Category: Seminars and Events

Information Session: BS in Engineering Management

Consider attending the information session on the Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Management.  This is one of the Crazy, hot majors at Michigan Tech!

  • Great degree for those who have an interest in both the technical and business sides of a company
  • Option for primary or dual degree (MEEM, MET, Civil Eng, Materials Eng, and others with approximately 33-42 credits more)
  • Fastest growing major in the School of Business and Economics
  • Increased interest by employers coming to the Career Fair
  • Participate to learn more about the BSEM even if you have declared it as a major

Waupaca Foundry (1)

Wednesday, October 5 at 4:00pm in Academic Office Building 101


Dana Johnson, PhD

Jodie Filpus-Paakola

Accelerated Tech MBA Info Session

Come learn about the School of Business and Economics’ new Accelerated Tech MBA program!

Dr. Rebecca Middlebrook will be hosting an info session on Wednesday, October 12 in Academic Office Building 101.  Stop by to learn how to double count undergraduate courses, utilize the Senior Rule and graduate with your Tech MBA in one year!  Pizza and soda will be provided.

For more information, visit the Accelerated Tech MBA Program website, or contact Dr. Rebecca Middlebrook,



Derek Thompson Lecture

On October 5, Derek Thompson, a senior editor at The Atlantic, will be visiting our campus and giving a lecture at the Rozsa Center. His lecture, sponsored by WGGL, Minnesota Public Radio, will discuss educational, economic, and political topics: What Will Election 2016 Mean to YOUR Future.

Wednesday, October 5th
7:30 PM – Lecture
8:00 PM – Panel Discussion / Q&A
9:00 PM – Reception: All interested members of the MTU community are invited

The School of Business and Economics strongly encourages our students and faculty to attend the event, not only because of the relevance of the topic, but the SBE’s faculty (Dr. Emanuel Xavier-Oliveira) and students (Jerrid Burdue and Patrick Hufnagel) will also serve as the panelists to lead the discussion.

About Derek Thompson:

Derek Thompson is a senior editor for The Atlantic magazine and the author of its 2015 cover story “A World Without Work” about the future of technology and employment. He also writes the business column for the magazine and contributes to the website on issues ranging from behavioral psychology to the economics of entertainment. Thompson is a weekly contributor to “Here and Now,” the national afternoon news show on NPR, and he appears regularly on CBS and MSNBC. He has served as an adjunct professor at the Columbia Journalism School. He has appeared on numerous lists, including Folio’s 15 Under 30 in Media. Thompson is currently working on his first book about the science of hits in pop culture.


Brown Bag Lunch Seminar

The School of Business and Economics will host its first brown bag lunch research seminar of the semester on Thursday, September 15 at 12:00pm in Academic Office Building 101.  Dr. Tom Merz and Professor Russ Louks will present their exciting new study.

Title: Scorecasting: A Laboratory Experiment of the Framing Effect on Risky and Safe Choices in a Strictly Competitive, Repeatedly Played 2X2 Game.

The experiment consists of two players (subjects) playing repeated rounds of a “simple” game involving binary choices for each player.  The game is one of pure conflict – constant sum, with each round having only one winner.  Players choose simultaneously – without knowledge of the choice of his or her opponent.  The stage game has a unique Nash equilibrium in mixed strategy (the minimax solution).  With two players each making one of two choices, each round has four possible choice combinations.  Once each player makes a choice, the winner of a round is determined by a random draw, with the odds of winning being dependent on the choice combination.



Presidential Council of Alumnae Panel

We are pleased to announce that the School of Business and Economics will be hosting a panel discussion on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 3:30 – 4:30 pm in the Memorial Union Building Alumni Lounge.  The panel is open to all members of the community.  Light refreshments will be served.

The panel will consist of members of the Michigan Tech Presidential Council of Alumnae.

This year’s panelist includes the following:

Denise Blankinship – Vice President, Strategic Projects, The Church Pension Group

Michele Blau – Senior Manager of IBM Cloud Engagement and Enablement

Marie Cleveland – Worldwide Account Manager, FedEx Services

Carrie Schaller – Business Process Director – Manufacturing Operations, Dow Chemical

Joyce Ten Haken – Manageing Partner/CPA, Ten Haken, Hinz & Company Accountancy Corporation

Moderators/facilitators for the panel discussion will include:

Suzanne Sanregret – Athletic Director, Michigan Tech

Dana Johnson – Professor of Supply Chain and Engineering Management, Michigan Tech

Darnishia Slade – Director of International Career Education, Michigan Tech