17th Annual P3 Awards: People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) Student Design Competition Request for Applications (RFA) Now Open

P3 RFA Banner

17th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet

URL: https://www.epa.gov/research-grants/17th-annual-p3-awards-national-student-deisgn-competition-focusing-people-prosperity

Open Date: October 1, 2019 Close Date: November 19, 2019

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the release of the 17th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) Phase I Request for Applications (RFA). This collegiate design competition promotes the use of scientific and engineering principles in creating innovative projects to address environmental challenges and develop real-world solutions. This RFA is seeking applications in the research areas of Air Quality, Safe and Sustainable Water Resources, Sustainable and Healthy Communities, and Chemical Safety.

P3 Program:

The P3 program is a two-phase team competition. For the first phase, interdisciplinary student teams compete for one-year grants of up to $25,000 for project ideas addressing environmental solutions.  Recipients use the funding to research and develop their design projects during the academic year. In the spring, Phase I Teams attend the National Student Design Expo to showcase their projects and designs.  Phase I teams are eligible to compete for Phase II funding of up to $100,000 to implement their projects in a real-world setting.

P3 was developed to foster progress by achieving the mutual goals of improved quality of life, economic prosperity, and protection of the planet – people, prosperity and the planet. EPA’s P3 Program offers technical solutions to environmental challenges while supporting education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). These grants propel the next generation of scientists, engineers, and researchers to think critically about current events and develop innovative solutions.

For general information on how to apply, visit https://www.epa.gov/P3/how-apply-p3-grant.

The P3 Student Design Competition is part of EPA’s Sustainable and Healthy Communities (SHC) Research Program, which supports the development of science and tools to help communities make better decisions toward a healthy society and environment.

Google Cloud Hero – Saturday October 12th

Google’s Cloud Hero is coming to MTU’s College of Computing!
Join us for this fun learning experience! Get familiar with key Google
Cloud Platform solutions and gain cloud skills through a hands-on,
competitive lab experience.
When: Sat, Oct 12, 2019 from 12:00 -3:00 pm
Where: Wadsworth Hall, The Annex Room G11W
It’s Game Time!

Rail Road Night – October 2nd

Railroad Night 2019 is this Wednesday, Oct 2.  Railroad night features a meet the industry session at 5 PM, social period from 6-7, and dinner with industry at 7 PM along with a keynote presentation.

It’s free to all students but you must register no later than tomorrow.  If your interested, please signup on the following link:  https://forms.gle/tGL3gHBELyDh6ZZ57

Please see attached flyer for more information.

RR Night Poster QR 11×17

Criminal Minerals – Friday, October 4th

John A. Jaszczak, will present the Laws of Crystallography and take a closer look at investigating minerals that break the law.

Johan A. Jaszczak is interim chair of the Department of Chemistry and professor of physics at Michigan Technological University where he specializes in nanotechnology education and computer modeling of materials properties.

When: Friday, October 4th at 3:00pm

Where: Chem-Sci Room 101



Study Abroad Information Sessions

Students if your interested in enriching your education and expanding your possibilities, consider study abroad opportunities.  Please join us for either information session:

When: Wednesday, October 2nd from 5pm-6pm
Where: Fisher 101
When: Monday, October 28th from 5pm-6pm
Where: Library East Reading Room
Free Pizza
If you have any questions please contact Carl Blair: cblair@mtu.edu

Creativity and Innovation Lecture – October 2nd

Dr. Edmunch Schweitzer Ph.D, President, Chairman of the Board and Chief Technology officer of Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories will provide a presentation about creativity and innovation.  It’s a great opportunity to hear the career path of a very accomplished inventor and entrepreneur.
When: October 2nd at 4:15pm
Where: EERC, Room 103
Please see attached flyer for more information

Diverse Dialogue Series – Begins September 30th

The Diverse Dialogues series provides opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to have conversations about relevant issues of equity, diversity, inclusion, social justice, and much more. The conversations are designed to be an informal, yet guided gathering to allow participants to educate and learn from one another. While each dialogue in the series has a centralized theme, we want to encourage participants to determine where the conversations go.
This series is meant to start the discussion on difficult topics, elevate the diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts and work being done by our community, and implore individuals to push their awareness, knowledge, and action related to themes of diversity and inclusion.
Please join us and engage in meaningful campus dialogue around topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion.  If you’re part of the dialogue, you’re part of the solution.
Light refreshments will be provided
The first series begins on Monday, September 30th from 4:05-5:30pm.  Located in the MUB Ballroom A1
Colonization is a System, not a Color:
More on Unlearning to Relearn presented by Dr. Valoree Gagnon, Dr. Kari Henquinet, Amy L. Howard, and CDI

Programming Competitions – September 26th

Learn what are programming competitions? Why you may want to participate? Are you eligible to participate?  For most undergraduates – YES!  When and how can you participate? What resources are available for practice?
When: Thursday, September 26 from 5-6pm
Where: Rekhi 214
Upcoming Events:
  1. ICPC North American Qualifying (NAQ) Event – Sat. 10/5
    online practice competition
  2. ICPC North Central North America (NCNA) Regionals – Sat. 11/9
    Hosted here at Michigan Tech!
    Top performers in the region advance to the World Finals (MTU last sent a team to Worlds in 2014, consisting of two CS + one math major).
  3. NMU Regional Programming Competition – Spring 2020

If you have questions or can’t make the information session, please send Prof. Laura Brown, lebrown@mtu.edu, an email.