Tag: Visual and Performing Arts

Artist Lali Khalid on “Being Between”

Lali small“Being Between,” artist Lali Khalid’s photographs of identity, displacement and home, are on display in Rozsa Gallery, A-Space, through Thursday, Sept. 22.

The gallery hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday.

A special lecture by the artist is scheduled for 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16 in M&M U115. The gallery reception follows from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Rozsa Gallery (lower level).

Khalid, a Pakistani-American artist, holds degrees from The National College of Fine Arts in Lahore, Pakistan, and The Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. “Being Between” is the first exhibit of the Rozsa Galleries new “Independent Artist Series.”

For additional information, contact Lisa Gordillo.


Free Outdoor Concert on Rozsa Lawn

d81509f0f88714620c9a90b5381a261eea3303dfBring your lawn chairs, bring your blankets as the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts presents “An Old Fashioned Twilight Concert,” 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18 on the Rozsa/Walker lawn.

The free outdoor concert is put on by Michael Christianson, Michigan Tech’s director of bands, with a performance by the Superior Wind Symphony, in which they will celebrate the birthday of the godfather of band concerts, John Philip Sousa.

Spend a beautiful fall evening full of band music outdoors on the lawn. In the event of rain, the show will move inside, to the McArdle Theatre on the second floor of the Walker Center.

Christianson says, “at the zenith of the wind band’s popularity, crowds would flock to the park to hear the great John Philip Sousa play a mixture of marches, folk songs, popular music of recent times, masterworks and featured soloists from within the band….outdoors.”

Christianson says the concern, held one week before Sousa’s birthday, will reference music of that golden era, (Sousa, Holst, Kreisler) but will also update some items (John Williams, Frank Ticheli, Hoagy Carmichael) to be more pertinent today.

“Bring your blanket, your dinner and spread out on the lawn as you enjoy a classic Band moment with Michigan Tech’s Superior Wind Symphony,” he says.

More information is available online.

Read more at Tech Today, by Bethany Jones

Breaksk8 coming to Parade of Nations, Rozsa

The Parade of Nations along with the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts present the high-energy breakdancers-on- wheels that are “Breaksk8” on Saturday, September 17.

In addition to skating in the Parade of Nations, Breakst8 will perform at 7:30 p.m. on the Rozsa Center stage.

BreakSk8 has amazed audiences around the globe with their unique style of entertainment on wheels. Never before has roller skating and break dancing been combined in such an acrobatic, athletic, artistic and precise display of talent. Tickets are on sale now, $10 for adults, $5 for youth and free for Michigan Tech Students with the Experience Tech Fee. You can get tickets by calling 7-2073 or online.

In addition, the Parade of Nations and the Keweenaw Roller Girls roller derby team present an “open skate”  from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14 at the Houghton County Arena. This “bring your own skates/blades” event is free and open to all ages and levels of experience.

For more information on Breaksk8, visit their website.

Read more on Tech Today, by Bethany Jones

Theatre Auditions Tonight

Tonight is the final night of auditions for the Tech Theatre Company’s first two shows of the season. Auditions are at 7 p.m. in the McArdle Theatre in the Walker Building.

“Silent Sky” by Lauren Gunderson— Roles for one man and four women.

“The Resistable Rise of Aurture Ui.”— Roles for three or more women and 19 or more men.

No preparation or monologues are required to audition. For specific information on each play check out the original Tech Today story.

Theatre Auditions Next Week

VPA_AuditionsMichigan Tech Theatre Company will hold auditions next week for two show to be performed in the Fall Semester.

Auditions for both plays will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 31 and Thursday Sept. 1, in the McArdle Theatre, second floor of the Walker Building. Call backs will be held as needed.

Silent Sky by Lauren Gunderson:

Both Science and fiction, “Silent Sky” blends the discovery of how to measure the universe with the essence of the discover’s life story. Set against the turmoil of the cry for social justice at the beginning of the 20th century, the chronicle of Henrietta Leavitt counterpoints the power of a passion for work with the desire for love and family. Five parts – four women and one man.

Six Performances, October 13-15 and 20-22. Rehearsals will take place Sunday through Friday evenings. All actors will not be required at all rehearsals. No preparation is required for auditions which will include games and reading from the script.

The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui” by Bertolt Brecht.

This dark comedy, set in ’30s Chicago, tells the story of a strongman’s rise to the head of the Cauliflower Turst that has many parallels around the world today.

Written as a parable about Hitler’s rise to power, the story applies to any situation in which a charismatic leader exploits the economic fears of the little guy to seize more and more power.

There’s jazz, gun-molls, shady backroom deals and lots of dark laughs.

There are parts for three or more women (up to six possible) and 19 or more men (up to 30 possible … one singing part—baritone preferred). There are also two gender-irrelevant roles.

No monologues required for audition, just come ready to read and dressed for movement. No previous experience required. There will be three performances Nov. 10-12.

Read more at Tech Today, by Visual and Performing Arts