Author: Jodie Filpus

Accounting Students providing Income Tax Assistance


Accounting majors provide FREE income tax preparation assistance for students and members of the community who could not otherwise afford the services of a CPA tax professional. This service has been offered at Michigan Tech for over 20 years.

Attend a Volunteer Session
No appointment is necessary to receive assistance just go to the Tidwell Center Conference Room, G010D in the Academic Office Building during one of the session times listed below.

Bring your W-2’s, form 1099’s, 1098T’s, etc., to one of our sessions. Also bring a copy of last year’s tax return, if possible.

Monday and Wednesday 2 – 4 pm
Thursday 3 – 5 pm
Friday 11 am – 1 pm
Volunteer sessions will be offered each week from Monday, March 14, 2016 through Friday, April 8, 2016.

For more information contact:
Joel Tuoriniemi,, 487-1877

Fall and Summer 2016 Registration

Fall Registration will begin towards the end of March.   Here is the Fall 2016 Priority Schedule  for registration.  Your registration time is based on your current credits earned (does not include current credits you are registered for).
Prior to Fall Advising Appointments
  • Run your Audit in Banweb (DARS)   *tip: Run “Latest” and not a possible program from the drop down menu
  • Review your Degree Requirements
  • Develop a proposed Fall course list
  • Note any questions or concerns about your Audit
  • Schedule an Advising Appointment if necessary (especially if a few semesters from graduation or have not met with an advisor in 2-3 semesters)
To schedule an appointment, go through Google Calendar.  
  • Use your Advisor, Jodie Filpus-Paakola’s email in the guest invite on the right
  • View my availability against yours using “find a time” tab next to “event details” at the left
  • In the subject please indicate the following Last Name, First Name:  Advising
  • Please allow for 30-45 minutes for our appointment
Jodie will be holding walk in office hours during registration following Spring Break (no appointment needed)
Monday-Friday between hours of 9 a.m.-Noon and 2 p.m.-4 p.m.
  • March 14-18 and
  • March 21-25
Summer Registration has been available since the Fall.  If you plan to register for Summer courses please do this sooner rather than later.  Some departments are considering low course enrollment currently to make decisions if a course will get dropped from the Summer schedule.

Visiting Women and Minority Scholar Series Welcomes Dr. Deb Armstrong (March 13-15) to Speak about Women in IT


The School of Business & Economics is pleased to welcome Dr. Deb Armstrong to the Michigan Tech campus March 13-15, 2016.

Her visit is sponsored by the Visiting Women & Minority Lecturer/Scholar Series (VWMLS) which is funded by a grant to Institutional Equity & Inclusion from the State of Michigan’s King-Chavez-Parks Initiative.  

Deb Armstrong

Dr. Armstrong earned her PhD in Information Systems from the University of Kansas in 2001. She is currently an Associate Professor of Management Information Systems in the College of Business at Florida State University. Her research interests include issues at the intersection of IS personnel and mental models involving the human aspects of technology, change, learning and cognition. Her CV is attached.  Please contact Mari Buche ( if you would like to schedule a meeting with Deb while she is on campus.

Informal Coffee Chat on gender issues in STEM occupations in the Academic Office Building Conference Room 101. Stop by to welcome our guest from 2:00 – 2:45 PM.

Seminar Open to the Public: Women in the IT Profession: A Review of Research Findings. Monday, March 14th from 3:00 – 4:30pm in EERC Room 100.

This presentation will integrate the contributions of over 20 research studies spanning her 15-year-long academic career. Dr. Armstrong has used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and has presented her work to international audiences.

Light refreshment will be served following the presentation.

Plan now for BUS3900: Business Internship


Many of our academic programs in SBE, allow for an elective of BUS 3900 (Internship).   Gain valuable skills, networking and academic credit.


  • The student seeking BUS 3900 will contact a School of Business and Economics faculty member to support their internship. The student and faculty member will collaborate to complete the Internship or Co-op Project Approval Form and develop a study contract for the project. Note: BUS 3900 is not a substitute for required courses.
  • Projects must involve a minimum of 20 hours of effort for each hour of course credit. This applies to business internships or cooperative education experiences that are 2-3 credits. It does not apply to 1 credit experiences.
  • Required elements and examples of the contract can be provided by Academic Advisor, Jodie Filpus-Paakola.
  • All contracts require review and approval prior to the academic term in which the project is proposed. The semester submission deadlines are:
    • Fall/Summer: April 1st
    • Spring: December 1st
  • Completed forms must be returned to the Academic Advisor by the aforementioned deadlines for final approval by the Undergraduate Programs Committee.
  • Upon approval of internships by the Undergraduate Programs Committee, the Academic Advisor will register the student for the appropriate credit hours in BUS 3900.
  • Students must submit deliverables (as outlined in the contract) to the instructor for grading by the end of final exam week.

Economic Equality and Entrepreneurship: SBE Faculty Publish Top Paper

1-27-16 Tech Today

A paper about the role that economic inequality may play on entrepreneurial entry, co-authored by Emanuel Xavier-Oliveira (SBE) and Andre Laplume (SBE) (as well as Pathak from KSU), was chosen as one of the top 10 papers of the year 2015 published in the Human Relations Journal (ranked #5 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary).

This recognition is awarded by the journal’s editorial team to the papers that best encapsulate broad readership appeal, sound methods and whose theories advance knowledge.