Category: News

Chemical Engineering External Advisory Board Poster Session 2023

The poster session took place on the third floor of the ChemSci building on October 20, with prizes for student organization, undergraduate research, and graduate research.

First Place Graduate Research: Hunter Stoddard, Microbial Community Forms Biofilm in Hybrid Chemical-Biological Upcycling Process

Second Place Graduate Research: Grace Dykstra, Low-cost, Stable, and Selective Synthetic biosensors for Lactate Detection

First Place Undergraduate Research: Prajeet Kadam, Quantifying Dielectrophoretic Responses of RAW 264.7 Macrophages: Baseline and LPS Activated Cells

Second Place Undergraduate Research: Morgan Redding, Low-cost, Stable, and Selective Synthetic biosensors for Lactate Detection

First Place Student Organization: Addymae Palecek, The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

Graduate Research

Iman Najafipour by his poster.
Iman Najafipour by his poster.

Poster #1

Optimization of water extraction conditions for removal of yeast inhibitory compounds from switchgrass

Authors: Iman Najafipour, Dr. Rebecca Ong

Abstract: Drought-stressed switchgrass, a potential bioenergy feedstock, often exhibits elevated yeast inhibitor. Effective removal of inhibitory compounds enhances sugar conversion to bioethanol, maximizing energy production, yield, and cost-efficiency. The objective is to optimize Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) for efficient yeast inhibitor extraction, thereby increasing yield while minimizing water consumption. The impact of temperature (A), time (B), and extraction cycles (C) on the extracted mass was investigated using a Box-Behnken model. A, B, C, AB, BC, and CC terms influenced the extraction, aligning well with experimental data. This ongoing project examines how extraction conditions affect yeast inhibition, and fermentation.

Hunter Stoddard by his poster.
Presenter Hunter Stoddard by his poster.

Poster #2: First Place Graduate Research

Microbial Community Forms Biofilm in Hybrid Chemical-Biological Upcycling Process

Authors: Hunter Stoddard, Dr. Rebecca Ong

Abstract: Biofilms can form on process equipment and make harvest of the cell biomass challenging. In this study, a microbial consortium was grown on products from pyrolysis and from depolymerization using ammonium hydroxide. Bioreactor conditions were varied to determine the highest production of biomass and the proportion of biomass as a biofilm. It was determined that the most biomass was produced at 30°C, pH 7, 100 rpm agitation, and 10 sL/h airflow. Reducing temperature and increasing aeration had the largest impact on biofilm formation where the percentage of biomass that was attached as biofilm was 20.8% at 30°C and 27.8% at 10 sL/h airflow.

William Hanson by his poster.
William Hanson by his poster.

Poster #3

Prediction of ex-situ Direct Carbonation of Natural Minerals using Machine Learning Algorithms

Authors: William Hanson, Dr. Lei Pan

Abstract: Mineral carbonation is a carbon fixation method in which the atmospheric CO2 reacts with alkaline oxide/silicate minerals to form carbonate minerals. In this work, mineral carbonation efficiency for the direct carbonation of various natural silicate minerals was investigated. In addition, carbonation efficiency was modeled using machine learning techniques including gradient boost, random forest, artificial neural network, K-nearest neighbor, and self-building neural network. Among models tested, gradient boost had the lowest error while artificial neural networks had the highest error. The present result is to ensure that industrial-scale carbonation operations will be optimally designed.

Idris Tohidian by his poster.
Idris Tohidian by his poster.

Poster #4

Investigating thermal stabilization of porcine parvovirus by sugars and amino acids

Authors: Idris Tohidian, Lynn Manchester, Rohan Chaudhari, Dr. Caryn Heldt

Abstract: Developing thermostable vaccines not only reduces vaccination cost, but also increases their widespread distribution all over the world. To achieve this goal, we focused on unravelling the stabilization ability of four sugars and five amino acids frequently used as additives in biotherapeutic formulations today. Both dry and liquid formulations were explored. The results showed good stabilization effect of sugars in liquid and dry formulations, but the amino acids were able to stabilize porcine parvovirus only in the dry state.

Grace Dykstra by her poster.
Presenter Grace Dykstra by her poster.

Poster #5: Second Place Graduate Research

Low-cost, Stable, and Selective Synthetic biosensors for Lactate Detection

Authors: Grace Dykstra, Dr. Yixin Liu

Abstract: High lactate levels can be a sign of lactic acidosis and is attributed to sepsis and septic shock, cardiac arrest, lung disease, and trauma within the body. Electropolymerized Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (eMIPs) can be used to develop biosensors with a molecularly imprinted cavity as their recognition element, with major advantages of low-cost, quick fabrication, inherent selectivity, and stability. We can further enhance eMIPs with Prussian blue (PB) nanoparticles deposited on the electrode surface as a redox-active species to create label-free biosensors for lactate detection with a one-step detection.

Undergraduate Research

Morgan Redding by her poster.
Presenter Morgan Redding by her poster.

Poster #6: Second Place Undergraduate Research

Scaling Down High-Solids Enzymatic Hydrolysis to Increase Sample Throughput

Authors: Morgan Redding, Mikayla Marshalek, Andrea Senyk, Dr. Rebecca Ong

Abstract: One approach toward biofuel production requires lignocellulosic biomass to undergo high-solids enzymatic hydrolysis to convert cell wall carbohydrates into fermentable sugars. However, our current process suffers from bottlenecks in sample throughput, limiting the types of experiments we can perform. To overcome bottlenecks in solids separation, enzymatic hydrolysis will be scaled down from 32 mL hydrolysate volume to ~4–10 mL volume to allow for higher speed processing in microcentrifuge and avoid time consuming vacuum filtration. The new enzymatic hydrolysis procedure will be coupled with a revised pretreatment and microplate fermentation to enable higher throughput processing and analysis of diverse lignocellulosic feedstocks.

Prajeet Kadam by his poster.
Presenter Prajeet Kadam by his poster.

Poster #7: First Place Undergraduate Research

Quantifying Dielectrophoretic Responses of RAW 264.7 Macrophages: Baseline and LPS Activated Cells

Authors: Prajeet Kadam, Juan Cruz-Moreno, Holly Flores, Nick Peterson, Roger Guillory, Zainab Alshoug, Dr. Adrienne R. Minerick

Abstract: Macrophages are critical effector immune cells that eliminate diseased or damaged cells based on their nascent or activation state (induced via lipopolysaccharide, LPS). Dielectrophoretic (DEP) tools induce cellular charges that probe RAW 264.7 macrophages in baseline and LPS-stimulated states by observing changes in cell morphology and quantifying DEP spectra. This provides insights into cell membrane capacitance, conductivity, and polarizability. A custom-designed microfluidic device precisely controls and monitors the cell during DEP experiments, revealing altered cell morphology, stronger DEP responses at higher voltages, and distinctive responses in LPS-activated macrophages at lower frequencies.

Student Organization

AIChE poster.
AIChE poster.

Poster #8: First Place Student Organization, Presenter Addymae Palecek

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

Authors: Addymae Palecek, Alicia Hinman, Jeffrey Kennedy, Devin Spencer, Brandon Mitchell-Kiss, Jacqui Foreman, Allison Swanson, Danya Salame, Spencer Kaastra, Dr. Jeana Collins

Abstract: The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) develops the engineering students at MTU personally and professionally by offering them the opportunity to meet with industry representatives. This connection allows our members to learn about what they do in their role with the company, what their company does, and grow an authentic friendship. AIChE promotes the sharing of knowledge pertaining to the field of chemical engineering and sustainability. This organization has been involved actively in the community, participating in Make a Difference Day and more. AIChE is a Chem-E-Car sponsor; this is a competition where students design a chemical reaction-driven car and compete with other schools at both regional and national levels.

Kobina Akyea Ofori Represents Michigan Tech for the MINER BOOST Research Program

Ph.D. student Kobina Akyea Ofori (chemical engineering) is currently representing Michigan Tech and the Department of Chemical Engineering during a four-day intense training session in Baltimore, Maryland, as part of the MINER BOOST research program and featuring tons of information and socialization opportunities.

MINER BOOST (Mining Innovations for Negative Emissions Resources – Business Orientation and Origination of Spinouts Training) is organized by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), specifically ARPA-E (the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy), under Douglas Wicks, the program director for waste-to-energy projects.

The program caters to graduate students, stakeholders and investors, and aims to address the absence of a vibrant mining and mineral processing start-up community. It seeks to:

  1. Create a community of mining and mineral processing innovators by bringing together students and postdocs from academic groups within the MINER program.
  2. Teach participants practical skills related to pitching, networking and company building.
  3. Develop case studies evaluating the commercial potential of current projects students and postdocs are working on within the MINER program.

Ofori expressed his enthusiasm about the journey thus far, stating, “The experience has been incredibly exciting!”

My Story: Katherine Baker, MTUengineer

Katherine Baker ‘26, chemical engineering

Katherine holds a helmet and stands in front of the Billerud company entrance sign.
Katherine Baker ‘26, chemical engineering

I’m originally from Austin, Texas and grew up in that area, then eventually moved up to McAlester, Oklahoma. I decided on Michigan Tech because of its strong engineering program. I also wanted to experience living in a new area and see some snow, which I’ve definitely been able to do. I started out in the general engineering program and settled on chemical engineering towards the end of my first year because I enjoy math and chemistry and really like learning how different processes work.

“My time at Tech has shaped my life in incredible ways.”

Katherine Baker

I attended the fall career fair last month and had a great experience, both personally and professionally. I learned about companies I am interested in and connected with recruiters, and many are Tech alumni. I ended up accepting a hybrid co-op offer from Kimberly-Clark. I’ll work onsite at their facility in Neenah, Wisconsin over the summer, then part-time remotely from campus next year.

In August I completed an eight-month co-op with Billerud at their paper mill in nearby Iron Mountain, Michigan. Most of my projects revolved around chemical savings and energy optimization. I worked in a process engineering role on their pulp mill team, and was able to learn from both engineers and operators. I learned a ton about trial planning, technical communication, and the paper industry.

Huskies Pep band members holding flutes and wearing funny hats
Katherine plays flute in the Huskies Pep Band, with a Shrek hat.

I have a few other jobs on campus. I work as an RA in the dorms at Michigan Tech. I also work as a peer mentor in the Department of Chemical Engineering. Both roles give me opportunities to connect with new students and help them navigate their first few years at Tech, which is really fulfilling for me. I also serve as the treasurer of the Chemical Engineering Student Advisory Board, and flute section leader in the Huskies Pep Band.

I’m an active member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). It’s given me so many opportunities to connect with other women on campus and figure out my career path. I recently completed the SWE 2022-2023 Collegiate Leadership Institute, a professional development program. I attended seminars put on by successful women in industry, met with a professional mentor, and grew in my leadership skills.

Lauren stands at the shore of Lake Superior at night with Northern Lights in the background.
Katherine came to Michigan Tech all the way from Austin, Texas. She wanted to see some snow, and also got to see the Northern Lights!

This month I will be attending the national SWE conference, WE23, in Los Angeles with other members of the Michigan Tech SWE section. I’m super excited for all the opportunities at WE23—to hear from more women in engineering and broaden my professional network.

My time at Tech has shaped my life in incredible ways. I’m so grateful for the strong, tight-knit community up here and feel super supported in my goals by both faculty and other students. As an RA and peer mentor, I try to give back to the community by supporting incoming students, just like I was supported my first few years. Being in the engineering program has given me so many opportunities to grow professionally.

After college, I plan to work as a process engineer, hopefully at a plant where I can really get hands-on with my projects. I’m not yet sure which industry I want to be in long-term, but I’ve learned about so many different ones through my co-op and networking with company recruiters. I’m excited to continue learning and choose one that turns out to be the best fit for me.

“Be confident in yourself and learn as much as you can.”

Advice to incoming students, from Lauren Spahn

My advice to incoming students? Chemical engineering classes can be challenging and there might be points when you think you’re not cut out for it and should choose an easier major (I know I’ve had those moments). Be confident in yourself and learn as much as you can. Keep your head up and try to develop a support system early on with fellow students.

Director Caryn Heldt Gives Us a Peek at the H-STEM

Caryn Heldt (ChE/HRI) was quoted in a WZMQ 19 News story featuring a sneak peek at the new H-STEM Engineering and Health Technologies Complex, which is scheduled for partial opening in the spring 2024 semester.

“Not only can the students see what’s going on but they can kind of get more involved cause they see it. The other really exciting part from a faculty point of view is to have a place where research is being done from a subject basis.”

Director of MTU’s Health Research Insitute Caryn Heldt.

Read more and watch the video at WZMQ 19 News, by Mitchell Rife.


Gilchrist’s U.P. visit spotlights innovation

Natalie Nold Makes an Appearance in the Heldt Lab

Natalie Nold in the Heldt Bioseparations Lab.
Natalie Nold in the Heldt Bioseparations Lab.

Caryn Heldt (ChE/HRI) was quoted and Ph.D. student Natalie Nold (chemical engineering) was pictured by Chemical & Engineering News Magazine in a photo essay featuring images of the laboratories where C&EN readers work and what makes those spaces special to them.

A version of the essay appeared in Volume 101, Issue 32 of the magazine.

Read more and view the gallery in “Scenes from Where Chemists Work” in Chemical & Engineering News Magazine.

Alberto Mejía: New Faculty Spotlight

Portrait photo of Alberto Mejia
Bienvenido, Dr. Alberto Mejía!

Luis Alberto Mejía Manzano comes to Michigan Tech from Monterrey, Mexico, where he earned his MS and PhD in Biotechnology at the Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM). He earned his undergraduate degree in Biotechnology Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Pachuca. Welcome, Dr. Mejía!

What drew you to Michigan Tech?

I am here at Michigan Tech for a research stay in bioprocessing and virus purification. I will also be contributing my own expertise in the field.

What is your primary area of research and what led you to it?

I am focused on the design of green bioprocessing for the recovery of high value biomolecules and bioparticles.

Can you share a little more about your research and what you like about it?

I have worked in the purification of PEG-modified proteins/enzymes (PEGylated). They are used as biopharmaceuticals in the treatment of several diseases. They’re also of interest in the recovery and purification of anticancer, low-molecular weight compounds such as flavonoids. The purpose is to design more adequate, efficient and sustainable bioprocesses.

What do you consider an important long-term goal for your research?

I want to generate new knowledge and new practical applications of our research. These offer solutions to current and future human needs in food safety, as well as health care and treatment.

“Realize your dreams, contribute in your profession to humanity in a positive way.”

Advice for incoming students from Dr. Alberto Mejía, Chemical Engineering Adjunct Assistant Professor and Research Assistant Professor

What do you hope to accomplish, as an educator and as a researcher, over the next few years?

One goal is to discover a novel bioprocess for obtaining these bioproducts, all the while teaching through my experience in research. I hope to inspire a new generation of professionals.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to spend time with my family, friends, reading thriller/science fiction novels and hiking.

What’s your favorite book, movie, or piece of art?

In general, I like suspense books and movies.

Dr. Mejía, Michigan Tech’s Mont Ripley is a great place to hike and enjoy the fall colors!

Any favorite sports on campus, in Houghton, or in the UP?

Hiking is also considered for me a sport.

Any advice for incoming students?

Realize your dreams, contribute in your profession to humanity in a positive way. Be sure to enjoy the diverse options you have available right here on the MTU campus.

Tyson Kauppinen: New Staff Spotlight

Tyson Kauppinen

In his role as Laboratory Technician, Tyson Kauppinen assists with construction, installation and repair of lab equipment. This is no small feat, considering the number and size of labs in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Michigan Tech.

Kauppinen comes to Michigan Tech from Carey Design Build in Iron Mountain. He earned an Associate’s degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Gogebic Community College.

What drew you to Michigan Tech?

I grew up in Calumet, Michigan. Being local to the area, of course I love the beautiful views the Upper Peninsula has to offer. But mainly I came to Michigan Tech in order to be able to put everything I’ve learned at school together with my work experience, in order to help others with their various projects and research.

“Be involved in something.”

Tyson Kauppinen’s advice for incoming students.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to spend time outdoors, as well as doing some woodworking, making furniture.

What’s your favorite book, movie, or piece of art?

My favorite movie is Miracle.

Houghton, Michigan is the birthplace of professional hockey.

Any favorite spots on campus, in Houghton, or in the UP?

My favorite sport is hockey. It’s a great sport to be interested in when you get to work and live in the city where professional hockey was born.

Any advice for incoming students?

Be involved in something. That is my piece of advice. To be involved with a group or organization builds connections and friendships, and makes coming to school/work every day much more enjoyable.

Kaiwu Huang: New Faculty Spotlight

Kaiwu Huang, Research Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering

Kaiwu Huang comes to Michigan Tech from Virginia Tech, where he worked as a research associate in the Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering. He earned his BS in Mining and Minerals Engineering at China University of Mining and Technology in Beijing, and his MS and PhD in Mining and Minerals Engineering at Virginia Tech. Welcome, Dr. Huang!

What drew you to Michigan Tech?

First, my background and training in mineral processing drew me here—they’re a great fit for my current position. Second, the Department of Chemical Engineering has a strong program in mineral processing, especially in battery recycling, fine particle processing, and CO2 capture. The faculty members who interviewed me were very energetic and passionate about their work in this area. As a passionate person myself, I knew I would enjoy working with a group of passionate colleagues. Finally, I like snow sports. I’m looking forward to winter in Houghton already!

What is your primary area of research and what led you to it?

My primary area of research is mineral processing. I was a big fan of minerals and rocks as a child. The shapes and colors of these minerals built by Mother Nature are wonderful. More importantly, mineral processing is closely related to our daily life. Almost all raw materials we use today come from different minerals. Using these minerals in an efficient way is extremely important for the environment and sustainability.

More specifically, my research interests include mineral flotation, solid/liquid separation (dewatering), carbon ore beneficiation, rare earth extraction, and copper concentration. With my mineral processing research I seek to help the mining industry increase sustainability, increase profit, and reduce environmental impact.

Dr. Huang attended ACS Spring 2023: Crossroads of Chemistry, last March in Indianapolis.

What do you consider an important long-term goal for your research?

I want to contribute ways to efficiently use natural mineral resources and improve sustainability. I would also like to dedicate myself to developing the domestic supply chain of critical minerals.

What do you hope to accomplish, as an educator and as a researcher, over the next few years?

My goals are to publish high-quality papers in top-ranked journals, give presentations in national and international conferences, like SME and ACS annual conferences, and write winning proposals to different funding agencies and companies.

“Stay hungry, stay foolish.”

Dr. Kaiwu Huang’s advice for advice for incoming students at Michigan Tech? His favorite quote from Steve Jobs.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Fishing and skiing

What’s your favorite book, movie, or piece of art?


Any favorite spots on campus, in Houghton, or in the UP?

Bridgeview Park

Lift Bridge and green trees across Portage Waterway
Dr. Huang’s favorite spot, Bridgeview Park, runs along the waterfront in downtown Houghton.

Scholarships for Success: Husky Pathways for Academic Wellness and Success

Adrienne Minerick (ChE) is the PI on a project that has received a $2,500,000 research and development grant from the National Science Foundation.

The project is titled “S-STEM: Scholarships for Success: Husky PAWS (Pathways for Academic Wellness and Success).”

Richelle Winkler (SS), Briana Bettin (CS) and Michelle Jarvie-Eggart (EF) are co-PIs on this potential six-year project.


This project will contribute to the national need for well-educated scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and technicians by supporting the retention and graduation of high-achieving, low-income students with demonstrated financial need at Michigan Technological University.

Michigan Tech is a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math-focused high-research activity institution with approximately 7000 students, located in the rural upper peninsula of Michigan.

Over its six-year duration, this project will:

  • award four-year scholarships to first-year students
  • award additional finishing scholarships to fourth-year students pursuing an accelerated master’s degree
  • include a summer bridge opportunity
  • create a first-year experience designed to develop self-awareness
  • provide continual career counseling
  • establish alumni mentor connections
  • encourage immersive study abroad
  • provide opportunities for undergraduate research.

Scholarships are targeted to full-time students pursuing bachelor’s degrees and accelerated master’s degrees in applied physics, engineering and computer science.

The overall goal of this project is to increase STEM degree completion of low-income, high-achieving undergraduates with demonstrated financial need.

Read more at the National Science Foundation.

Lei Pan on Battery Minerals and Net-Zero Carbon

Lei Pan in his lab.
Lei Pan

Lei Pan (ChE) was mentioned by Gear Technology in a story about U.S. efforts to develop a  domestic supply chain capacity for electric vehicle (EV) batteries, the manufacturing of which is heavily reliant on critical minerals. Pan is the principal investigator of a $2.5 million research project on carbon storage and extraction of critical minerals from mine tailings at MTU. The research and funding award were the subject of a Michigan Tech News story in January.

The DOE awarded grants to develop rapid carbon mineralization and critical mineral extraction technology to 16 projects nationwide, totaling $39 million. Michigan Tech’s project is the only one in the state of Michigan to receive funding from Mining Innovations for Negative Emissions Resource Recovery (MINER).

Michigan Tech’s project is titled “Energy Reduction and Improved Critical Mineral Recovery from Low-Grade Disseminated Sulfide Deposits and Mine Tailings.” According to principal project investigator Lei Pan, it seeks to permanently and cleanly mineralize and store carbon dioxide. This process should potentially enable the mining industry in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and Minnesota to achieve net carbon zero while extracting critical minerals from low-grade ores.

This focus on battery minerals has led GM, Ford and Stellantis to partner with a variety of suppliers to support battery production in North America.

Read more at Gear Technology, by Matthew Jaster.

North of 60 Mining News mentioned Michigan Tech’s $2.5 million U.S. Department of Energy ARPA-E MINER award for research on carbon storage and extraction of critical minerals from mine tailings. Lei Pan (ChE) is the project’s principal investigator (PI), and David Shonnard and Tim Eisele (both ChE) are co-PIs. The award was covered by Michigan Tech News in January.


Michigan Tech Awarded $2.5 Million to Unlock Net-Zero Emission Mineral Extraction Technologies in Mining Industries