This month’s topic is one of the most popular. “Inside The Mind Of An Angel Investor”. For most entrepreneurs, raising seed and early stage capital is arguably one of the most challenging steps of starting a company. This financing stage is usually too early for most professional Venture Capital firms. After you’ve put in most of your own money and that of some close friends and family, it is probably time to seek out some Angel investors.
Tuesday, February 21
Networking social with refreshments 5:30 PM
Panel discussion 6:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Michigan Technological University
ATDC Conference Room
Leading investors and entrepreneurs will be on this great panel to answer your questions. Bring your questions and thorniest challenges to this program to advance your technology entrepreneurship skill set.
If learning more about this topic is important to you then please join us at the MIT Enterprise Forum on Tuesday. For more information contact John Diebel 487-1082 or jfdiebel@mtu.edu
Locally hosted by Michigan Tech’s Office of Innovation & Industry Engagement, the School of Business and Economics and the Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance. The public is welcome to attend at no cost.