Please email Dr. Traci Yu (chunxiuy@mtu.edu) in Biological Sciences, including a copy of your CV for any of the following positions:
Graduate Students
We currently have openings for highly-motivated graduate/master students with interests and/or experience in neuroscience, engineering, or computer science. Previous experience in computational modeling is beneficial.
The focus of this position is on developing novel strategies to improve therapeutic efficiency and efficacy of brain stimulation in neurological disorders using various experimental and computational approaches.
Graduate students will be accepted into the Department of Biomedical Engineering through the appropriate graduate admissions process and start in the fall of 2021. Those interested should hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or a related field and contact Dr. Yu first before applying.
Undergraduate Research Assistants
We are also seeking motivated undergraduates with knowledge of engineering, biology, or computer science. Students will acquire knowledge and hand-on skills in brain dissection, electrophysiology, behavioral testing, and computational data analysis. Students with MATLAB programming skill are preferred.