Faculty members Lan (Emily) Zhang, ECE, and Jun Dai, CoB, will present a lecture on Friday, September 30, 2022, from 3-4 p.m. in ME-EM 403, and via virtual meeting. Please note the change of location from Rekhi 214. The lecture is part of the new faculty lecture series presented by the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems and the College of Computing.
Join the virtual meeting here.
Lan Zhang is an assistant professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department and an affiliated assistant professor for the Computer Science (CS) department. She is a member of the ICC’s Center for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Her research interests span the fields of distributed machine learning, wireless communications, and cybersecurity in various CPS/IoT applications. She is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies and she has served as the technical program committee member and reviewer of several leading journals/conferences. She has spoken at several flagship celebrations or conferences, such as IEEE Global Communications Conference, Grace Hopper Celebration, IEEE International Conference on Communications. Visit Zhang’s faculty website here.

Jun Dai is an assistant professor of accounting in the College of Business (CoB). She is a member of the ICC’s Computing Education Center (CompEd). Her research interests lie in applying new technologies such as blockchain, industry 4.0, and data analytics in the auditing profession. Her teaching interests include accounting systems, accounting analytical methods, and business database management. Dai serves as an associated editor of the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, and she has published in prestigious academic journals and professional journals.