Relay For Life
10:00 am – 2:00 pm in Dow
Hosted by Phi Sigma
PureWellness Showcase on Depression and Anxiety
3:00 – 5:00 pm in the Library
Hosted by Wellness
Questions about Biology Week can be directed to Valerie Taglione at
7. Railroad Engineering Activities Club Program
There will also be a Engineers Without Borders Band Benefit held on Saturday, March 21 at the Continental Fire Company, it will be $5.00 for students and $7.00 for adults.
Spring 2015 Academic Success Workshops
Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success is hosting Academic Success Workshops. All sessions are at 5:00 PM in Admin 404 unless otherwise noted. Registration not required. (For groups sending more than 5 participants, please contact Tuesday, March 24: Testing, testing: 1, 2, 3, 4 (second offering) Do you ever feel like you know the course material but can’t translate it to a successful exam grade? Learn effective preparation and test taking strategies.
8. Khana Khazana Serving Combo Meal
Khana Khazana, a weekly international lunch will feature a Combo of Ghanaian, Nepali and Iranian cuisines this Friday, March 6 cooked by students Sandra Owusu, Aadarsh Upreti, and Hossein tavakoli respectively.
The main dish is Waakye. It is a Ghanaian dish of cooked rice and beans and will be served with vegetable sauce & mushrooms/fried chicken. The second dish is Potato Chops. This dish is made of Fried patties of crushed potatoes mixed with spices and served with a hot sauce. For dessert, ice cream made from milk, chocolate truffles, and crackers.Serving is from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the MUB Food Court. The whole meal is $6.95 and includes a fountain soda or $2.50 for each item.
Registration is open to the community and all majors until Thursday March 19th through the following link
Any questions, please email Ryan Thompson at