Congratulations Soner!
Dr. Soner Onder received one of seven awards from an NSF/Intel Partnership program titled: Foundational Micro-architecture Research (FoMR): Dependent ILP: Dynamic Hoisting and Eager Scheduling of Dependent Instructions.

This is a collaborative proposal with Florida State University, with a total project value of $439,868 where Michigan Tech is the lead institution. This project aims to increase instruction-level parallelism (ILP). ILP in computing allows different machine-level instructions within an application to execute in parallel within a micro-processor. Exploitation of ILP has provided significant performance benefits in computing, but there has been little improvement in ILP in recent years. This project proposes a new approach called “eager execution” that could significantly increase ILP. The success of many applications depends on how efficiently they can be executed. The proposed eager execution technique will benefit applications that span those running on mobile devices to large data applications running on the ever-growing number of data centers. Enabling better systems at all scales will further enable the ubiquitous computing that continues to pervade lives.