Dr. Dennis Livesay, the Dave House Dean of Computing, was interviewed for the TV6-WLUC story, “MTU announces 2021 enrollment trends,” broadcast September 3, 2021. The College of Computing was also credited with leading the University’s fall enrollment growth.

The full text of the TV6 story appears below. Link to the original story ad video clip.
HOUGHTON, Mich. (WLUC) – As MTU students complete their first week of class, the administration now has concrete data for this year’s enrollment trends.
“We’re looking at the biggest incoming freshman class of undergraduates since 1982,” said MTU Provost Jackie Huntoon.
The incoming freshman class has high numbers of women as well as large numbers of first-year students coming from ethnically diverse communities.
“A 23% increase in first-year students, so a significant increase from last year,” said MTU Assistant V.P. of Enrollment, Kyle Rubin. “It’s one of our more diverse classes as well, so there’s a lot of good data coming out of this class.”
A good chunk of MTU’s growth can be attributed to some leading programs in the college of computing. Which, was only introduced in 2019.
“Every company is becoming a computing company, every industry is a computing industry,” said MTU College of Computing Dean Dennis Livesay.
“The creation of the college was to make sure that we continue to support the industry of the state. To support that and produce that pipeline of talent,” added Livesay.
Additionally, more students who begin their undergraduate studies at MTU appear to be sticking around for higher levels of education.
“We’re also looking at over a 40% increase in the number of master students and the number of Ph.D. students here at Michigan Tech,” said Huntoon. She adds the university will need to hire more staff to keep up with the increase in students.
However, Huntoon says the university has already begun that process.