Category: Student Organizations

Annual APMP Scholarships Awarded

APMP students hard at work.

The School of Business and Economics awards annual scholarships to students who participate in the Applied Portfolio Management Program (APMP).  The scholarships are made possible by generous donors who have setup funds to recognize specific skill sets and characteristics in the recipients.  Each scholarship is awarded in the Spring of the academic year. We are very grateful to the generous donors that provide excellent opportunities to stand-out APMP students at Michigan Tech.

2012 Scholarship Recipients

Clarence Fisher APMP Scholarship – Jessie Patrick

Chester Reault APMP Scholarship – Todd Storm

Norb Verville APMP Scholarship – Mike Harri

Joe Dancy LSGI Scholarship – Dan Eskola

Hugh Makens APMP Scholarship – Pat Carroll

Jeff Call Memorial APMP Scholarship – Rachael Ristau

Scholarship Descriptions

The Clarence Fisher, Chester Rheault, and Norb Verville APMP scholarships recognize the impact these three former Advisory Board members had in founding APMP.  Recipients of these scholarships this year were: Jesse Patrick, Todd Storm, and Mike Harri, respectively.

As an APMP Board member from origination through today, the Hugh Makens APMP scholarship honors Hugh’s continual support of the students and the program.  Pat Carroll is the 2012 recipient.

Dan Eskola was the recipient of the LSGI Fund Scholarship, also known as the Joe Dancy LSGI Scholarship.  This scholarship is awarded to the student who displays excellent academic achievement, expresses an interest in finance or applied mathematics, and demonstrates high moral and ethical characteristics.  The LSGI Fund is a hedge fund managed by Joe Dancy, a Michigan Tech alumnus from Dallas, TX.

Finally, the Jeff Call Memorial Scholarship was given to Rachael Ristau.  Jeff Call, a 2002 graduate of the School and the APMP, passed away unexpectedly in 2006.  To honor Jeff’s contributions to the School and the APMP Advisory Board, together with Jeff’s parents, the groups established the Jeff Call Memorial Scholarship.  It is awarded annually to the senior who demonstrates the highest degree of commitment to APMP—a commitment Jeff displayed every day during his time at Michigan Tech.

Finance Club Experiences Chicago

Finance Club enjoying a tour of the Chicago Board of Option Exchange.

On Wednesday, March 14th, Michigan Tech’s Finance Club traveled down to Chicago for a whirlwind tour of financial organizations. Their first stop? The Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE) for a tour of their trading floor.

Students were able to go down on the floor of the exchange and get right next to the pits where they were trading securities with the old open outcry method.

Club President, Dan Eskola noted “It was a great experience to get down on the floor and see the open outcry auction pits trading. Many of these jobs have disappeared due to more efficient computer based trading and so it is good to see them before they go away.”

After the tour the group ventured to Peak 6– a proprietary trading company– where they had lunch.  The students had the opportunity to speak with the Chief Technology Officer, Danny Rosenthall, and one of the head traders.

Finance club members were able to view their impressive trading room located in the CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade) building.  Students were grateful to speak with these professionals who explained their business in honest, frank language.  The trip is an excellent opportunity for students to understand careers suitable for finance and accounting majors as well as ask questions about the financial industry.

The group also toured the Chicago Mercantile Exchange during their trip, where a lot of the financial transactions take place for commodities. “It was a great experience to see both of their huge trading floors as well as the fixed income securities,”  added Eskola.

This trip was organized by the Finance Club that is advised by Assistant Professor of Finance, Howard Qi, in the School of Business and Economics.

DECA Chapter Attends State Conference

Members of Michigan Tech's DECA Chapter at 2012 conference.

During the first weekend in February, the Michigan Tech DECA chapter made their way to Battle Creek, MI for the State Career Development Conference.  DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.  

Being the only chapter from the Upper Peninsula, it was a long 10 hour drive, but well worth it.  Competing in various events, four of the six participating members took away medals and plaques!

Michigan Tech Award Winners:

Brittany Barry, a third year Accounting major took 3rd place in the accounting competition.

Sarah Ochs and Gilbert Ramirez, third year marketing majors, both received medals, and were finalists for Marketing Management.

Cory Rokes, 5th year marketing and management major received a medal being a finalist in sales management.

Thank you to all who participated.  Way to represent our school, we couldn’t be more proud!  You are a testament that student’s from Michigan Tech’s School of Business and Economics can apply all the necessary business skills they learn in the classroom into real-world scenarios.

Tidwell Outstanding Man and Woman in Business Selected

Sam B. Tidwell is a legend with former accounting students. Gifts given in his memory support the Outstanding Man and Woman of Business award.

Craig Storm and Megan Plis are the 2011-12 recipients of the Sam B. Tidwell Outstanding Man and Woman in Business.  This award is given to students who bring honor and pride to the School of Business and Economics through high scholastic achievement and involvement.  Students eligible for this honor went through an intense interview process that included an essay and interview with faculty.

Anne Warrington of the Undergraduate Scholarship Committee added, “Megan and Craig are two of the most competent, talented, and totally amazing students in the School of Business and Economics. They have everything it takes for professional success after graduation.  It has been a pleasure meeting and working with them in classes and student organizations.”

Outstanding Man in Business

Craig Storm is a senior in the School of Business and Economics who will graduate with his degree in Accounting this spring.  In his time on campus he has been affiliated with Kappa Sigma Iota Accounting Organization (KSI) and an International Business Ventures Enterprise team member while currently holding an internship with Lake Accounting.  Craig has a level of professionalism and maturity that he brings to the community and the classroom which made him a strong candidate and the recipient of this award.

When asked about receiving the award, Craig said, “I enjoy studying how companies function from an accounting and financial perspective. This was the biggest factor in choosing my major and where I want to go professionally. It is an honor to be selected for this award, and I look forward to representing the School of Business and Economics as I advance my career,”

Outstanding Woman in Business

Megan Plis is a senior, Business Management major and Spanish minor who will graduate this spring.  An extremely involved student, Megan makes time for a variety of extracurricular and leadership activities outside of the school environment.  She volunteers at her church leading the music at worship services and singing in the choir.  With three years of diverse sales and marketing experience at a Lolita’s Bridal Boutique, the Wooden Nickel, and River Valley Bank she has been able to put her education into action.

About the Award

The Outstanding Man and Women in Business is awarded annually and the School of Business and Economics is confident that this year’s selections represent the student body well with their efforts in leadership and extracurricular activities.  Undergraduate Scholarship Committee members Anne Warrington, Mari Buche, and William Breffle were heavily involved in the selection of this award.

“The Scholarship Committee has a challenging task to select these award recipients,” said Darrell Radson, Dean of the School of business.  “We, as a school, thank them for their continued commitment to recognizing students who excel in and outside of the classroom.”

When asked about the selection process, Buche noted “the selection process was very difficult this year.  All of the finalists were exceptional candidates: strong academic GPAs, demonstrated leadership skills, and clear commitment to the improvement of the school and Michigan Tech.” Other finalists for this year’s award included: Caitlin Pionke, Rhea-Ann Moses, Jordan Baker, Andrew Loucks, and Spencer Shandonay.

Finance Club to Host Guest Speaker

Photo of Jim with students (Jacob Vehring, Eric Tangko, Amanda Vogt, and Will Thiele) from the April 2010 visit to Chicago.

Michigan Tech Finance Club announced today that Jim Northey of Lasalletech will be coming to campus on February 2nd to give a guest lecture.  Northey’s topic is “High Frequency Trading in Today’s Markets” and he will discuss current events that have affected our financial markets including the flash crash and other issues associated with high frequency trading strategies.

When: Thursday, February 2nd at 5:00 pm

Where: Fisher 130

Come out and join us to learn more about high frequency trading and eat some free pizza!  Please RSVP to if you plan on attending.

Finance Club Speaker