HIDE Enterprise Student Spotlight: Dee Paulson

HIDE Enterprise Student Spotlight: Dee Paulson

Dee is a fourth-year dual-majoring in Software Engineering and Cybersecurity with a concentration in Software Security. She graduates in December 2023, and is most excited to put her internship experience to use in a full-time position. She is currently interning at Creative Mines as a full-stack Software Developer and has previously interned with Ally Financial. She returns for another internship with Ally this summer. 

“My experience with the HIDE enterprise in particular has been eye-opening, especially when it comes to having confidence in my abilities both as a programmer and as a leader. To be honest, when I first was offered the management position I didn’t feel as though I was qualified enough to take it on. I quickly realized that was the imposter syndrome talking, though, and I’m so glad I decided to say yes to that opportunity. My previous two semesters in HIDE and my current internship have both taught me to trust my ability to solve problems and use my education to program great solutions. This semester of HIDE has strengthened those abilities and taught me so many leadership skills. Communication, delegation, and decision-making are all skills that have been tested and built because of my new position. I have one more semester of HIDE before I graduate, and I can’t wait to see what it brings!” said Dee. 

Dee is the team lead for the CS Scheduling App Project team in the Humane Interface Design Enterprise. The project is on its second semester of work and she has just taken on the team lead position this semester. They are working on creating a React-based scheduling app for Michigan Tech’s Computer Science department to replace the old Excel spreadsheets department staff are currently using to schedule each new semester. The team hopes to eliminate scheduling errors and increase the staff’s access to data and their overall efficiency. 

Source: Facebook