Category: Advising Announcements

Study Abroad Program

Check out this information for study abroad opportunities in Mexico or Canada.

Some funding is available!!  This program wil have its final offering in Spring 2013.

Hope everyone is having a good summer.  

Apply Now – $5000 stipend – Study Abroad in Mexico or Canada !!
Final Semester open for this program:  Spring 2013

Who can apply?  All graduate and undergraduate students from any degree program at Michigan Tech
$5000?  Each accepted student will receive $5000 for travel and living expenses – $2500 will be paid up front, and $2500 will be paid upon the student’s return.
Tuition?  Students will pay their tuition at Michigan Tech, and current financial aid will work in the same way as if they were here.

Name of Program? SustR study abroad program (Sustainable Development for Rural Communities: Social, Health, Economic, and Environmental Advances)
Sponsor?  U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education (FIPSE), North American Mobility in Higher Education Program
Deadline to apply?   Contact Alex Mayer ( or Carol Asiala ( ASAP to get on the SustR Study Abroad priority list.
Application package must be completed by: October 15, 2012 through the Michigan Tech International Programs and Services
How do I apply?
1.    Meet with Alex Mayer ( / 487-3372 / Office: Dow 809)
2.    Submit a 1-page Statement of Purpose for participation in the SustR program (guidelines at: to Alex Mayer (
3.    Complete the Study Abroad application packet found on the International Programs and Services website:
4.    Once approved through IPS, a separate application provided by the study abroad university must also be filled out.
Participating Universities?
Universidad de Sonora
(northwest Mexico, city of Hermosillo, 170 miles south of Arizona border)

Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
(central Mexico, city of Aguascalientes, 330 miles northwest of Puerto Vallarta)

Lakehead University
(Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, directly across Lake Superior from Michigan Tech)
Michigan Tech faculty involved in the project:
Alex Mayer (CEE)
Carol MacLennan (SS)
Blair Orr (SFRES)
For more information:
Contact Alex Mayer (  or Carol Asiala (
Project website:
Review the attached list of Frequently Asked Questions about the SustR program.

Carol J. Asiala, Assistant Research Scientist/Engineer
Dept. of Geological & Mining Engineering & Science, 601 Dow
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI  49931
906/487-2033 (direct line), 906/487-2531 (main office), 906/487-3371 (fax)

2 attachments — Download all attachments  
SustR FAQs – Study Abroad to Mexico and Canada.pdf
128K   View   Download  
SustR Invitation Study Abroad to Mexico-Canada.pdf
165K   View   Download

Planning to complete degree requirements in Spring/Summer 2012?


If you are planning to complete degree requirements in either Spring or Summer 2012, make sure to apply for graduation at this link:

Also:  Check your degree audit to assure it is showing all requirements met upon completion of scheduled courses.  Contact me if you have questions.  Audits should be completed prior to the Christmas break.   Thanks.

Study Business in Denmark

We have a great study abroad opportunity for this summer, 2012, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Our Associate Dean, Dr. Tom Merz, will be teaching at Copenhagen University this summer and he can provide you with more details about this program.  Dr. Merz can be reached at

Courses will be taught in English.  A study abroad experience will help you gain a greater understanding of cultures.  Applications will be accepted in December.

Meet Your Major Nights

 The purpose of “Meet Your Major Night” is to explore the seven majors within the School of Business and Economics.  Faculty members will discuss what you can expect from each major and alumni will be available to describe their Michigan Tech experiences, careers, and plans for the future.  Sessions will be held for three evenings on October 24, 25, 26th starting at 6:00 pm in Fisher 131.  

Monday, October 24th  

6:00  Management

7:00  Operations and Systems Management

8:00  Marketing  

Tuesday, October 25th

6:00  Finance  

7:00  Accounting  

Wednesday, October 26th

6:00  Economics  

7:00  Management Information Systems


Develop the skills to achieve efficiency, productivity, and profitability of both service and manufacturing operations. In this  versatile field, you will have an immediate impact on the operations of a business.  
Analyze, design, develop,implement, and mange computer-based information systems which allow business and industry to streamline operations, create effective work environments, and compete in the marketplace.  

Coordinate, develop, promote, and deliver goods and services from the producer to the user. Gain skills in analytical thinking, technical communication, and dealing with people, as well as statistical and quantitative skills.  

Solve problems in all areas of business using current technology. Learn supply chain, project, and quality management methodologies and tools, as well as techniques including forecasting and decision-making.  

Help firms and other organizations raise and invest money, allocate funds to start or expand operations, manage the cash needed for daily operations, as well as analyze performance, and stimulate growth.  

Gain a strong analytical foundation to examine and solve economic, business, and social problems. Understand basic principles, as well as statistics, mathematics, finance, and other disciplines for economic decision making.  

Collect, summarize, and communicate important financial information. Learn skills that combine important tools for investment, financial analysis, management decisions, and the best business planning practices.