Sangyoon Han on Cell Adhesion

Sangyoon Han
Sangyoon Han

Sangyoon Han (BioMed) was quoted by The Scientist in a story about a recent study reporting the promotion of cellular adhesion by the adaptor protein Cas. The story involves the migration of cells during development, immune defense, and tumorigenesis. Cells need to form and dismantle attachments with the extracellular matrix and other cells.

Researchers reported that the adaptor protein Cas promoted the initiation of cellular adhesion.

Sangyoon Han, not involved in that study, commented on the sparseness of studies involving premechanosensitive processes that act as a seed for the original binding of this mechanosensitive binding. He emphasized the importance of further research and how people can now change their perspective on the focal adhesion assembly.

Han’s research involves mechanobiology, traction force by a living cell, and cell adhesion and migration. He is an assistant professor in Biomedical Engineering.

Read more at The Scientist, by Shelby Bradford.
