Category: Seminars and Events

Management Information Session

Dr. Dana Johnson and Dr. Sonia Goltz will be hosting an information session tomorrow – Wednesday, March 29 at 4:30 p.m.  The session will focus on the school’s BS degrees in Management.  Come to learn more about

  • Management
  • Management with a concentration in Entrepreneurship
  • Management with a concentration in Supply Chain and Operations Management

This session is open to everyone and will take place in the Academic Office Building (AOB) 101. Pizza and soda will be provided.

For more information email Dr. Dana Johnson or Sara Pingel.

Info Session on BS in Management and Concentrations March 2016

Brown Bag Lunch Seminar

On Wednesday, March 30, 12:00 – 1:00p.m., the Research Committee of the SBE will host its first brown bag lunch seminar. Assistant Professor of Marketing, Dr. Soonkwan Hong will present his latest research. Pizzas and pop will be provided. All interested members of the MTU community are invited.

Title: Alternative Food Consumption (AFC): Contributions to Food Well-Being (FWB), Marketing, and Public Policy


Planning to achieve sustainability in food consumption and a state of food well-being amongst the populace is the concern of marketing researchers and policy makers alike. To set a context for these goals, we propose a holistic framework articulating a transition from Mainstream Food Consumption (MFC) to Alternative Food Consumption (AFC) in which consumers engage with food practices divergent from those currently dominant. We adopt a multidisciplinary approach to identifying enablers facilitating the adoption of AFC: idiocentric (functional/situational, ideological, and experiential factors) and allocentric (sociocultural and institutional factors). The proposed framework provides a basis to discuss how AFC ultimately contributes to food well-being (FWB), with a focus on those particularly vulnerable to sub-optimal states of FWB, low SES consumers. Implications for marketing and public policy are also discussed.


Alumni Spotlight – Maggie Chen

Maggie Chen ’04 recently presented at Goldman Sach’s Alternative Investment Conference in Hong Kong.  There were over 150 people in attendance, and her panel was highly ranked among attendees.

After completing her BS in Business Administration at Michigan Tech, Maggie earned her MBA from Yale University in 2010.  She has also spent time working at China’s SAFE Investment Company, AIG and Morgan Stanley before she assumed her current role as Head of Portfolio Management at Junson Capital Company Limited in Hong Kong.


Visiting Women and Minority Scholar Series Welcomes Dr. Deb Armstrong (March 13-15) to Speak about Women in IT


The School of Business & Economics is pleased to welcome Dr. Deb Armstrong to the Michigan Tech campus March 13-15, 2016.

Her visit is sponsored by the Visiting Women & Minority Lecturer/Scholar Series (VWMLS) which is funded by a grant to Institutional Equity & Inclusion from the State of Michigan’s King-Chavez-Parks Initiative.  

Deb Armstrong

Dr. Armstrong earned her PhD in Information Systems from the University of Kansas in 2001. She is currently an Associate Professor of Management Information Systems in the College of Business at Florida State University. Her research interests include issues at the intersection of IS personnel and mental models involving the human aspects of technology, change, learning and cognition. Her CV is attached.  Please contact Mari Buche ( if you would like to schedule a meeting with Deb while she is on campus.

Informal Coffee Chat on gender issues in STEM occupations in the Academic Office Building Conference Room 101. Stop by to welcome our guest from 2:00 – 2:45 PM.

Seminar Open to the Public: Women in the IT Profession: A Review of Research Findings. Monday, March 14th from 3:00 – 4:30pm in EERC Room 100.

This presentation will integrate the contributions of over 20 research studies spanning her 15-year-long academic career. Dr. Armstrong has used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and has presented her work to international audiences.

Light refreshment will be served following the presentation.