The Michigan Tech Provost has issued guidance that due to MTU’s new COVID-19 policy, all university learning centers must remain closed to physical sessions.
The College of Computing Learning Center will be available online and staffed by undergraduate coaches according to the Spring 2020 schedule (https://www.mtu.edu/computing/labs-facilities/cclc/).
We will maintain our online presence in two ways:
1. Zoom. We will use the following Zoom meeting as a landing point for students seeking help from Learning Center coaches: https://michigantech.zoom.us/j/654452233. In this space, coaches will assess a student’s needs and either provide quick pointers or invite the student(s) into a Zoom meeting room for more targeted tutoring.
2. Canvas. We are setting up a special Canvas page where we can share information with students. We plan on posting short tutorials and quizzes to help students review topics required for their courses. If you have information you would like posted on our Canvas page, please send it to myself or Bonnie Henderson (bhenders@mtu.edu).
Students can self-enroll in the CCLC Canvas page here: https://mtu.instructure.com/enroll/KWFTJ9
After that, link directly to the CCLC Canvas page here: https://mtu.instructure.com/courses/1265465
The CCLC coaches are looking forward to helping the campus community in new ways during this challenging time. Please be patient as we get things up and running.
Please direct questions to Leo Ureel (ureel@mtu.edu) or Bonnie Henderson (bhenders@mtu.edu).