Xiaoyong (Brian) Yuan, Applied Computing (AC) and Computer Science (CS), has received the 2022 ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award in Mathematics/Computer Sciences.
Awarded by the Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Council of Sponsoring Institutions, Yuan was selected from 155 applications at 87 ORAU member institutions. The award represents public recognition by academic peers of the quality and promise of Yuan’s research.
Yuan will receive a grant of $5,000 from ORAU and a matching award from Michigan Tech. This award funds can be used for expenses relevant to Yuan’s research. The period of the one-year grant is June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023.
Yuan’s areas of research include machine learning, security and privacy, and cloud computing. He is a member of the Institute of Computing and Cybersystem’s (ICC) centers for Cybersecurity (CyberS) and Data Science (DataS).
Application reviews were conducted by scholars with expertise in the discipline of the application. Each application received three independent reviews.
Reviewers evaluated the proposals for: scientific/technical merit, proposed method/approach, applicant’s research performance competence/adequacy of facilities/resources to conduct the proposed research, the likelihood research will lead to fundable research and/or publishable work, and the overall quality of application.