Undergraduate Student Speaker Anderson Piercey, who is earning his bachelor’s in management, will address the class of 2023 on Saturday at Undergraduate Commencement.
Undergraduate Student Speaker Anderson Piercey, who is earning his bachelor’s in management, will address the class of 2023 on Saturday at Undergraduate Commencement.
All graduate (Masters and PhD) students must submit a Commencement Application form ten (10) weeks prior to commencement.
All undergraduate students must submit an online Graduation Application. This form should be filled out two (2) semesters before graduation. The form needs to be filled out by all prospective graduates—including those who will not be participating in the ceremony. A separate application is required for each undergraduate degree.
Prospective graduates’ names will be added to the online commencement list weekly.
Spring Commencement is 10:30 am on Saturday, May 3, 2014 in the SDC Ice Arena.
Mid-year Commencement is 10:30 am on Saturday, December 20, 2014 in the SDC Wood Gym.
Both the SDC Ice Arena and Wood Gym are alcohol-free facilities.
Yes, tickets are required for the ceremony. For the spring ceremony, students will receive four (4) tickets each. For the mid-year (December) ceremony, students will receive five (5) tickets each. Children who will be sitting on an adult’s lap will not need a ticket.
They are free! Under no circumstances should tickets be bought or sold.
For the Saturday, May 3 ceremony, tickets can be picked up between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm beginning Monday, April 21 through Thursday, May 1, at the Customer Service Center in the Campus Bookstore. There is open seating for the audience.
Any unclaimed tickets or those students who need extra tickets may pick them up from the Central Ticket Office at the SDC, starting the day before the ceremony, Friday, May 2. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Graduate students should contact Nancy Byers Sprague, nspr@mtu.edu or 906-487-2755.
Undergraduate students who wish to participate in an earlier commencement ceremony must get permission from the Degree Services Office, degree@mtu.edu.
Graduate students should contact Nancy Byers Sprague, nspr@mtu.edu or 906-487-2755.
Undergraduate students can walk at their expected graduation ceremony or any thereafter – make sure the correct degree completion term and ceremony term are on your Graduation Application.
Students participating in the fall commencement should plan to attend Gradfest on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 from 2-5 pm at the Campus Bookstore in the MUB. Undergraduate students can order their caps and gowns online. Graduate students will need to place their order for rental garb by Sunday, March 2. Orders placed after this date will incur additional shipping fees and cannot be guaranteed.
Students participating in the Fall Commencement 2014 will order their caps and gowns beginning in October 2014.
If you are not able to attend Gradfest, please contact the Campus Bookstore at 906-487-2410 or capandgown@mtu.edu to order.
Students who wish to purchase extra tassels may do so for $5.50 from the Campus Store.
Yes! Caps and gowns are required to participate in commencement.
ROTC commissionees are dressed in uniform and do not wear caps and gowns.
Honor cords represent outstanding academic achievement and are provided by the University. The Campus Bookstore will have a list of those who qualify for honor cords. Honor cords designations are based on overall GPA accumulated prior to the graduating semester and are determined by the Registrar’s Office: Summa Cum Laude (3.90 and above) designated by a gold cord, Magna Cum Laude (3.70-3.89) designated by a silver cord, and Cum Laude (3.50-3.69) designated by a copper cord.
Honor cords are available for pick-up at the Campus Store with your cap and gown.
Graduate students can pick up their caps and gowns at the Campus Store in the MUB between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm beginning Monday, April 28 through Friday, May 2.
Undergraduate students can order their caps and gowns online, beginning Wednesday, February 5.
Graduation announcements can be purchased directly from Balfour.
Commencement rehearsal is on Friday, May 2 at 1:30 pm. Undergraduate students line up in the SDC Multi-purpose room. Graduate students line up in the multi-purpose room. Signs will be posted by department and then your name. Simply find your department and get in line.
Rehearsal lasts approximately 1 hour.
All prospective graduates participating in the ceremony should arrive no later than 9:45 am on Saturday, May 3.
The exact time depends on the number of graduates, but usually the mid-year commencement ceremony lasts approximately 2 hours. The spring commencement ceremony lasts approximately 2 ½ hours.
The doors to the SDC Ice Arena and the SDC Wood Gym will be open by 8:30 am on the day of the ceremony.
Arrangements have been made with a professional photographer to take a photo of each degree candidate as he or she is congratulated on stage. Ordering information will be mailed to your home address or emailed within 4-6 weeks. Please make certain that your current home address is on file with the Registrar’s Office.
Yes, but we ask that they remain seated during the ceremony. We discourage guests from disrupting the ceremony.
Special needs seating is available for guests and family members. Should special seating accommodations be required, please contact Emily Walikinen in the Registrar’s Office, 906-487-2319 or emilyw@mtu.edu by Friday, April 25. Space for wheelchairs will be provided; however, Michigan Tech is unable to provide wheelchairs.
A Signer will be present throughout the ceremony to assist the hearing impaired.
Your guest will need a general admission ticket to get in, but does not receive a special needs ticket. Please pick up your tickets from the Campus Bookstore, prior to the ceremony.
The person with special needs does not have to sit alone. Your entire party, up to a maximum of 5, may sit together in the special needs section.
Yes, the Alumni Association invites all graduates and their families to the SDC Multi-purpose room for the Graduates Reception taking place directly after the commencement ceremony. There will be light refreshments as well as areas set aside for taking photos. Stop by and sign your class of 2014 banner and pick up your Michigan Tech Alumni Association pin.
Spring Commencement Brunch—May 3, 2014. The Michigan Tech Dining Services will be offering a commencement brunch from 1–2:30 pm in the Memorial Union Isle Royale Ballroom for graduates and their families.
There is no brunch for the Mid-Year Commencement ceremony in December.
Diplomas will be mailed 60-90 days after the end of the semester that all degree requirements have been successfully completed provided all financial obligations to the University have been met. Diplomas are mailed to the address noted on the Graduation Application. Changes to this address must be made with the Degree Services Office. A $30 processing fee will be assessed for diplomas that have to be reordered due to an incorrect address.
If you are not attending a commencement ceremony and you would like a cover for your diploma, please stop by the Student Service Center in the Administration Building to pick yours up prior to leaving campus.
NOTE: Diploma covers will not be mailed.
Graduates sitting on the left hand side will wear the tassel on the left and graduates sitting on the right hand side wear the tassel on the right. Michigan Tech asks graduates to wear their tassels like this so the photographer will have a clear opening to take your picture.
Purses, diaper bags, cameras and video equipment bags will be allowed into the ceremony. Please be aware that Public Safety and Police Services will be on hand to check bags.
You can order your regalia online or during Gradfest at The Campus Bookstore. Just need a tassel or want an extra one? You don’t need to order anything! Stop by the store during regular hours the week before the ceremony.
If you have any questions, contact the Campus Bookstore at (906) 487-2410. For online orders you should receive a confirmation email within 2 business days. If you do not, please contact Beckie at the Campus Bookstore to make sure she received your order capandgown@mtu.edu. Once you receive your order, check out an instructional video for your: |
Cap And Gown Pricing For orders placed by midnight on March 2: Orders placed after March 2: Undergraduates will have “green” gowns – not in color, but in spirit! They will be black, as usual, but made of Repreve, 100% recycled yarn made from plastic water bottles. |
Spring 2014 Gradfest February 26, 2014 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
For more information about commencement, visit www.mtu.edu/commencement. |