Student News Briefs: January 20, 2012

LATE NIGHT PROGRAMMING:  Join us Friday, January 20 at 10pm in MUB Ballroom – Late Night Programming presents, Comedian, Prashanth Venkataramanujam! Come one, come all 🙂
Comedian Tonight

Thai Food for Khana Khazana

Presentation RR


FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing Tower Heist in Fisher 135. It will be shown on Friday, January 20 and Saturday, January 21 at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00 pm. Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.  Next week is The Three Musketeers.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at

IMPORTANT WINTER CARNIVAL INFO:  Month-long statue descriptions due Saturday, January 21 @ 5:00 pm.  All-nighter Safety Meeting Wednesday, January 25 @ 7:00 pm in EERC 100.
Tickets for Queens and Stage Revue are available at the SDC Ticket Office.  Rulebooks are avialable in the Blue Key Office (1 per organization).  Email any questions to


ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK TRIPS:  Interested in going on Spring Break? Want to learn more about trips to Puerto Rico, Florida, Georgia and Utah?  To meet the guides, watch a short PowerPoint presentation, ask questions,  please attend the:

Alternative Spring Break Information Session
Thursday, January 26, 2012 @ 7:00 pm
Wads G17/G19

Great prices! Affordable!



Husky Sports this weekend:

Saturday, Jan. 21
Nordic Skiing at Central SuperTour (Minneapolis, Minn.)
Women’s Basketball hosts Grand Valley State, 1 p.m. (Live Radio, Mix 93.5 FM)
Men’s Basketball hosts Grand Valley State, 3 p.m. (Live Radio, Mix 93.5 FM)
Hockey hosts Northern Michigan, 7:07 p.m. (Live Radio, Mix 93.5 FM)

Sunday, Jan. 22
Nordic Skiing at Central SuperTour (Minneapolis, Minn.)



sponsored by

Integrys Energy Group

and Career Services

Integrys Energy Group Invites Michigan Tech Students to

“WHITE-OUT” the MacInnes Student Ice Arena

 and to a Tail Gate Party on Saturday, January 21, 2012

Michigan Tech Hockey Huskies vs Northern Michigan Wildcats Hockey Game

Be sure to get your hockey game tickets through the “Experience Tech” program, beginning at Noon on Tuesday January 17, from the Central Ticket Office at the SDC, using your Tech Express card

Tail Gate Party: 5:30 – 7:00, Student Entrance (North/Portage Health Entrance Area)

Free Husky Meal (Hotdog, Popcorn and Pop)

Blizzard, the Pep Band, Mitch’s Misfits and Husky Hockey coaches will be there!

“WHITE-OUT” the MAC with a free White T-Shirt distributed at the tail gate – compliments of Integrys

Shoot-Out Game on lower level (pit area) before the game for prizes

Swipe your Tech Express Card to Enter to Win an Amazon Kindle Touch

Integrys is a great supporter of Michigan Tech

and continues their strong tradition of hiring Michigan Tech students

For more information, please visit or call 487-2313


PRESENTATION ON EAST GERMANY AND BERLIN WALL:  Hello Global Citizens…. Happy New Year!  Hope you all had wonderful Holidays.  We are starting this semester’s presentation with a talk about East Germany,  “Life in East Germany and the Fall of the Berlin Wall” on Tuesday, January 24,  FISHER 138; from 6:00 – 7:00 pm.  Pizza and drinks will be provided.  Please bring your own cup/mug to minimuze waste.  Join Global City members Mariah, Erika, Ben, Jess and Taile to hear Dr. Werner’s story:

Dr. Thomas Werner grew up in East Germany and will share his story about living a political double life in a socialistic country.  You will learn about what it was like for him to have a personal spy who tried to send his parents to prison, and how his home country dropped out of existence over night.  After the wall fell, Thomas studied Biology in Jena, Germany and then moved to Umeå, Sweden where he did his Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology.  Then he moved to Madison, Wisconsin as a postdoctoral fellow studying the evolution and development of color patterns in fruit flies.  Thomas is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Michigan Tech.  He lives in Houghton with his wife Megan, baby daughter Natalia, and soft coated wheaten terrier, Frosty.


CURLING CLUB:  If you are interested in curling this year, the Curling Club of Michigan Tech is meeting Monday’s beginning January 23, 2012 from 7-9pm.  Rides leave Wadsworth Hall Lobby at 6:45pm.  For more information, contact or Victoria Demers at  Free instructions, beginners encouraged to come.


FLASH MOB:  International Club is organizing a Flash Mob during Winter Carnival’s All Nighter.  The Flash Mob is open to both International and Domestic students and is meant to celebrate the diversity of Michigan Tech.  The simple dance will include moves from other cultures and will be taught in a 1-hour dance lesson prior to the Flash Mob. If you or your organization is interested in participating, please e-mail Jess Banda for specific details.

International Club filmed a flash mob to promote the Parade of Nations in September 2011.  Check it out @


BIGFOOT SNOWSHOE EVENT:  Registration for this year’s Bigfoot Snowshoe Event is now open! To register, go to and click on the Bigfoot link. Early registration for students is $10 (until February 3) or $15 through the day of the event. You can also register on the day of the event! Registration includes snowshoe rental, t-shirt, snacks and refreshments as well as a chance to win some great prizes during the drawing! Please contact with any questions.


Annual Blood Drive vs. NMU

The annual blood drive against Northern Michigan University will be on Tuesday, January 24 from noon until 6pm in the Wads Annex. Snacks and refreshments are available for all donors. No appointments are needed! Please stop by to help out a great cause, and of course to beat Northern! Please contact with any questions or concerns.



LATIN PARTY:  Join NOSOTROS on our next Latin Dance!!! It’s a SOMBRERO (HAT) PARTY!!  The event will be held in the MUB Ballroom A on January 27 starting at 8:00 pm.  Free salsa lesson followed by three hours of open floor with salsa, merengue, bachata and much more! No partner needed; family friendly; all levels; NO COST TO YOU!  Light snacks and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided.  This event is supported by GSG and USG.  For information contact


STAND-A-THON COMPETITION:  Stand-A-Thon Student Organization would like to remind all Student Organizations, Residence Houses, and the Greek Community that submission for the Stand-A-Thon Competition is due by 5:00 pm, February 15. There will be prizes for each division to the team that raises the highest pledge average amount per member! All pledge sheets are due the night of Stand-A-Thon, Friday, March 23 by midnight.  All proceeds raised will be donated to Bay Cliff Health Camp! To submit a team or for any questions, please email Alix Rugg at with the name of your Student Organization, Residence House, Fraternity, or Sorority.  If you are an individual student and would like to raise pledges to benefit Bay Cliff, we also offer a prize to the participant who raises the most!



Student News Briefs: December 13, 2012


SPRING INVOLVEMENT FAIR:  The Spring Involvement Fair will be held on Tuesday, January 17 starting at 6:00 pm.  Enjoy soft pretzels and hot chocolate and find out how you can get involved on campus.  Registered Student Organizations can still register for a table by going to  See poster below for more information.

Spring Involvement Fair


BIG CHANGES FOR THE LODE:  The Lode student newspaper is making big changes this semester including a new publishing day.  The Lode will now be distributed across campus every Tuesday morning starting January 17, 2012.  Also, the paper has changed to a tabloid format.  This new format is smaller and easier to read.  We hope you like the new changes to the Lode and would love to hear your feedback.  To share your opinions about the new changes please email


FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing 50/50 in Fisher 135.  It will be shown on Friday, January 13 and Saturday, January 14 at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00 pm.  Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.  Next week is Tower Heist.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR TUTORING:  The Canterbury House is seeking volunteers for their International Tutoring Program.  Volunteers should have a basic understanding of English, as well as patience when working with non-native English speakers.  The position is very flexible, and extremely rewarding.  The Canterbury House is the yellow house-like building located on US 41 across from the Administration Building.  Stop by the Canterbury House or email or for more information.


LATIN CULTURE PRESENTATION:  The NOSOTROS Student Organization invites you to the 8th presentation of the series, A Door to Latin Culture, to be held on Tuesday, January 17 from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in Fisher 138.   Estefania Delavega Borns will talk about her country, Bolivia.  Snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided.  This event is supported by the Parents’ Fund at Michigan Tech.   For information on this event, contact


SUMMER JOBS WITH YOUTH PROGRAMS:  Michigan Tech Youth Programs is seeking 50 students to help run on-campus summer camps for middle and high school students from all over the world. Youth Programs is currently hiring counselors, office assistants, lifeguards, and chaperones for the 2012 summer.

Employment with Youth Programs begins June 18 and ends August 5 (track B) and can be coordinated in conjunction with summer classes.  All positions are paid and some also include room and board in Wadsworth Hall for track B.

To find out more about the positions and to be eligible to apply, please attend an info session on Monday, January 16 or Tuesday, January 17 at 7:00pm in the Ballroom (ground floor) of Douglaas Houghton Hall.

Find out more @


WINTER CARNIVAL DEADLINES:  Below are some important dates and information for Winter Carnival 2012:

•All-Nighter Applications are available in the Blue Key office and may be turned in through Wednesday, January 18 at 5:00pm.
•All-Nighter safety meeting:  Wednesday, January 25 @ 7:00pm in EERC 100.
•Vending Applications are available and are being accepted now through Monday, January 16 at 5:00pm.
•Map of vending sites will be available: Tuesday, January 24.
•Month-Long Statue Descriptions are due:  Saturday, January 21 @ 5:00pm.
•Stage Revue and Queen Coronation tickets are available through the Rozsa Center.
•Rulebooks are available in the Blue Key office (1 rulebook per organization).
If you have any questions, please email



Snowshoe/Orienteering Clinic:  OAP House  Jan  28 – 12-2pm  No Cost

Chili Feed & Igloo/Quinzee Clinic:   OAP House    Feb 5 – 12 – 3     No Cost

Full moon Snowshoe Hike:       Hungarian Falls          Feb 7 – 6-9pm     $10

Kayak Rolling clinics:       SDC Pool      Jan 22, 29 – 6-8pm  $20

Kayak Intro and Safety:     SDC Pool   Feb 12 – 6-8pm    $20

Kayak Rolling clinics:    SDC Pool Feb 19, 26 – 6-8pm  $20        

Kayak Intro and Safety:    SDC Pool       March 18 – 6-8pm  $20

Bigfoot Snowshoe:     SDC     Feb 11 , 9-12am @ SDC            Register Online                                          

Alternative Spring Break March 3-10                                              

Georgia                               $450

Florida                                 $450

Utah                                       $450      

Outdoor Cooking & Fire Building Clinic:  OAP House, March 21, 6-8pm,  No Cost,  Food Provided.

Peshtigo River Rafting:       OAP House         April 15 All day    $75

Gear Swap:    MUB Peninsula April 20, 3-5pm                                             

Sturgeon River Slough Finals Paddle:      OAP House         April 25 6-9pm   $15


NEW ORLEANS HOT 8 BRASS BAND NEW TIME AND PLACE:  The New Orleans’ own Hot 8 Brass Band was scheduled to present both a lecture and a performance at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts on January 16, 2012, at 1:00 PM and 7:30 PM, respectively.  However, due to theater maintenance, the location and times of these events have changed.  Also, these events are now free. Current ticket holders will be refunded, and are invited to attend the relocated events. The Rozsa Center and Michigan Tech’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) are now collaborating on the Martin Luther King Jr. Week “Dream Celebration” Banquet at the Memorial Union Ballroom on January 16, 2012, which will feature the New Orleans’ Own Hot 8 Brass Band.

In place of the originally scheduled lecture at 1:00 PM at the Rozsa, New Orleans’  own Hot 8 Brass Band will present the Keynote Address at the “Dream Celebration” Banquet at 6:00 PM.  The Keynote Address is titled “Tradition, Tragedy, and Hope: A Brief Survey of Brass Music.”  They will follow this presentation with a performance of their music at 7:00 PM.  The banquet and performance will be free and open to the public, however please note that tickets will be required due to limited seating in the MUB Ballroom.  Tickets will be available either by contacting Ticketing Operations at 906-487-2073, from the Center for Diversity and Inclusion, or at the door.

The New Orleans’ own Hot 8 Brass Band performance is sponsored in part by the James and Margaret Black Endowment, and the Michigan Tech Center for Diversity and Inclusion.


HOCKEY THIS WEEKEND:  The Hockey Huskies host Alaska Anchorage tonight and Saturday at the Student Ice Arena.Friday:  Military Appreciation Night.  Discounted tickets will be available for all active and retired military and their families.  The special price is $8 for adults and $5 for 18 and younger; a valid military identification is required.Saturday:  Junior Hockey Night sponsored by WalMart.  $5 admission for ALL youth 18 years old and younger.  Postgame Skate With the Huskies.  Purchase tickets in advance.  Portage Health Family Night with a prize registration table set up on the main concourse.Fans can purchase discounted tickets in advance of the game at SDC Ticketing Operations to alleviate traffic flow on game night.  You can buy online at Husky Tickets or in person.

Student News Briefs: December 9, 2011



FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing Contagion in Fisher 135.  It will be shown on Friday, December 9 and Saturday, December 10 at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00 pm. Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.  This Sunday, December 11th, there will be a FREE showing of Home Alone in Fisher 135 at 3pm.  Donations will be accepted for the Copper Country Humane Society.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at


OUTDOOR ADVENTURE PROGRAM HOLIDAY HOURS:  The Outdoor Adventure Program will be closed from Saturday, December 17 through January 8, re-opening on the Monday, January 9.  We are renting snowshoes out over winter break for only the weekend cost.  A pair of snowshoes rented on December 16 will be due January 9 and will cost only $12.  This is a great value, so be sure to tell those interested about this deal.  Snowshoes are first come, first served and this special offer walks out the door December 16 at 5 pm.  Call or e-mail with any questions, or go to for office hours/location, hiking and camping suggestions, and more activities in the Keweenaw.   The Outdoor Adventure Program can be reached at 906-487-2290; or email

H4H GIFTWRAPPING:  The Michigan Tech Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter will be at Shopko on Saturday, December 10 to wrap your gifts.  Gift wrapping will be completed for donations and will go towards building homes!  Gift wrapping will start at 10:00 am and last all day.   For questions, contact Tristram Hokenson at

Copper Country Habitat for Humanity ReStore is still looking for donations. They accept appliances, furniture, tools, household goods, and much more. They are open Tuesday – Saturday from 9:30am – 5:00pm.  For more information call 906.337.0020 or check out the website at


HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT FUNDRAISER:  The 9th annual Sounds of the Season concert, a fundraiser to help support choir and band programs in the Copper Country Intermediate School Distict, will be held on Sunday, December 11 at 3:00 PM at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts.  Tickets are $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for students 18 and under.  Come and enjoy a delightful mix of traditional and contemporary holiday music and song!  The concert is sponsored by Copper Range Abstract & Title, Inc. and Eagle Radio. 

The performers include Jeffers High School Band, directed by Emily Raffaelli; Hancock Central High School Band, directed by Cheryl DeLong; Hancock Central High School Choir, directed by Victoria Baltensperger; Houghton High School Band, directed by Kelly Fontaine; and Houghton High School Choir, directed by Ann Campbell.  To purchase tickets call 487-2073, go online at, or visit Ticketing Operations at the SDC.


MICHIGAN TECH CONCERT CHOIR PERFORMANCE:  Michigan Tech’s Concert Choir presents A Choral Celebration on Saturday, December 10 at 7:30 PM at the Rozsa Center.  General Admission $10, Students $5, Michigan Tech Students Free.   The event is sponsored by the Michigan Tech Department of Visual and Performing Arts.  To purchase tickets call 487-2073, go online at, or visit Ticketing Operations at the SDC.



Student News Briefs: December 2, 2011



FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing 30 Minutes or Less in Fisher 135.  It will be shown on Friday, December 2 and Saturday, December 3 at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00 pm. Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at


LEADERSHAPE APPLICATIONS DUE TODAY:  The LeaderShape® application deadline is today!  If you would like to apply for LeaderShape® 2012 the application can be found at:  This year’s Institute will be held January 2-8 at the Ford Center in Alberta.  The LeaderShape Institute® is a great opportunity available for MichiganTech students.  LeaderShape® is an intensive week-long leadership development experience that is designed to help students to “lead with integrity.” Students work in large and small groups as they learn and teach one another through interactive lectures, activities, and discussions. There is a minimal cost for attending the Institute of $100 to help defray the cost of transportation, lodging, and meals which are provided to attendees.  Questions can be directed to


LATIN DANCE:  Join NOSOTROS for our next Latin dance on Friday, December 10 at 8:00 pm in the MUB Ballroom.  Free salsa lessons from 8:00 – 9:00 pm followed by open floor until midnight with salsa, merengue, bachata and much more! No partner needed; family friendly; all levels; free!  Light snacks and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided.  This event is organized by NOSOTROS, Latin Student Organization at Michigan Tech, and supported by the Graduate Student Government and the Undergraduate Student Government.  For information contact .


SPRING INVOLVEMENT FAIR:  Attention Student Organization Leaders:  Recruit new members at the 2012 Spring Involvement Fair on Tuesday, January 17 at 6:00 pm in the MUB Commons.  Register your organization online at .


ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK INFO SESSION:  Learn about the different Alternative Spring Break trips at the information session on Thursday, December 8 at 7:00 pm in the MUB Peninsula Room.  Go on a service trip to Puerto Rico, ski in Utah, or go on a backpacking, camping and canoeing adventure in the south!  Questions about ASB can be directed to


DONATIONS NEEDED:  Copper Country Habitat for Humanity ReStore is looking for donations. They accept appliances, furniture, tools, household goods, and much more. They are open Tuesday – Saturday from 9:30 am – 5:00 pm.  For more information call 906.337.0020 or check out the website at


HELP A NEEDY FAMILY:  Help make Christmas special for a needy family in our community!

The MBA student Association (MBAA) is Adopting a Family this holiday season. Help us to collect unused clothing, toys, and other items for a local family with four boys aged 5, 9, 11, and 12 who love hockey, floor hockey, and legos. The boys wear medium t-shirts and sizes 12, 12 slim, 10 husky, and 5t pants.

Items can be placed in the festive “Adopt a Family” box in the lobby of the Academic Offices Building. Feel free to wrap your donations, but please attach a note telling us what’s inside. Cash donations will also be accepted in the office of the School of Business and Economics and will be used to purchase food and other necessities for the family’s holiday celebration. We will be accepting donations until December 21, 2011.

Thank you for helping to make the holidays special for a very special family!  For questions, contact Andrea Taglione at .


INTERNATIONAL AMBASSADOR PROGRAM:  International Programs & Services is inviting all US & International Students to participate in Michigan Tech’s International Ambassador Program. The program matches each US participant with an International participant who shares common interests. The pairs will attend one event together each month, so only 2-4 hours a month are needed to participate.

International Ambassador Events will begin in the spring semester.  If you’re interested in making a friend from another culture, learning, expanding your resume, and attending fun events, then I really hope you’ll consider becoming one of Michigan Tech’s first International Ambassadors! To sign-up, please e-mail Jess Banda at


SPRING HUSKYLEAD SESSIONS PLANNED:  Save the dates!  HuskyLEAD starts again in the Spring Semester so you can learn many techniques and tips to hone your leadership skills.
The presentations will be Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in the MUB.  The presentation dates and topics are as follows:
January 24  – Recruiting and Retaining Active Members
January 31  – Financing and Budgeting for your Organization
February 14 – Motivating your Members
February 28 – Ethical and Effective Communication
March 13    – Identifying and Assisting Struggling Leaders
March 20    – Using Leadership Experiences in your Job Search

HuskyLEAD is free and available to all Michigan Tech Students.  Questions can be directed to Student Activities at 487-1963 or  We are looking forward to seeing you there!


WILDERNESS FIRST RESPONDER COURSE:  The Outdoor Adventure Program will be hosting a Wilderness First Responder Course January 2-7, 2012. Certifications run through Northern Cairn, a top-of-the-tier wilderness medical training group.  The deadline to sign up is December 9, which can be done at  Course costs are $556 for Tech affiliates for the full course, $295 for the re-certification which runs the last three days of the course.  Lodging can be made available at no cost.  For information about course logistics, e-mail 


STUDENT LIFE POSITIONS AVAILABLE:  Are you thinking about getting more involved on campus? Why not consider applying for a position within Student Life!  Student Life will soon be accepting applications for the following positions for the 2012-2013 academic year:

Resident Assistant
Program Assistant
Community Assistant
Orientation Team Leader
Transfer Assistant
Commuter Assistant
Operations Assistant

These are all great positions and offer students the opportunities to develop their leadership skills while also having a great experience. For more information, go to , or email .

All applicants are required to attend one of the information sessions held on December 6, 7 and January 15, 19.  All are from 8:00-9:00 PM in Fisher 135.  Feel free to come by and learn more about the positions and hear from students currently in these positions.


THANKS FOR YOUR HELP:  Submitted by Ryan Towles, MTU Preschool Board President:  Thank you all so much for your contributions to the success of the MTU Preschool Bounce-O-Rama on November 12th. The event netted the Preschool over $1,100.  We received many compliments from parents of children that attended and from ACA Jumps (they brought the inflatables) regarding the maturity and overall professionalism of our volunteers and on the set-up of the space and the facility itself.  We could not have made this a successful fund raiser for the Preschool if not for your generous help and assistance. Again, thank you very much.  MTU Preschool is a non-profit, parent cooperative preschool that has been serving the local community and its children for over 50 years.  Have a great rest of the semester.


GET YOUR DISCOUNTED GLI TICKETS:  Discounted GLI Tickets for the 47th annual Great Lakes Invitational Hockey Tournament Dec. 29-30 in Detroit are on sale now for Michigan Tech students, alumni & fans.  The 2011 edition of the GLI will feature tournament mainstays Michigan Tech, Michigan, and Michigan State along with invitational team Boston College in a true tournament format at Joe Louis Arena, home of the NHL’s Detroit Red Wings.

The two semifinals will be played on Thursday, Dec. 29, beginning with Michigan Tech vs Michigan State at 4 p.m.  Michigan will take on Boston College in the second semifinal at 7:30.  On Friday, Dec. 30, the third-place game will start at 4 p.m. with the championship game scheduled for 7:30 p.m.

Discounted tickets for Michigan Tech students and alumni can be purchased online by using this ticketmaster link and code:


These are the sections and seats that are reserved for Michigan Tech students, alumni & fans

Lower Level Reserved $20
Sect. 104-106

Upper Level Reserved $10
Sec. 205-206

Lower Level $15
General Admission

Upper Level
General Admission $


KEWEENAW SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AT THE ROZSA:  The Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra will be performing 7:30 pm this Saturday night, December 3 at Michigan Technological University’s Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. The KSO embarks on a wild orchestral adventure through symphonic movements by Mozart, Liszt, Tchaikovsky, and Dvorak in this unique musical collage of these four great composers’ symphonies.  General Admission $15, Michigan Tech Students Free.  To purchase tickets, call 906-487-2073, go online at, or visit Ticketing Operations at Michigan Tech’s Student Development Complex (SDC).  SDC box office hours are 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM, Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM Saturday, and 12:00 noon – 8:00 PM Sunday.  Please note the Rozsa Box Office will only open two hours prior to show times.


Student News Briefs: November 18, 2011


WINTER CRAFT BAZAAR:  The 41st Annual Winter Craft Bazaar sponsored by the Apartments’ Residence Council will be held on Sunday, December 4, 2011 from noon to 6:00 pm in the SDC Wood Gym.  Would you like to be a vendor?  Contact for more information.  Suggested donation for entry into the Bazaar is a non-perishable food item and/or $2.00.  All donations and crafter table fees benefit local charities and food pantries.


LEADERSHAPE APPLICATIONS:  The 2012 LeaderShape Institute® will be held January 2 – 8 at the Alberta Ford Center.  This is a great opportunity available for Michigan Tech students!  LeaderShape® is an intensive week-long leadership development experience that is designed to help students to “lead with integrity.”  Students work in large and small groups as they learn and teach one another through interactive lectures, activities, and discussions.  There is a minimal fee of $100 for the Institute that helps offset the cost of all transportation, lodging, and meals which will be provided to participants.  Selected students are expected to stay at the Alberta Ford Center for the duration of the Institute.  If you would like to apply for LeaderShape® 2012 the application can be found at:



HABITAT FOR HUMANITY ReSTORE:  Copper Country Habitat for Humanity ReStore is looking for donations and volunteers. Volunteering is a great resume builder and an opportunity for Student and Greek Organizations to fill in Community Service hours.  They accept donations such as appliances, furniture, tools, and other household goods.  The website is  They are open Tuesday – Saturday from 9:30am – 5:00pm.  Please contact Tristram Hokenson at if you have any questions. 


GET YOUR GLI TICKETS:  Discounted GLI Tickets for Michigan Tech Students, Alumni & Fans are on sale for the 47th annual Great Lakes Invitational Hockey Tournament Dec. 29-30 in Detroit. The 2011 edition of the GLI will feature tournament mainstays Michigan Tech, Michigan, and Michigan State along with invitational team Boston College in a true tournament format at Joe Louis Arena, home of the NHL’s Detroit Red Wings.  The two semifinals will be played on Thursday, Dec. 29, beginning with Michigan Tech vs Michigan State at 4 p.m. Michigan will take on Boston College in the second semifinal at 7:30. On Friday, Dec. 30, the third-place game will start at 4 p.m. with the championship game scheduled for 7:30 p.m.

Discounted tickets for Michigan Tech students and alumni can be purchased online by using this ticketmaster link and code:


These are the sections and seats that are reserved for Michigan Tech students, alumni & fans:

Lower Level Reserved  $20
Sect. 104-106

Upper Level Reserved  $10
 Sec. 205-206

Lower Level  $15
General Admission

Upper Level
General Admission  $5


Student News Briefs: November 11, 2011

Indian Cuisine


FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing Friends with Benefits in Fisher 135.  It will be shown on Friday, November 11 and Saturday, November 12 at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00 pm.  Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at


BENEFIT PANCAKE BREAKFAST:   The students of the Pavlis Institute will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser to benefit communities in Ghana and India on Sunday, November 13 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at St. Albert the Great Church at 411 MacInnes Drive.  Pavlis students will be traveling to Ghana and India to implement a number of service projects, and all funds raised at the breakfast will be used to support these international project efforts.

Perkins pancakes (among other goodies) will be served, and the cost of the meal is a free will donation.  Artwork and crafts from Ghana, brought back by students last summer, will be available in a silent auction.  Questions about the benefit breakfast can be directed to Clayton Doyle at


HUSKYLEAD:  Learn how to put sleep, exercise, and fun back into your schedule while maintaining your academic excellence with Time Management at the next HuskyLEAD presentation on Tuesday, November 15 at 6:00 pm in the MUB Ballroom.  Through information and various exercises, we will focus on balancing academics, extracurricular activities, and other responsibilities.  HuskyLEAD is open to all Michigan Tech students, and registered student organization officers are encouraged to attend.  Questions can be directed to Beth Lunde, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, at  Hope to see you there!


ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK TRIPS:  Please join us on Tuesday, November 15 at 7:00 pm in MUB Ballroom B1 for an informational session on the 2012 Alternative Spring Break trips being planned by Student Activities and the Outdoor Adventure Program.  Destinations include Puerto Rico, Georgia, Florida and Utah.  Activities include service, snorkling, backpacking, caving and downhill skiing.  Brief presentations with questions & answers to follow.  Email or call 487-1963 with any questions about ASB.


PUBLICITY FOR MICHIGAN TECH STUDENTS:  Michigan Tech students will have an opportunity for some publicity!  The University Marketing and Communications Department received a request from  CollegeBound Network seeking examples of how students at colleges and universities are giving thanks during November by making meals for those in need, volunteering and raising money for worthy causes.  If you or your organization have examples to give, please contact Jenn Donovan, Director of Public Relations, at or 906-487-4521 NO LATER THAN Monday, November 14.


WILDERNESS FIRST RESPONDER COURSE:  The Outdoor Adventure Program is sponsoring a Wilderness First Responder (WFR) 5-day course at Michigan Tech January 2-6, 2012.  You will receive full certification or re-certification for WFR.  For more information please visit, or contact Erik Keisler at 487-1963 or


INTERNATIONAL BAZAAR:  The International Club is hosting a Holiday Bazaar and Craft Sale on Saturday, November 12 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm in the MUB Commons.  You will have the opportunity to purchase unique gifts from around the world.  Questions about the bazaar can be directed to International Club members Jessica Banda, or Zichen Qian,


ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS GRADUATING IN DECEMBER 2011: The Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) invites you to make your upcoming commencement day even more special by participating in the Class Tribute Program.  It’s an opportunity for you to recognize someone special to you in the printed commencement program. Just go to for program and participation details.  The deadline for tributes is Monday, November 14, 2011.  For questions, contact Paula Nutini at 487-3609 or


BECOME AN INTERNATIONAL AMBASSADOR:  All Undergraduate and Graduate students are invited to participate in Michigan Tech’s International Ambassador Program, a new program through International Programs and Services.  The International Ambassador Program helps international & US students who have similar interests to form friendships while learning about new cultures. Participants in the International Ambassador Program attend one free event each month, so you only need a few hours of free time to participate.  If you’re interested in making a friend from another culture, learning, expanding your resume, and attending fun events,  consider becoming one of Michigan Tech’s first International Ambassadors.  If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please e-mail Jessica Banda:


ARTWORK BY MARY ANN BECKWITH:  Please join the Rozsa Center at a reception with the distinguished artist and Michigan Tech professor Mary Ann Beckwith as she opens a retrospective of her work titled “Images Now and Then,” in the Rozsa Gallery this Friday, November 11, 2011, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.  The artwork will be on display from November 11, 2011 – January 27, 2012.  This exhibit is free and open to the public.  Gallery hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm.  Sponsored by the James and Margaret Black Endowment.

DINING SERVICES SURVEY:   Students are invited to participate in a survey to determine opinions, preferences, and use of Dining Services on campus. Your responses will be used to help make recommendations for new dining options. The survey is brief and should only take 2-3 minutes.  Please take a moment to share your opinions with us!
Click here to do the survey:



Student News Briefs: November 4, 2011

COMEDIAN:  Join us after the hockey game tonight (Friday, November 4) at 10:00 pm in MUB Ballroom for comedian Josh Gondelman!  Josh charms audiences with his good-natured storytelling and cracks them up with his sharp, pointy wit.  Sponsored by the Student Activities Late Night Programming Committee and paid for by the Student Activities Fee.  No admission fee.


FUDDY MEERS:  The Tech Theatre Company presents a twisting, turning, hilarious mystery chock full of colorful characters!  “Fuddy Meers ” by American playwright David Lindsay-Abaire, runs November 3-5 & 10-12, 7:30 pm in the McArdle Theater in the Walker Center, adjacent to the Rozsa Center.  Join Claire, a victim of psychogenic amnesia, as she puts together the pieces of the mind-boggling puzzle in which she awakens each morning with no memory of the past.  One morning Claire is abducted by a limping, lisping man who claims that her husband wants to kill her.  The audience views the ensuing mayhem through the kaleidoscope of Claire’s world. The play culminates in a cacophony of revelations, proving that everything is not what it appears to be.   The play’s title “Fuddy Meers” is one character’s attempt to pronounce the phrase “funny mirrors.”  Please note, the play contains adult content.   General Admission $10, Michigan Tech Students Free .


LEARN ABOUT ISLAM:  Learn the Basics of Islam presented by The Muslim Students Association on Thursday, November 10 at 6:00 pm in Fisher 125.  All are welcome.  For questions, contact Marwa at



This week Film Board is showing Harry Potter 7: Parts 1 & 2 in Fisher 135.

Part 1 OR Part 2 $3.00
BOTH Parts $ 5.00
Concessions range from 25 to 75 cents.

Show & Intermission Times:
Friday (4th) 5:30 & 10:30
Saturday (5th) 12:30, 5:30, 10:30
Sunday (6th) 12:30 & 5:30

12:30 pm: First Half
2:50 pm: Intermission
3:00 pm: Second Half

5:30 pm: First Half
7:50 pm: Intermission
8:00 pm: Second Half

10:30 pm: First Half
12:50 am: Intermission
1:00 am: Second Half

If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman at


MESSAGE FROM LES COOK:  On Thursday November 10, 2011, Michigan Tech will conduct an emergency response drill at the Student Development Complex. This drill is designed to help the University and emergency response agencies from the local community refine our skills and ensure we have procedures in place for responding to complex disasters.  One key component of this exercise is identifying and treating critically injured victims. Michigan Tech will collaborate with local ambulance services and hospitals to triage patients and ensure they receive timely, effective emergent care.  For this component to work, we need 100+ student volunteers from approximately 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm to serve as victims for the mock incident.  I know all of you are very busy but we would appreciate any help you or your organization can provide during this exercise.  The regular class schedule will be in effect during the exercise and unfortunately class release time is not available.  If you can participate or have organization members who are available to help please ask them to contact Rachel Wussow ( to volunteer.  If you are only available for a portion of the afternoon, please contact Rachel and let her know exactly what time you are available.  Thank you in advance for your support and participating in this training activity.  With appreciation,   Les.




HUSKYLEAD:  Learn how to better utilize your student organization advisors at the next HuskyLEAD session to be held on Tuesday, November 8 at 6:00 pm in the MUB Ballroom.  You will learn what your advisors’ role is and what they can and cannot do for your organization.  If you have any questions about HuskyLEAD, please contact Beth Lunde,  Assistant Vice President for Student Life, at  HuskyLEAD is free and open to all Michigan Tech students.  Registered student organization leaders are especially encouraged to attend.


BOOK AND BAKE SALE:  Come support the Phi Sigma Biology Honor Society by swinging by their book/bake sale on Wednesday, November 9 in the MUB Commons.  The sale will be held from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm and buyers can choose from a wide variety of yummy baked goods as wells as used textbooks and other literature. Hope to see you there! Contact Sam Kerlin at with any questions.



INTERNATIONAL BAZAAR:  The International Club kicks off International Education Week with the 2nd Annual International Bazaar on Saturday, November 12 from 1:00 to 5:00 pm in the MUB Commons.  The International Bazaar is a cultural gathering set up to give the local community a chance to experience the multiculturalism of the Keweenaw in a relaxed setting.  Browse through the variety of exotic trinkets and pastries provided by local students and businesses to find the perfect gifts for your loved ones before the holiday rush.  You are invited to sell items representing your culture such as crafts, clothes, posters, and music CDs.  Contact Allison Gleiss at if you have questions or if you’re interested in participating.  This is a great fundraising opportunity for you or your organization.  Mark your calendar if you want to shop for international goods locally!




ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS GRADUATING IN DECEMBER 2011: The Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) invites you to make your upcoming commencement day even more special by participating in the Class Tribute Program.  It’s an opportunity for you to recognize someone special to you in the printed commencement program.  Just go to for program and participation details.  The deadline for tributes is Monday, November 14, 2011. For questions, contact Paula Nutini at 487-3609 or


HAPPY FEET:  Next Friday,  November 11 and Saturday, November 12, the Rozsa Center will host a living legend, Savion Glover, the man behind the dancing feet of “Happy Feet,”  Tony-award winning for his work with Spike Lee on “Bring in ‘Da Noise, Bring in ‘Da Funk,”  referred to by Gregory Hines, himself a tap dance legend, as “the best tap dancer to have ever lived!”  While tap dance may not be something Houghton audiences have followed lately, this is an unbelievably rare opportunity for all of us to see the absolute Best of the Best to have ever practiced the art form of tap!

To purchase tickets, call 487-2073,  go online at, or visit Ticketing Operations at the SDC. 


ICE LEADERSHIP SOCIETY:  Come join the ICE (Innovate, Create, Engage) Leadership Society’s membership meeting this Thursday, November 10 for some challenging and fun activities while learning the ins and outs of developing your leadership skills.  This new student organization meets in EERC 214 at 7:00 pm every other Thursday and would love to see you there.  Contact with any questions or check us out on Facebook.

DONATIONS AND VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  Copper Country Habitat for Humanity ReStore is looking for donations and volunteers. Volunteering is an opportunity for Student and Greek Organizations to fill in community service hours and is a great resume builder.  The ReStore accepts appliances, furniture, tools, and other household goods for donations.  Visit their website at  They are open Tuesday through Saturday from 9:30 am – 5:00 pm.  Please contact Tristram Hokenson at  if you have any questions.



Student News Briefs: October 28, 2011



FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing Cowboys & Aliens in Fisher 135.  It will be shown on Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29 at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00 pm.  Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.  If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at”

Next week’s movie is Harry Potter 7: Parts 1 & 2.


LATIN DANCE:  The NOSOTROS student organization is holding a Latin dance on Friday, October 28 at the Michigan Tech MUB Ballroom A starting at 8:00 pm with salsa lessons by Dr. Thomas Werner and continuing at 9:00 pm with open floor.  This is a Halloween party, wear your scary costumes!  Light snacks and soft drinks will be provided.  This event is FREE and is sponsored by the Graduate Student Government and the Undergraduate Student Government.  For information contact Alessia Uboni at


BROKEN BREAD MEAL CELEBRATION:  The Intervarsity Christian Fellowship is organizing a Broken Bread Meal Celebration on Friday, October 28 from 9:00 pm – midnight in the Wads Dining Hall.  Come learn about injustices around the world through unique and interactive activities.  We will be serving food that is served to refugees.  Over $500 in fair trade and justice-related prizes will be raffled off.  The more activities you do, the higher your chances of winning.  If you have any questions email Andrea Walvatne at


HUSKYLEAD:  Event Planning and Logistics is the topic of the next HuskyLEAD session to be held on Tuesday, November 1 at 6:00 pm in the MUB Ballroom.  By attending this session, you will have a better understanding of how to plan large and small scale events.  You will learn what resources and opportunities are available to your student organization to enhance its success.  HuskyLEAD session are open to all Michigan Tech students and student organization officers are encouraged to attend.  If you have any questions, email Beth Lunde, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, at

NATIVE AMERICAN MONTH:  November is Native American Month and  the American Indian Society for Engineers and Scientists (AISES) and the Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) are sponsoring the following events to be held next week:
Tuesday, November 1:  History of a People, Doreen Blaker, 5:00-6:00 pm in MUB Ballroom B1
Wednesday, November 2:  Birch Bark Basket Making, 5:00-7:00 pm at Center for Diversity and Inclusion building.  Please RSVP to
Thursday, November 4:  Two Spiritness film & discussion, 7:00-8:30 pm, Fisher 135
All events are free and open to the public.  If you have any questions, contact the Center for Diversity and Inclusion at 487-2920.

GLOBAL CITY PRESENTATION:  Global City registered student organization is sponsoring the presentation, Famine in Eastern Africa,  by members of the African Student Association, Addishiwot Teshome, Ornella Nkurunziza, Regina Baiden, Haki Kiema and Jaime Craig.  The presentation will be held on Tuesday, November 1 from 6:00-7:00 pm in FISHER 139.  Pizza and beverages will be provided.  Please bring your own cup/mug to minimize waste.

The famine in Eastern Africa, affecting northern Kenya, South-Eastern Ethiopia, Southern Somalia and Djibouti has led to the loss of livestock and crop failure, the main assets for the most affected people in the region and, in turn, their migration into increasingly-overcrowded refugee camps.  The human toll that this climate and geopolitical-induced tragedy has taken is estimated to be in the tens of thousands and threatens to grow to nearly a million.  Despite the obstacles faced by relief organizations, strides have been made in mitigating the disaster and the viability of long-term solutions are in the discussion.  This presentation will elaborate these causes, effects, mitigation efforts and outlook for the famine-stricken region, as well as present ways you can help.

Questions about the Global City presentation can be directed to Taile Leswifi at


WINTER CARNIVAL PLANNING:  Winter Carnival dates for 2012 are February 8 – 11.  Applications for Winter Carnival Month Long Statues,  Queens and  Stage Revue will be available in the Blue Key office (Student Org office, MUB 106) starting Tuesday, November 1 at 8:00 am.  Application due dates and other important Winter Carnival dates will be given out with the applications.  Email any questions to

IBV RECRUITMENT EVENT:  The International Business Ventures (IBV) Enterprise will be holding a recruitment event on Tuesday, November 1 at 7:00 pm in U113 in the M&M Building.
IBV offers a unique opportunity for students to learn how to develop new solutions to Bio-medical problems and bring to market new products for which a need has been identified. Current projects include an Infant Heart Annuciator design to detect the weak heartbeat of an infant that would otherwise be declared stillborn in developing countries, a Pandemic Ventilator that would be low-cost so hospitals could easily stockpile them in case of an emergency, like Hurricane Katrina or Haiti, and a anesthesia blower for a German company that develop an anesthesia drive system to allow anesthesia and ventilation to be provided in areas where compressed gas is not readily available. To find out more about IBV, please visit our website:  Looking for Business majors, Electrical engineers, Mechanical engineers, Computer Engineers, Bio-medical engineers and others!  Don’t sign up for spring classes without checking us out!  Pizza and pop will be provided. If you would like to join but are unable to attend, or if you have any other questions, please email, or contact Caitlin Pionke at


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR BOUNCE-O-RAMA EVENT:  If you are looking for a community service opportunity or something fun to do, the MTU Preschool would like to invite your organization to participate in our upcoming Bounce-O-Rama fundraising event to be held on Saturday, November 12, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in the SDC Multi-purpose Room.  This event is open to the entire community, including  high school and college students, and adults.  Bounce-O-Rama is a carnival-type event with many inflatable obstacles and play areas for participants to enjoy. 

Volunteer 1st shift: 9:30am – 12:30pm (includes training time)

Volunteer 2nd shift: 12:00pm – 3:00pm (includes training time)

We need volunteers mainly to supervise the different areas – things like moon walks, inflatable slides, velcro wall – to make sure the participants stay safe, stay in age appropriate groups, and to rotate participants through according to lines, time bouncing, etc.  In return for a 3-hour shift, volunteers will each receive a free bracelet pass for the remainder of the event so you can do some bouncing yourselves during the half hour before the event and in between shifts and training.  This is a $10 value.  A similar event was recently held at the Superior Dome in Marquette.

If your organization can participate, please respond to Ryan Towles, MTU Preschool Board President, at by Monday, October 31.


TIE DYE EVENT:  Green Campus Enterprise will be hosting a tie dying recruitment event on Thursday, November 5 at 5:00 pm in Dow 110.  There will be free pizza  provided!  Green Campus is part of the enterprise program on campus that students can join and use as senior design electives.  The goal of the Green Campus Enterprise is to help the Michigan Tech Administration effectively engage the university community in reducing the carbon footprint.  Some of the projects we’re working on include a carbon calculator, energy reduction in computer labs and buildings, campus awareness, and wind turbine feasibility. If interested in learning more about Green Campus, feel free to attend the tie dying event, attend a weekly meeting at 5:00 pm in Rehki 214 on Thursdays, or contact or Jace Toney at



Student News Briefs: October 21, 2011


FILM BOARD:  This week Film Board is showing Captain America in 3D in Fisher 135.  It will be shown on Friday, October 21 and Saturday, October 22nat 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30 pm. Because this movie is being shown in 3D, please be sure to bring your valid Tech ID to check out 3D glasses.  Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.   If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at

 Next week’s movie is Cowboys & Aliens.


FREE CLOTHING GIVEAWAY:  Grace Lutheran Church of South Range is holding a FREE CLOTHING GIVEAWAY Saturday, October 22 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.  There will be clothing of all kinds ranging from young children to adults of all sizes.  The event in open to anyone and everyone.  If you have any questions please call Grace Lutheran at 482-2011.


SPEAKERS’ FORUM AND SPIRIT OF THE HARVEST POWWOW:  Michigan Tech’s American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) and the Native American Student Association will be hosting The Speakers’ Forum and Spirit of the Harvest Powwow this weekend.

On Friday, Oct. 21, a Speakers’ Forum will take place from 10 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. in the Douglass Houghton Hall Ballroom.  The Forum will include an opening ceremony with a drum group, information about Michigan Tech, a tour of campus laboratories, and at 1:00 pm, a presentation by Lowery Begay, motivational speaker and Navajo hoop dancer.

The 16th Annual Spirit of the Harvest Powwow will be held on Saturday October 22 at the SDC Multipurpose Room.  Grand entries start at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm.  Special presentatins during the Powwow include hoop dancer, Lowery Begay, at 2:00 and 7:00 pm, Honor Song for Army Pfc Robert L. Voakes Jr. at 3:00 pm, and the Pink Shawl Presentation at 4:30 pm.  The Powwow ends at 8:00 pm.

All events are free and open to the public.

HUSKYLEAD:  Please join us for the next HuskyLEAD session, Building a Better Team, on Tuesday, October 25 at 6:00 pm in the MUB Ballroom.  This interactive leadership session will familiarize you with managing group dynamics, working through conflict management, and understanding others perspectives through various team building techniques.  HuskyLEAD is open to all Michigan Tech students, and registered student organization officers are encouraged to attend.  Questions about HuskyLEAD can be directed to Beth Lunde, Assistant Vice President for Student Life, at


PRESENTATION/DANCE/LATIN CULTURE:  The NOSOTROS Student Organization will be holding two events next week.  Join us for the forth presentation of the series, A Door to Latin Culture, on Tuesday October 25 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in Fisher 138.  Rudiger Escobar Wolf will talk about his country, Guatemala.  Pizza and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided.  This event is supported by the Parents Fund at Michigan Tech.

Then, don’t miss our next Latin dance on Friday, October 28 at the MUB Ballroom A starting at 8:00 pm with a salsa class and open floor at 9:00 pm.  This is a Halloween party so wear your scary costumes!  Light snacks and soft drinks will be provided.  Sponsored by GSG and USG.


HAUNTED HAUS:  The local Zeta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Pi Fraternity, located at 1206 College Avenue, is hosting its 25th Annual Haunted Haus Friday, October 28 and Saturday October 29.  This event has risen upwards of $1,000 a year and more than $20,000 for the local Pigs ‘N’ Heat Charity. The Brothers of Sigma Pi hope to see support in helping our local Pigs ‘N’ Heat and are offering a $1 off entry with a 2 can donation to this year’s Haunted Haus Can Drive.  Questions about the Haunted Haus can be directed to Benjamin Urness at
Time:  7 :00 – 9 :00 pm:  All Ages        9:00 pm – midnight:  Suggested Ages 12 & Up
Admission:  $5 Ages 12 & Up,    $3 Ages 5- 11,    Free Admission Ages 4 & Below        


ICE LEADERSHIP SOCIETY: Come join the ICE (Innovate, Create, Engage) Leadership Society’s membership meeting Thursday, October 27 and participate in some challenging and fun activities while learning the ins and outs of developing your leadership skills.  This new student organization meets in EERC 214 at 7:00 pm every other Thursday and would love to see you there!  Contact Tyler Myers at with any questions or check us out on Facebook.


BIRD MONITORING PRESENTATION:  The Framework and Challenges of Monitoring Birds on a Regional Level will be presented by Katie Koch, USFWS Midwest Bird Monitoring Coordinator, on Friday, October 28 at 1:00 pm in Forestry G002.  Koch is part of The Midwest Coordinated Bird Monitoring Partnership which was established in 2009 with the hope of providing a means to help wildlife professionals better understand and interface raptor conservation needs with climate change, energy development, land use practices, and food production across the Midwestern landscape.  Monitoring is essential to successful local and landscape-scale bird conservation planning, guiding design of on-the-ground activities, and evaluation of implementation practices to inform adaptive management.  Questions about the presentation can be directed to Auriel Van Der Laar at  This presentation is brought to you by Birdbums, a registered student organization at Michigan Tech. 




LITTLE BROTHERS/FRIENDS OF THE ELDERLY: Little Brothers/Friends of the Elderly are still in need of volunteers for our woodcutting program before the weather turns.  This program provides wood to over 90 elderly in need in Houghton County that need wood to heat their homes throughout the winter. Volunteer groups will go to either a wood lot or an elderly person’s home to cut and split wood. We provide all equipment, including chainsaws, mauls, a hydraulic splitter, and safety equipment. Volunteers will also make deliveries of wood to an elderly person’s home if necessary. Volunteer groups must have people with some experience cutting and splitting wood. If you are interested, please e-mail Rebekka at or call Little Brothers at 906-482-6944 as soon as possible.


GARRISON KEILLOR AT THE ROZSA:  Garrison Keillor is coming to the Rozsa Center on Wednesday, October 26 at 7:30 pm for An Evening of Storytelling.  This will be a rare and intimate performance, with Garrison taking the stage alone.  Exactly what will he do?  That will be a surprise!  He may sing; he may tell jokes; he may tell stories about the little town of Lake Wobegone “…where the women are strong, the men are good looking, and all the children are above average,” or he may read something from one of his books of poetry.  To purchase tickets, please call 487-2073, go online to, or visit Ticketing Operations at the SDC. 


ASB TRIP TO PUERTO RICO:  In order to secure the best airfare, Student Activities is rounding up interest early for the Alternative Spring Break service trip to Puerto Rico!  Participants will depart from the Houghton County Airport on Saturday, March 3, and return on Saturday March 10.  The cost to you will be $900 – $1000 at this time depending on flights, and this price includes airfare, travel to and from the airport, lodging and most meals.  This service trip is in collaboration with the Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers at Polytechnic University in San Juan.  The service project entails maintaining the grounds of a Catholic retreat center and the surrounding forest.

The service trip is open to all Michigan Tech students who are in good standing and have maintained at least a 2.0 GPA.  Please complete the application ASB Puerto Rico application and bring to Student Activities in MUB 112 as soon as possible.  Additional questions may be directed to , or call 487-2402.  Acceptance will be based on a first come-first served basis; also academic standing and responses to the essay questions will be taken into consideration for final selection.  Upon acceptance, you will be asked to commit with a $500 non-refundable down payment.



Student News Briefs: October 14, 2011

Iranian Cuisine


SPIRIT OF THE HARVEST POWWOW:  Please join the Michigan Tech AISES/Native American Student Association for the annual Spirit of the Harvest Powwow.  This free event takes place on Saturday, October 22.  Grand Entry is at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm.  For more information, please visit: or call the Center for Diversity and Inclusion at 487-2920.


FILM BOARD:  This week’s Film Board movie is Transformers 3 in 3D in Fisher 135.  It will be shown on Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15 at 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30 pm.  Because this movie is being shown in 3D, please be sure to bring your valid Tech ID to check out 3D glasses.  Tickets for the show are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.   If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Carissa Lindeman, at

Next week’s movie is Captain America.


GLOBAL CITY PRESENTATION:  Global City is teaming up with Copper Country Guatemala Accompaniment Project (CCGAP) to welcome photojournalist Graham Hunt to the UP.   The groups are sponsoring a presentation on Tuesday, October 18 in FISHER 329 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm.  Pizza and beverages will be provided.  Please bring your own cup/mug to minimize waste.  Hunt has documented the activities of indigenous organizations who educate local communities about their rights in relation to mining corporations.  Graham had served previously as an accompanier to witnesses in the genocide trials, so he is well-acquainted with the issues of social justice and the environment.  Global City is a registered student organization that brings together graduate students, undergraduates, and faculty to share knowledge and experiences about global issues and cultural diversity.   For more information, you may contact Taile Leswifi at, visit our website or find us on Facebook


SWING LESSONS:  Swing Club is hosting a free, beginner-level, 5-week East Coast Swing lesson series beginning Tuesday, October 18 at 8:00 pm in the MUB Commons.  All are invited; no partner is required.  Open dance follows at 9:00 pm.  Please contact if you have any questions, or Bert Spychalski at


HUSKYLEAD:  The Michigan Tech HuskyLead session for Tuesday, October 18 is Roberts Rules of Order and How to Run a Meeting.   HuskyLead sessions meet every Tuesday at 6:00 pm in MUB Ballroom A1 and will continue until Fall break.  Participants attending Roberts Rules of Order will learn the best techniques and practices in how to run a meeting.  The purpose of HuskyLead workshops is to educate and elevate the leadership development of our student organization officers and their members.  We hope that students attending will build understanding and skills needed for leadership within their student organization, as well as in other areas of their life.  HuskyLead is open to all interested students.  Student organization officers and members are highly encouraged to attend one or all sessions.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Beth Lunde at .

