Category: News

Brian Barkdoll New Co-Head of Civil and Environmental Engineering PCMI

Associate Professor Brian Barkdoll (CEE) is joining Professor David Watkins (CEE) as co-coordinator of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Peace Corps Master’s International Program (PCMI). Barkdoll will replace Associate Professor Kurt Paterson (CEE), who is leaving Michigan Tech to head the Engineering Department at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va.

Paterson founded and built the Civil and Environmental Engineering PCMI program, the largest of Tech’s eight PCMI programs and the first PCMI Civil and Environmental Engineering program in the nation. Barkdoll has been advising students in this program for some time, adding his unique perspective as a returned Peace Corps volunteer who served in Nepal.

“We are grateful to Kurt for his numerous contributions to our PCMI program over the years and look forward to working closely with Brian as the new department co-coordinator,” said PCMI Campus Director Kari Henquinet (SS).

Rail Transportation Program (RTP) News Briefs

Rail Transportation Program Announces AREMA Scholarship Recipients

Pasi Lautala, Director of the Rail Transportation Program (RTP), co-authored a spotlight article on the USDOT Research and Innovative Technology (RITA) the only Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) focused on rail. Lautala is associate director of education for the NURail (National University Rail Center) center, a consortium of seven universities including Michigan Tech, led by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and collaborating on the research theme of shared rail corridors. Lautala’s article, “NURail – Developing a Generation of Railway Professionals” is located online.

Lake Superior Youth Symposium 2013

More than 200 teachers and students from Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Ontario came to Michigan Technological University for the 10th Biennial Lake Superior Youth Symposium. Students and teachers from 24 schools in three Great Lakes states and Canada spent four days at the symposium, Thursday to Sunday, May 16-19, 2013.
Read more in Michigan Tech News Article

Click here for photos and all of the information, booklet list of Field Trip and Presentation Descriptions, etc.

Michigan Tech at Michigan Construction Career Days

CTT Staffers Help Run and Present at Construction Career Days
Staff from the Center for Technology and Training (CTT), part of the Michigan Tech Transportation Institute, joined other construction industry professionals from across Michigan to coordinate the sixth annual Michigan Construction Career Days event in Howell last week. Construction Career Days attracted nearly 2000 middle and high school students and teachers from across Lower Michigan. The event is designed to show young people the wide variety of careers available in the construction industry—at all levels of education and experience.

CEE Awards for 2013

Congratulations to the following students and faculty for award recognition:

Howard E. Hill Outstanding CEE Faculty of the Year Award – Dr. Tess Ahlborn was awarded the 2013 Howard E. Hill award for Outstanding Faculty of the Year by the students of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Dr. Ahlborn teaches classes in the area of structural engineering. Congratulation Tess!

Graduate Teaching Award – This award is made annually to a graduate student in civil or environmental engineering to recognize excellence in laboratory instruction. This award is voted upon by the CEE undergraduate students.

Two Michigan Tech student teams at the EPA’s National Sustainable Design Expo

Billions of people worldwide burn animal dung, crop residues, wood and charcoal to cook their meals. And the chemicals produced and inhaled sicken or kill millions. At particular risk are women who prepare their families’ food and children 5-years-old or younger.

Up to now, most interventions have focused on improving the cookstove to lower emissions. And that would be fine, if there were enough improved cookstoves to go around. But there aren’t. In 2012, only 2.5 million improved cookstoves were distributed, improving the household air pollution situation for exactly one-half of 1 percent of the world’s biomass burners.

Two from Tech Among Top 25 Education Professors in Michigan

Joan Chadde, coordinator of education programs for the Center for Science and Environmental Outreach, and Professor Brad Baltensperger, chair of cognitive and learning sciences, have been named among the 25 top education professors in Michigan. The list of top education professors was just released by a nonprofit organization called StateStats, whose mission is to advance education through the use of technology and information tools. StateStats provides education resources online, including lists of professors they have researched and nominated as the best in their profession.


Rail Collaboration: “CN Engineering Challenges”

David Ferryman, Vice President System Engineering for Canadian National Railway visited Michigan Tech on Tuesday, April 2nd, and led a discussion concentrating on “CN Engineering Challenges”. CN is one of the greatest supporters of Michigan Tech’s Rail Transportation Program and Mr. Ferryman visited Michigan Tech to review the facilities and to discuss future collaboration and activities with students and faculty.