Outstanding students, staff, and alumni were honored during Michigan Tech’s 28th annual Student Leadership Awards Ceremony organized by Student Leadership and Involvement. The College of Business (COB) was represented in three of the award categories: Rising Star of the Year, Most Improved Student Organization, and Student Organization Advisor of the Year. Congratulations to all of the COB winners:
Rising Star of the Year—Jaylen Body, Michigan Tech management student

The Rising Star of the Year award recognizes a student who has shown great potential for leadership and has attempted to develop themselves personally in everything they do. Criteria includes being a full-time first- or second-year Michigan Tech undergraduate student in good conduct and academic standing.
Body was nominated by four people, who had this to say about the first-year Husky:
“From the beginning, Jaylen got involved with the McNair Hall Association as an Inter-Residence Housing Council (IRHC) representative. When IRHC had a treasurer position open up, Jaylen ran for the role and was elected unanimously by his peers.
“He worked in a thorough and precise manner to make sure he was doing what needed to be done for the organization.”
“Jaylen attended LeaderShape to help him grow into his leadership positions and is always keeping an eye out for HuskyLEAD sessions to attend as well. He also works at the Student Development Complex (SDC) Ticket Office, where he goes above and beyond to help out.”
“Jaylen brought up the concern of needing more streetlights between the SDC and Daniell Heights, so students walking at night would feel safer. The project is now underway by the Undergraduate Student Government and the Michigan Tech Grounds staff.”
“He is also a member of the Black Students Association, and with all this involvement has maintained an amazing GPA and is a great friend.”
“Jaylen helped fundraise $4,850 in the last six months, so DECA members could attend the state and national conferences.”
“He prepared practice exams and helped coordinate a workshop with a DECA alumna. All of Michigan Tech’s DECA students placed in their competitive events at states, and four of the students competed at the national level, in part because of Jaylen’s leadership.”
Most Improved Student Organization — Collegiate DECA

Most Improved Student Organization is awarded to a registered Michigan Tech student organization that has demonstrated growth and adaptability when faced with challenges, allowing them to overcome obstacles and achieve success.
After a five-year hiatus and a student-led reactivation this year, all 12 Collegiate DECA members at Michigan Tech placed at the State Career Development Conference and four traveled to the International Career Development Conference, where two Huskies became international finalists in their events.
DECA students major in a variety of academic programs with a strong focus on business-related fields. Collegiate DECA conferences and other activities give students unique access to internships, scholarships, competition, and professional networking. Follow MTU DECA’s success on Instagram @mtu_deca.
Student Organization Advisor of the Year—Jenny Apriesnig, assistant professor of economics and Michigan Tech Collegiate DECA advisor

The Student Organization Advisor of the Year award recognizes the advisor of a registered Michigan Tech student organization who engages and motivates the organization’s membership through their participation. They are also respected by the members of the organization.
Nominators said this about Apriesnig:
“Jenny was not at all familiar with DECA in the beginning of the fall semester, yet she has taken on this role to learn and support each member. She traveled with us to the state competition and was very encouraging.”
“I know I have Jenny in my corner pushing me forward with her kind words that motivate me to continue achieving my goals.”
“She held one-on-one talks with students, getting to know them and offering exceptional advice catering to their personal success in DECA and in life.”
Departmental Scholar—Jaxon Veroff, Michigan Tech marketing student
Each academic department nominates one student to represent their department as its Departmental Scholar. From the collective departments, one student is selected to receive this award.
Veroff’s nomination included these excerpts:
“Jaxon was one of three student members of the Michigan Tech Chapter of the American Marketing Association (AMA) who placed third after competing in the regional conference.”
“He received four internship offers from industry-leading companies—General Motors, Kimberly Clark, Caterpillar, and Dow Chemical.”
“Jaxon is a senior residential assistant at East McNair Hall and the president of the American Marketing Association. He has been instrumental in organizing professional speakers.”
Nominations for next year’s Student Leadership Awards will open in early February 2023. Save the date for the 29th annual celebration, which will be held at 6 p.m. Friday, April 14, in the Memorial Union Building Ballroom.
About the College of Business
The Michigan Tech College of Business offers undergraduate majors in accounting, business analytics, construction management, economics, engineering management, finance, management, management information systems, and marketing, as well as a general business option. Graduate degrees include the TechMBA®, a Master of Engineering Management, a Master of Science in Accounting, and a Master of Science in Applied Natural Resource Economics.