Computer Engineering Ph.D. Candidate Ranit Karmakar Shares Journey with Husky Innovate

Michigan Tech Computer Engineering Ph.D. candidate Ranit Karmakar shared his innovation journey at a Husky Innovate virtual lunchtime talk on October 2, 2020.

Through his research, Ranit developed robust algorithms to analyze corneal images. This work led him to discover an opportunity for a new venture within the eye care industry. Ranit explored and developed his concept through a variety of opportunities including: Husky Innovate workshops, Houghton business incubator, the MTEC SmartZone, the Superior Ideas platform and the NSF sponsored Michigan Tech I-Corps Site program.

In his talk, Ranit shared how feedback and research through customer discovery led to new insights and unexpected pivots, informing decisions about his value proposition and customer segments.

Ranit pitched his idea at the Bob Mark Business Model Competition, the New Venture Competition, and TC NewTech, winning top prizes at all venues.