Husky Innovate to host the workshop, Promote Your Innovation with Social Media on Jan. 15.
Billions of dollars have been raised worldwide through crowdfunding. Consequently crowdfunding has gained popularity as an alternative way to finance innovations and entrepreneurial efforts. Typically we think of crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo and Rockethub. But did you know that Michigan Tech hosts its own crowdfunding platform called Superior Ideas to recruit funding for projects at the University?
Each year, in partnership with Husky Innovate, Superior Ideas hosts the Rekhi Innovation Challenge, a crowdfunding competition in which the winner receives awards including a match of up to $1,000 of funds raised on the platform.
This year’s project submission deadline is midnight Jan. 22. Email Natasha Chopp, to apply. Those who are interested in getting prepped for the Rekhi Innovation challenge and other crowdfunding opportunities should not miss this workshop on Jan. 15. Register here.