Spend 1010 with Dean Dennis Livesay, Feb. 17, 5:30 pm

You are invited to spend one-zero-one-zero—that is, ten—minutes with Dr. Dennis Livesay on Wednesday, February 17, from 5:30 to 5:40 p.m. EST.

Dr. Livesay is the Dave House Dean of Computing and a professor in the Department of Applied Computing.

In this informal discussion, Dean Livesay will talk about his journey from chemist to engineer to informatician, with computing being the common thread.

He will also answer any questions you might have about the College of Computing at Michigan Tech.

We look forward to spending 1010 minutes with you!

Visit the 1010 with … webpage here.

Did you miss the January 20 “1010 with Tim Havens?” Watch the video below.