MTU Hosts International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)

Saturday Oct. 28th Michigan Tech hosted a site of the North Central North American (NCNA) region of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC).  Locally, 11 teams competed, 7 from Michigan Tech and 4 from NMU.  Across the region there were 207 teams competing.  The top team in the region from South Dakota School of Mines solved 8 of the 10 problems in the five hour competition.  The following were the top three teams from Michigan Tech all solving 4 problems (full standings are available at: :
  • MTU White, region rank 12
    Anthony Marcich, 4th year Math major
    Nick Olinger, 3rd year Math major
    Jay Honnold, 4th year CS major
  • MTU Red, region rank 13
    Justin Evankovich, 4th year EE major
    Nicolas Muggio, 4th year Software Engineering major
    Antony Duda, 4th year CE major
  • MTU Purple, region rank 16
    Michael Lay, 3rd year Software Engineering major
    Marcus Stojcevich, 3rd year CS major
    Parker Russcher, 3rd year CS major

Two other teams, MTU Orange – Evan de Jesus, Paul Wrubel, Dylan Gaines and MTU – Black – Isaac Smith, Austin Walhof, Ryan Philipps, finished in the top 50 teams of the region.

Congratulations to all participants in this year’s event.
~Laura Brown, Associate Professor, Computer Science