By Henry Basala, accounting with data analytics and MIS dual major and student ambassador
Balancing academic demands and personal wellbeing is one of the most difficult tasks students face while attending college. With classes, homework, clubs, work, and beyond, sometimes it seems like there aren’t enough minutes in the day. Especially at such a prestigious university like Michigan Tech, Huskies handle a demanding course load. This is why it is important to find the right mix of school and personal life. Here are three ways I balance life at Tech:

Take Breaks
One way I prioritize my mental well-being is by taking breaks. As simple as it sounds, this is critical for me. It’s easy to get caught up doing schoolwork for multiple hours straight. While it is necessary to complete lessons, taking a break from doing my accounting or studying for MIS exams is crucial for keeping a steady head during the hectic semester schedule. Some ways I like to take breaks include watching Netflix, playing Wii with my friends, or scrolling social media.
Ask for Help
This is something I took for granted at first—asking for help is one of the most important tools to thrive as a college student. Everybody struggles, everybody fails at times, and everybody has bad days. Michigan Tech has a Center for Student Mental Health and Well-being as well as staff and professors who are eager to help you. Whether it is homework support or just someone to talk to, reach out for help when you are struggling. There will always be someone here for you.
It is pivotal to use the resources you have to help you in times of need.
Establish Wants and Needs
Another way I like to manage this tricky task of school-life balance is by prioritizing my wants and needs. While at college, your school life and personal life will sometimes conflict. There will be times when you want to go out, but need to do school work, and times you want to do school work and need to take a break. Identifying wants and needs will help you find the right groove of both to balance your time in college.
About the College of Business
The Michigan Tech College of Business offers undergraduate majors in accounting, business analytics, construction management, economics, engineering management, finance, management, management information systems, and marketing, as well as a general business option. Graduate degrees include the TechMBA®, a Master of Engineering Management, a Master of Science in Accounting, and a Master of Science in Applied Natural Resource Economics.