Michigan Tech School of Business and Economics double major Tom Strome (Management Information Systems and Marketing) is interning with Bemis Company again this summer. Bemis is a flexible packaging company based in Wisconsin, with more than 60 locations in 12 countries. Tom supports their Enterprise Project Management Office, leads a project, and is learning more about project management processes. His relationship with the company began at Career Fair.

“This summer I’m interning at Bemis Company in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. I worked for Bemis last summer in IT Applications. In addition to learning about project management, I support the Enterprise Project Management Office. I have one large project that I’m project manager on, and then multiple other projects ranging from plant-level to marketing.
I landed the internship by talking to Bemis during Career Fair my second year. I went up to their booth because I knew their recruiter; we had class together the previous semester. After chatting, I asked if they were hiring for either of my two majors–marketing and MIS. They were. I got a call from Bemis later that night to set up an interview for the following day.
I interviewed, but didn’t get the internship.
The next fall–my third year–I went and talked with them again, and got another interview, but this time I landed the job with their IT Applications team. Summer 2017, I worked for Bemis and had a fantastic experience as a business analyst (someone on the business side of IT, who problem solves and works with people). Bemis asked me to come back for summer 2018 in a different capacity. I was interested in project management and they let me do just that.
This summer has been great. Even though I’ve worked with the company before, I’m on a different team working on completely different projects. It is a brand-new experience altogether.
Bemis is helping shape my career plans by giving me a range of experiences. When they bring you into their company, you aren’t just an intern, you are treated like an actual employee–with real work. I appreciate that at Michigan Tech, my professors focus on projects and practical application, rather than reading out of a textbook. School of Business and Economics classes prepared me for work in the real world.”